The race is on: who will control social media? Ds or Rs?

Who will win in the race to control social media?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one. We'll all lose.

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
The power wielded by Big Tech - especially in the form of social media - is utterly irresistible to government types. Both major parties seem hell bent on getting their hooks into Big Tech. Who will win?

What do you think?
100% Democrats. They do now. Why would that change? Free speech is only allowed on Twitter and FB if you have left leaning views as far as I can tell.
Who do you think will be the first to pass legislation? Or will it be a team effort?
The power wielded by Big Tech - especially in the form of social media - is utterly irresistible to government types. Both major parties seem hell bent on getting their hooks into Big Tech. Who will win?

What do you think?
100% Democrats. They do now. Why would that change? Free speech is only allowed on Twitter and FB if you have left leaning views as far as I can tell.
Who do you think will be the first to pass legislation? Or will it be a team effort?
If the GOP takes the House in 2022 they will try to do something. Twitter can do as they please they are a private company but they aren’t like Verizon or AT&T as they claim. They are closer to the WAPO or NYT. So regulations should change.
Big tech is funding the democrats with tons of "dark money".
I'm sure the dems will cooperate with their benefactors.

Bout time liberal organizations start tossing their money into good causes after right wing dark money pits have been
doing it for over a decade. If it's good for the goose....well, you know the rest. And I find the right wing crowing
over social media amusing, since Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms were instrumental in helping Trump get elected.
So, when did the love disappear? You loved you some social media in 2015 and 2016 when it helped your side out.
Then when your guy went off his rocker, they put the guardrails on...and he doubles down on stupid. So now you get
all indignant and righteous? :)
You're way off with your assessments.
1. Social media did NOT help Trump in 2016. His voters aren't online much, they are patriotic "America First Populists"
2. Show me how platforms helped Trump get elected, they didn't, it was Trump's message and democrat failures and distrust of Hillary that got him the win. Hillary was unelectable and you know it. No one liked her except the lying MSM and their fake polls.
3. Trump and many conservatives are banned from social media, wonder why that is? What are the dems and big tech afraid of? What happened to free speech, "I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it"?
Yikes. You members of the alt-right really don't live in the same reality as the rest of us, huh?
Trump's entire campaign was primarily run on the reach of his "message" on social media platforms.

You and the rest of winger nation are upset because they finally clamped down on the lies and misinformation
they allowed to proliferate in 2015 and 2016.

And lest you keep crowing about Trump's win in 2016. 77,000 votes over three states. A less than 1% margin of victory.
If she campaigns until the end and Comey keeps his mouth shut, she wins. But she didn't. And she would have been a
head and shoulders choice above the abortion that won. :)
1. Like I said before, Trump supporters aren't techies, we don't do social media. Whenever fake news (guardian & wired???) tells you otherwise it's junk. In case you forgot what the 2016 race looked like, here is a funny reminder:

2. What RW lies and misinformation? Like the 2016 polls? Kelly Ann Conway was always providing "alternate facts" to correct the record. Its a shame when we can't agree on facts. Look at the bogus 1619 Project and CRT for example. Total garbage being foisted as reality. Trump's "1776 Commission Report" is true history.

3. Trump lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in WI & AZ. How many of those were illegal? A lot. Hillary should have been arrested for her illegal bathroom server. Comey should have been arrested for his FISA abuses.
The power wielded by Big Tech - especially in the form of social media - is utterly irresistible to government types. Both major parties seem hell bent on getting their hooks into Big Tech. Who will win?

What do you think?
100% Democrats. They do now. Why would that change? Free speech is only allowed on Twitter and FB if you have left leaning views as far as I can tell.
Who do you think will be the first to pass legislation? Or will it be a team effort?
If the GOP takes the House in 2022 they will try to do something. Twitter can do as they please they are a private company but they aren’t like Verizon or AT&T as they claim. They are closer to the WAPO or NYT. So regulations should change.
Did you see this article though?

