The radicalization of the left

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Just when you think the left has reached the lowest level of depravity imaginable, they take it to a whole new level. They have zero “tolerance” for anyone who doesn’t think like them, vote like them, and act like them.

Liberals lash out at father who lost daughter in Florida school shooting — see the vile reason why
A story that's so fake they couldn't find names to go with quotes....
Try clicking the link to the tweets.

They are real and the usual hate we all seem to have o go to first anymore.
Just when you think the left has reached the lowest level of depravity imaginable, they take it to a whole new level. They have zero “tolerance” for anyone who doesn’t think like them, vote like them, and act like them.

Liberals lash out at father who lost daughter in Florida school shooting — see the vile reason why
A story that's so fake they couldn't find names to go with quotes....
Try clicking the link to the tweets.

They are real and the usual hate we all seem to have o go to first anymore.
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

Is what you get when you click...
the Blaze isn't credible.... Sorry.

More credible than CNN or the NY Times. Advocacy "journalism" is all that exists now.

Fox News is the closest to fair and balanced. CNN is nothing but unvarnished propaganda for the DNC. The New York Times is waging a propaganda war on the Constitution and Middle America.

You Communists have lost any right to talk about "credible."
Just when you think the left has reached the lowest level of depravity imaginable, they take it to a whole new level. They have zero “tolerance” for anyone who doesn’t think like them, vote like them, and act like them.

Liberals lash out at father who lost daughter in Florida school shooting — see the vile reason why
A story that's so fake they couldn't find names to go with quotes....
Try clicking the link to the tweets.

They are real and the usual hate we all seem to have o go to first anymore.
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

Is what you get when you click...
I got a Twitter feed both times with names n tweets to verify.

Do you not believe there's stupid hate out there?
Fox News is the closest to fair and balanced.

Okay you keep telling yourself, that buddy. Panty-shot TV is credible.

No idea which hate site fed you that line, but it makes no sense.

The NY Times, CNN, and the Jeff Bezos Hate Blog are open propaganda. They are #resist advocacy with no pretense of accurate reporting. They are no different than DailyKOS or ThinkHatred.
Because the way the NY Times decides what to publish is by evaluating the effect it has on the party. IF the story furthers the goals of the party, then it is printed.

Whether the story is true or not isn't even a consideration

Uh, okay, you see, the thing is, the NYT has lawyers and editors and fact checkers to make sure what they are putting out is accurate.

The Blaze is Crazy Glenn Beck - too crazy for Fox News - in his basement.
Just when you think the left has reached the lowest level of depravity imaginable, they take it to a whole new level. They have zero “tolerance” for anyone who doesn’t think like them, vote like them, and act like them.

Liberals lash out at father who lost daughter in Florida school shooting — see the vile reason why

Libs are lashing out at everyone.

They threatened a store that put up a flag with a blue line through it to honor fallen officers. A note was left that threatened the owners with violence if the flag wasn't removed.

There is a billboard warning the NRA that the radicals are coming after them.

Some radical leftists were holding a sign that said if Jesus comes back, they will kill him again. Of course, don't say that about another certain god or you will be accused of a hate crime.

These incidents aren't even the tip of the iceberg. Radicals use violence to force people into silence and submission. They love violence. They love their weapons. They are also heavily funded by the likes of Soros, who has a very dark plan for this country and the rest of the world.

Now the useful idiots are marching in lockstep with the radical left as they seek to turn America into one of the commie shitholes where people are disarmed and at the mercy of tyrants.
How sad is it that progressives are panicked over a prosperous U.S.? Tells you everything you need to know about the left and their agenda.

Democrats panic over avalanche of good economic news

The Trump Tax Cuts for the Rich are going to add 7 Trillion to the deficit. That's not going to be good for the economy, Poodle.

And you know when we get "Serious' about the debt, it will be working people who will end up paying it, not the rich.
Further indisputable proof that the Democrat Party has been completely hijacked by extreme radicals. In the Kennedy-era, no progressive would have dared advocates for socialism. The few that did were ostracized.
...but my answer is admittedly more ambitious: It’s time to give socialism a try.
But today - the party proudly touts socialism. A self-professed, true socialist finished second for their party’s nomination for president. What’s sad is that this is the exact same idiotic “logic” (“what the hell - let’s try it!”) that Venezuela used. They went from one of the wealthiest and prosperous nations in the world to one of the most destitute. Educated people such as doctors and teachers have turned to prostitution for survival. Starving people hunt stray dogs as a source of food. And toilet paper is considered a priceless commodity. All because progressives are immature idealists who refuse to study history.

Opinion | It’s time to give socialism a try
The left continues to become more radicalized. More and more of them are becoming devout socialists. At least they are starting to admit it though.
“Yes, I’m running as a socialist,” Mr. Bynum said. “I’m a far-left candidate. What I’m trying to do is be a Democrat who actually stands for something, and tells people, ‘Here’s how we are going to materially improve conditions in your life.’”
Note the key word there. With the left, everything is materialism.

‘Yes, I’m Running as a Socialist.’ Why Candidates Are Embracing the Label in 2018
The left will not rest until they can eliminate all constitutional rights...
If the measure becomes law, it could punish speakers like Ryan T. Anderson of The Heritage Foundation if they appear in California to advocate a traditional view of marriage and human sexuality.
“Punish” people for their religious views? “Punish” people for speaking? Fascism in its purest form.

California Considers Bill That Would Make Traditional Views on Sexuality Illegal

One only imagines when Witch Burning was banned, some shithead like Poodle complained about how they weren't respecting his religious beliefs.
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