The REAL homosexual Agenda...

Cynic-American I read that entire link and there's nothing there that's a problem or that anyone has to fear. Can you specifically articulate what it is about the homosexual agenda that you find threatening. I appreciate that the website you linked to quoted actual gay rights organisations, but all that does is make those organisations seem reasonable and the writer responding to those organisations seem paranoid and silly.
No I wont go into detail but I will post a better link.
Gays are tolerant, right?
No I wont go into detail

Well that's a shocker. Once again when asked to defend your opinion you run or use the writings of others.

I actually agree that participation in the parade should not have been forced on the firefighters. If they had been fired I would agree with a law suit. But I might also add that this act of intolerance was not mandated by gay men, but by the fire department your issue is with them.
you are beyond ignorant.
The department is HEADED BY A GAY PERSON! READ IT AGAIN YOU DUNCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was mandated by an individual who is gay, not gay people. There is no vast, homosexual conspiracy here. Besides, if most blatant example of the vast machinations of the homosexual agenda is a couple of fireman having to tough it out at a parade, well, I wouldn't be too worried.

Also, Soylent Green is people!
It was mandated by an individual who is gay, not gay people. There is no vast, homosexual conspiracy here. Besides, if most blatant example of the vast machinations of the homosexual agenda is a couple of fireman having to tough it out at a parade, well, I wouldn't be too worried.

of course you're not worried, it didn't happen to you.
The pressure was put on hetero males but apparently its ok to intimidate them because they deserve it.
Thats what you're saying.
of course you're not worried, it didn't happen to you.
The pressure was put on hetero males but apparently its ok to intimidate them because they deserve it.
Thats what you're saying.

Awww....did you have to go and associate with them damn gays? We all feel oh so sorry for you.

Sorry but this was the act of one individual. Generalizing that to all/some/most gays is asinine.
I bet Larkinn supports pedophilia, seeing as how his/her morals are in the toilet already.

Lets see...consenting sex between two adults of the same sex...and raping children. Hmm can anyone spot the difference? Cynic seems to be unable too...but I bet some of the other fine folks of this board can.
Lets see...consenting sex between two adults of the same sex...and raping children. Hmm can anyone spot the difference? Cynic seems to be unable too...but I bet some of the other fine folks of this board can.

hmm, both are considered perverse. Want me help you connect the dots?
hmm, both are considered perverse. Want me help you connect the dots? you pick your morals based on how things are "considered" some vague group of people? By the way...this is yet another logical fallacy. I suggest you do some reading on them before continuing to debate.

Sorry, but my morals come from a place that are just a bit more consistent with reality than "are considered". you pick your morals based on how things are "considered" some vague group of people? By the way...this is yet another logical fallacy. I suggest you do some reading on them before continuing to debate.

Sorry, but my morals come from a place that are just a bit more consistent with reality than "are considered".
Morals come from what we are taught. You need to do research before you get into an argument with me.
btw, the majority of Americans is not "vague".
Morals come from what we are taught. You need to do research before you get into an argument with me.

Are you joking? Nobody knows where morals come from. There are many different is certainly that they come from what we are taught, but it is certainly NOT the only theory. There are some religious folk who think they come from God...there are some evolutionary biologists who think they are more genetic and come from evolution...and there are other theories as well.

But lets assume for a moment they ARE taught. If thats the only place they come from, than there is no real reason to follow them as they seem arbitrary. And hence, there is no reason for me to believe what they "are considered".

btw, the majority of Americans is not "vague".

btw, you didn't say majority of Americans. But if thats what you mean, please show me a study where it says the majority of Americans think homosexuality is "perverse".
prove to me that America does not view homosexuality unfavorably.


What a surprise. I give you an argument and you ignore it completely. You keep bullshitting about how I can't seems the bullshit is because you suffer from the inability you are accusing me of.

By the way...YOU made the assertion, YOU back it up. Oh, and really, quite classy quoting me to say something I never said.
so, does anyone have input?

other than, of course, the kid who believes he knows more than anyone.

Why would you want peoples input? Any challenges to you, you just start throwing personal insults and ignoring the debate. But yet you accuse others of doing the same thing.