The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr
May 2, 2019 ~ By David Harsanyi
The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into the fray. With bated breath, we learned Special Counsel Robert Mueller had sent the attorney general a sternly worded letter grousing that Barr’s four-page March 24 explanation of the core conclusions of the Mueller report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller’s “work and conclusions.”
The customary histrionics followed. Posturing Democrats on the judicial committee gave long soliloquies on Barr’s treacherous behavior. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D–HI) accused the attorney general of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and many others demanded his resignation. The usual suspects called for impeachment.... Barr had apparently masterminded the most inept cover-up in history, first by accurately laying out the outcome of the special counsel’s investigation. Then, after some light redactions (none instigated by the president), by releasing the report to the public so everyone in the entire world could read it for themselves.
Well, under oath, the attorney general confirmed that he had spoken to Mueller on the phone and that the special counsel had been “very clear” that the AG’s letter laying out the conclusions was not inaccurate. There’s been no evidence to contradict his claim.... By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than Resistance fan fiction.
Yet Barr, who dropped some interesting tidbits in yesterday’s hearings, seems willing to investigate the impetus of the Russia “collusion” investigation, the role of the infamous dossier, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used by the previous administration for “spying.” Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy, it seems reasonable for the American people to have an understanding of how the Obama administration rationalized spying on its political rivals during a presidential election.... Perhaps it will be vindicated, or perhaps someone will find evidence of abuse of power. Either way, in a healthy media environment, such a story would launch a massive investigatory effort. Today, it seems, the political media would rather engage in a concerted effort with Democrats to preemptively smear Barr.

Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy by the Mueller Investigation, the American people need to be told how the Obama administration rationalized illegal spying on political rivals during a presidential election. A.G. Barr has said he will investigate criminal activity by the Obama administration. The former administration sycophants and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have painted themselves into a corner and now are caught in a no win situation having no choice but to go after Barr. Hope he has a very effective security detail.
Just like they are with Trump, the democrats in DC are in hyper attack mode to remove Barr because many of them may well end up in prison if they fail.
A.G. Barr told the truth, and the PMS/DSA can't accept the truth.
Not one Democrat for all their baying has attempted to view the Mueller Report.
Remember, Mueller:
1) was given unlimited time and resources to carry out an investigation of virtually unlimited scope
2) found no evidence to support claims of collusion with a foreign government
3) elected not to come to a conclusion on any obstruction of justice - probably because its a remarkable legal gray area whether one can obstruct justice by carrying out lawful powers
4) elected not to participate in the drafting of the summary
5) did not believe the summary to be inaccurate or misleading
Case closed. Go away.
They don't "hate" Barr, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are severely frighten and running scared at what Barr may find out about the origins of the Trump/ Russian collusion fiasco and the spying of American citizens by the former administration. LET THE GAMES BEGIN
They are scared to death of him....because he is an honest patriot...something they are not....
The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr
May 2, 2019 ~ By David Harsanyi
The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into the fray. With bated breath, we learned Special Counsel Robert Mueller had sent the attorney general a sternly worded letter grousing that Barr’s four-page March 24 explanation of the core conclusions of the Mueller report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller’s “work and conclusions.”
The customary histrionics followed. Posturing Democrats on the judicial committee gave long soliloquies on Barr’s treacherous behavior. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D–HI) accused the attorney general of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and many others demanded his resignation. The usual suspects called for impeachment.... Barr had apparently masterminded the most inept cover-up in history, first by accurately laying out the outcome of the special counsel’s investigation. Then, after some light redactions (none instigated by the president), by releasing the report to the public so everyone in the entire world could read it for themselves.
Well, under oath, the attorney general confirmed that he had spoken to Mueller on the phone and that the special counsel had been “very clear” that the AG’s letter laying out the conclusions was not inaccurate. There’s been no evidence to contradict his claim.... By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than Resistance fan fiction.
Yet Barr, who dropped some interesting tidbits in yesterday’s hearings, seems willing to investigate the impetus of the Russia “collusion” investigation, the role of the infamous dossier, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used by the previous administration for “spying.” Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy, it seems reasonable for the American people to have an understanding of how the Obama administration rationalized spying on its political rivals during a presidential election.... Perhaps it will be vindicated, or perhaps someone will find evidence of abuse of power. Either way, in a healthy media environment, such a story would launch a massive investigatory effort. Today, it seems, the political media would rather engage in a concerted effort with Democrats to preemptively smear Barr.

Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy by the Mueller Investigation, the American people need to be told how the Obama administration rationalized illegal spying on political rivals during a presidential election. A.G. Barr has said he will investigate criminal activity by the Obama administration. The former administration sycophants and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have painted themselves into a corner and now are caught in a no win situation having no choice but to go after Barr. Hope he has a very effective security detail.
Just like they are with Trump, the democrats in DC are in hyper attack mode to remove Barr because many of them may well end up in prison if they fail.
A.G. Barr told the truth, and the PMS/DSA can't accept the truth.
Not one Democrat for all their baying has attempted to view the Mueller Report.
Remember, Mueller:
1) was given unlimited time and resources to carry out an investigation of virtually unlimited scope
2) found no evidence to support claims of collusion with a foreign government
3) elected not to come to a conclusion on any obstruction of justice - probably because its a remarkable legal gray area whether one can obstruct justice by carrying out lawful powers
4) elected not to participate in the drafting of the summary
5) did not believe the summary to be inaccurate or misleading
Case closed. Go away.
They don't "hate" Barr, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are severely frighten and running scared at what Barr may find out about the origins of the Trump/ Russian collusion fiasco and the spying of American citizens by the former administration. LET THE GAMES BEGIN

Barr’s summary, according to the newly discovered Mueller letter, was not an accurate account of the work product of the IC’s investigation.

He had the letter when he said that he did not know of any objection from the IC’s office to his summary.
The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr
May 2, 2019 ~ By David Harsanyi
The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into the fray. With bated breath, we learned Special Counsel Robert Mueller had sent the attorney general a sternly worded letter grousing that Barr’s four-page March 24 explanation of the core conclusions of the Mueller report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller’s “work and conclusions.”
The customary histrionics followed. Posturing Democrats on the judicial committee gave long soliloquies on Barr’s treacherous behavior. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D–HI) accused the attorney general of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and many others demanded his resignation. The usual suspects called for impeachment.... Barr had apparently masterminded the most inept cover-up in history, first by accurately laying out the outcome of the special counsel’s investigation. Then, after some light redactions (none instigated by the president), by releasing the report to the public so everyone in the entire world could read it for themselves.
Well, under oath, the attorney general confirmed that he had spoken to Mueller on the phone and that the special counsel had been “very clear” that the AG’s letter laying out the conclusions was not inaccurate. There’s been no evidence to contradict his claim.... By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than Resistance fan fiction.
Yet Barr, who dropped some interesting tidbits in yesterday’s hearings, seems willing to investigate the impetus of the Russia “collusion” investigation, the role of the infamous dossier, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used by the previous administration for “spying.” Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy, it seems reasonable for the American people to have an understanding of how the Obama administration rationalized spying on its political rivals during a presidential election.... Perhaps it will be vindicated, or perhaps someone will find evidence of abuse of power. Either way, in a healthy media environment, such a story would launch a massive investigatory effort. Today, it seems, the political media would rather engage in a concerted effort with Democrats to preemptively smear Barr.

Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy by the Mueller Investigation, the American people need to be told how the Obama administration rationalized illegal spying on political rivals during a presidential election. A.G. Barr has said he will investigate criminal activity by the Obama administration. The former administration sycophants and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have painted themselves into a corner and now are caught in a no win situation having no choice but to go after Barr. Hope he has a very effective security detail.
Just like they are with Trump, the democrats in DC are in hyper attack mode to remove Barr because many of them may well end up in prison if they fail.
A.G. Barr told the truth, and the PMS/DSA can't accept the truth.
Not one Democrat for all their baying has attempted to view the Mueller Report.
Remember, Mueller:
1) was given unlimited time and resources to carry out an investigation of virtually unlimited scope
2) found no evidence to support claims of collusion with a foreign government
3) elected not to come to a conclusion on any obstruction of justice - probably because its a remarkable legal gray area whether one can obstruct justice by carrying out lawful powers
4) elected not to participate in the drafting of the summary
5) did not believe the summary to be inaccurate or misleading
Case closed. Go away.
They don't "hate" Barr, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are severely frighten and running scared at what Barr may find out about the origins of the Trump/ Russian collusion fiasco and the spying of American citizens by the former administration. LET THE GAMES BEGIN

Barr’s summary, according to the newly discovered Mueller letter, was not an accurate account of the work product of the IC’s investigation.

He had the letter when he said that he did not know of any objection from the IC’s office to his summary.
Democrats do not how to deal with an honest man. They have no point of reference to such a thing in their party.
The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr
May 2, 2019 ~ By David Harsanyi
The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into the fray. With bated breath, we learned Special Counsel Robert Mueller had sent the attorney general a sternly worded letter grousing that Barr’s four-page March 24 explanation of the core conclusions of the Mueller report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller’s “work and conclusions.”
The customary histrionics followed. Posturing Democrats on the judicial committee gave long soliloquies on Barr’s treacherous behavior. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D–HI) accused the attorney general of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and many others demanded his resignation. The usual suspects called for impeachment.... Barr had apparently masterminded the most inept cover-up in history, first by accurately laying out the outcome of the special counsel’s investigation. Then, after some light redactions (none instigated by the president), by releasing the report to the public so everyone in the entire world could read it for themselves.
Well, under oath, the attorney general confirmed that he had spoken to Mueller on the phone and that the special counsel had been “very clear” that the AG’s letter laying out the conclusions was not inaccurate. There’s been no evidence to contradict his claim.... By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than Resistance fan fiction.
Yet Barr, who dropped some interesting tidbits in yesterday’s hearings, seems willing to investigate the impetus of the Russia “collusion” investigation, the role of the infamous dossier, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used by the previous administration for “spying.” Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy, it seems reasonable for the American people to have an understanding of how the Obama administration rationalized spying on its political rivals during a presidential election.... Perhaps it will be vindicated, or perhaps someone will find evidence of abuse of power. Either way, in a healthy media environment, such a story would launch a massive investigatory effort. Today, it seems, the political media would rather engage in a concerted effort with Democrats to preemptively smear Barr.

Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy by the Mueller Investigation, the American people need to be told how the Obama administration rationalized illegal spying on political rivals during a presidential election. A.G. Barr has said he will investigate criminal activity by the Obama administration. The former administration sycophants and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have painted themselves into a corner and now are caught in a no win situation having no choice but to go after Barr. Hope he has a very effective security detail.
Just like they are with Trump, the democrats in DC are in hyper attack mode to remove Barr because many of them may well end up in prison if they fail.
A.G. Barr told the truth, and the PMS/DSA can't accept the truth.
Not one Democrat for all their baying has attempted to view the Mueller Report.
Remember, Mueller:
1) was given unlimited time and resources to carry out an investigation of virtually unlimited scope
2) found no evidence to support claims of collusion with a foreign government
3) elected not to come to a conclusion on any obstruction of justice - probably because its a remarkable legal gray area whether one can obstruct justice by carrying out lawful powers
4) elected not to participate in the drafting of the summary
5) did not believe the summary to be inaccurate or misleading
Case closed. Go away.
They don't "hate" Barr, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are severely frighten and running scared at what Barr may find out about the origins of the Trump/ Russian collusion fiasco and the spying of American citizens by the former administration. LET THE GAMES BEGIN

Put simply, the whole Mueller thing has become another dead end for them. Damn Republicans want to start peeking under the rug at THEM! Now that Barr has summarized the findings, all the DimWits have left is to try to now build HIM up into some new scandal / conspiracy to keep the front page 6PM News story off of them and about something ELSE.

  • Trump Bad
  • He a Crook
  • Gotta Go, and
  • Dems are Fighting the Good Fight
They're running out of hand.
The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr
May 2, 2019 ~ By David Harsanyi
The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into the fray. With bated breath, we learned Special Counsel Robert Mueller had sent the attorney general a sternly worded letter grousing that Barr’s four-page March 24 explanation of the core conclusions of the Mueller report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller’s “work and conclusions.”
The customary histrionics followed. Posturing Democrats on the judicial committee gave long soliloquies on Barr’s treacherous behavior. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D–HI) accused the attorney general of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and many others demanded his resignation. The usual suspects called for impeachment.... Barr had apparently masterminded the most inept cover-up in history, first by accurately laying out the outcome of the special counsel’s investigation. Then, after some light redactions (none instigated by the president), by releasing the report to the public so everyone in the entire world could read it for themselves.
Well, under oath, the attorney general confirmed that he had spoken to Mueller on the phone and that the special counsel had been “very clear” that the AG’s letter laying out the conclusions was not inaccurate. There’s been no evidence to contradict his claim.... By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than Resistance fan fiction.
Yet Barr, who dropped some interesting tidbits in yesterday’s hearings, seems willing to investigate the impetus of the Russia “collusion” investigation, the role of the infamous dossier, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used by the previous administration for “spying.” Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy, it seems reasonable for the American people to have an understanding of how the Obama administration rationalized spying on its political rivals during a presidential election.... Perhaps it will be vindicated, or perhaps someone will find evidence of abuse of power. Either way, in a healthy media environment, such a story would launch a massive investigatory effort. Today, it seems, the political media would rather engage in a concerted effort with Democrats to preemptively smear Barr.

Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy by the Mueller Investigation, the American people need to be told how the Obama administration rationalized illegal spying on political rivals during a presidential election. A.G. Barr has said he will investigate criminal activity by the Obama administration. The former administration sycophants and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have painted themselves into a corner and now are caught in a no win situation having no choice but to go after Barr. Hope he has a very effective security detail.
Just like they are with Trump, the democrats in DC are in hyper attack mode to remove Barr because many of them may well end up in prison if they fail.
A.G. Barr told the truth, and the PMS/DSA can't accept the truth.
Not one Democrat for all their baying has attempted to view the Mueller Report.
Remember, Mueller:
1) was given unlimited time and resources to carry out an investigation of virtually unlimited scope
2) found no evidence to support claims of collusion with a foreign government
3) elected not to come to a conclusion on any obstruction of justice - probably because its a remarkable legal gray area whether one can obstruct justice by carrying out lawful powers
4) elected not to participate in the drafting of the summary
5) did not believe the summary to be inaccurate or misleading
Case closed. Go away.
They don't "hate" Barr, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are severely frighten and running scared at what Barr may find out about the origins of the Trump/ Russian collusion fiasco and the spying of American citizens by the former administration. LET THE GAMES BEGIN
"Probably because of gray legal....."

Bull Fucking Shit. You lie as bad as Trump & Barr.

Your point 5 is an outright lie
The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Bill Barr
May 2, 2019 ~ By David Harsanyi
The day of Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, there was, as always, a selective leak dropped into the fray. With bated breath, we learned Special Counsel Robert Mueller had sent the attorney general a sternly worded letter grousing that Barr’s four-page March 24 explanation of the core conclusions of the Mueller report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller’s “work and conclusions.”
The customary histrionics followed. Posturing Democrats on the judicial committee gave long soliloquies on Barr’s treacherous behavior. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D–HI) accused the attorney general of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and many others demanded his resignation. The usual suspects called for impeachment.... Barr had apparently masterminded the most inept cover-up in history, first by accurately laying out the outcome of the special counsel’s investigation. Then, after some light redactions (none instigated by the president), by releasing the report to the public so everyone in the entire world could read it for themselves.
Well, under oath, the attorney general confirmed that he had spoken to Mueller on the phone and that the special counsel had been “very clear” that the AG’s letter laying out the conclusions was not inaccurate. There’s been no evidence to contradict his claim.... By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than Resistance fan fiction.
Yet Barr, who dropped some interesting tidbits in yesterday’s hearings, seems willing to investigate the impetus of the Russia “collusion” investigation, the role of the infamous dossier, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants used by the previous administration for “spying.” Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy, it seems reasonable for the American people to have an understanding of how the Obama administration rationalized spying on its political rivals during a presidential election.... Perhaps it will be vindicated, or perhaps someone will find evidence of abuse of power. Either way, in a healthy media environment, such a story would launch a massive investigatory effort. Today, it seems, the political media would rather engage in a concerted effort with Democrats to preemptively smear Barr.

Now that Trump has been cleared of criminal conspiracy by the Mueller Investigation, the American people need to be told how the Obama administration rationalized illegal spying on political rivals during a presidential election. A.G. Barr has said he will investigate criminal activity by the Obama administration. The former administration sycophants and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have painted themselves into a corner and now are caught in a no win situation having no choice but to go after Barr. Hope he has a very effective security detail.
Just like they are with Trump, the democrats in DC are in hyper attack mode to remove Barr because many of them may well end up in prison if they fail.
A.G. Barr told the truth, and the PMS/DSA can't accept the truth.
Not one Democrat for all their baying has attempted to view the Mueller Report.
Remember, Mueller:
1) was given unlimited time and resources to carry out an investigation of virtually unlimited scope
2) found no evidence to support claims of collusion with a foreign government
3) elected not to come to a conclusion on any obstruction of justice - probably because its a remarkable legal gray area whether one can obstruct justice by carrying out lawful powers
4) elected not to participate in the drafting of the summary
5) did not believe the summary to be inaccurate or misleading
Case closed. Go away.
They don't "hate" Barr, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are severely frighten and running scared at what Barr may find out about the origins of the Trump/ Russian collusion fiasco and the spying of American citizens by the former administration. LET THE GAMES BEGIN

Allow me to hazard my own guess. Simply because he is yet another of the Trump administration that's kicking their asses and showing them just how big of a fool they're making of themselves.
The Dimbos are running scared and showing how scared they are now that THEY are getting investigated. Barr totally embarrassed them and they can do NOTHING but cry as Barr ignores them. By all means keep acting like total fools. The Trump landslide win in 2020 is getting closer and closer to reality.

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