Democrats may beat them to the punch.
The power wielded by Big Tech - especially in the form of social media - is utterly irresistible to government types. Both major parties seem hell bent on getting their hooks into Big Tech. Who will win?

What do you think?
100% Democrats. They do now. Why would that change? Free speech is only allowed on Twitter and FB if you have left leaning views as far as I can tell.
Who do you think will be the first to pass legislation? Or will it be a team effort?
If the GOP takes the House in 2022 they will try to do something. Twitter can do as they please they are a private company but they aren’t like Verizon or AT&T as they claim. They are closer to the WAPO or NYT. So regulations should change.
Did you see this article though?

Democrats may beat them to the punch.
I do not see it as they know it helps them garner votes. But maybe you’re right?

Bout time liberal organizations start tossing their money into good causes after right wing dark money pits have been
doing it for over a decade. If it's good for the goose....well, you know the rest. And I find the right wing crowing
over social media amusing, since Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms were instrumental in helping Trump get elected.
So, when did the love disappear? You loved you some social media in 2015 and 2016 when it helped your side out.
Then when your guy went off his rocker, they put the guardrails on...and he doubles down on stupid. So now you get
all indignant and righteous? :)

I realize you are utterly ignorant, but if an organization were actually liberal, it would be wanting to expand people's right to express their opinions, not limit them.

As with many uneducated leftists, you are confusing your own authoritarianism with liberalism.
Just can't do it can you? Can't make a legitimate argument without chopping up word salad. Oh well, maybe my expectations are too high.
Right wing dark money organization have been pouring money into campaigns since the disaster of a SC decision that was Citizens United.
It's about time left wing organizations abandon their hope that policies and ideas will win the day with ignorant conservatives.
And liberals aren't the ones comfortable with an authoritarian leader....that was you...under the last guy. Admit it. He made you feel safe. :)
I pointed out that you use a term of which you are entirely ignorant as to meaning. That IS a legitimate argument.
Big tech is funding the democrats with tons of "dark money".
I'm sure the dems will cooperate with their benefactors.

Bout time liberal organizations start tossing their money into good causes after right wing dark money pits have been
doing it for over a decade. If it's good for the goose....well, you know the rest. And I find the right wing crowing
over social media amusing, since Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms were instrumental in helping Trump get elected.
So, when did the love disappear? You loved you some social media in 2015 and 2016 when it helped your side out.
Then when your guy went off his rocker, they put the guardrails on...and he doubles down on stupid. So now you get
all indignant and righteous? :)
You're way off with your assessments.
1. Social media did NOT help Trump in 2016. His voters aren't online much, they are patriotic "America First Populists"
2. Show me how platforms helped Trump get elected, they didn't, it was Trump's message and democrat failures and distrust of Hillary that got him the win. Hillary was unelectable and you know it. No one liked her except the lying MSM and their fake polls.
3. Trump and many conservatives are banned from social media, wonder why that is? What are the dems and big tech afraid of? What happened to free speech, "I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it"?
Yikes. You members of the alt-right really don't live in the same reality as the rest of us, huh?
Trump's entire campaign was primarily run on the reach of his "message" on social media platforms.

You and the rest of winger nation are upset because they finally clamped down on the lies and misinformation
they allowed to proliferate in 2015 and 2016.

And lest you keep crowing about Trump's win in 2016. 77,000 votes over three states. A less than 1% margin of victory.
If she campaigns until the end and Comey keeps his mouth shut, she wins. But she didn't. And she would have been a
head and shoulders choice above the abortion that won. :)
1. Like I said before, Trump supporters aren't techies, we don't do social media. Whenever fake news (guardian & wired???) tells you otherwise it's junk. In case you forgot what the 2016 race looked like, here is a funny reminder:

2. What RW lies and misinformation? Like the 2016 polls? Kelly Ann Conway was always providing "alternate facts" to correct the record. Its a shame when we can't agree on facts. Look at the bogus 1619 Project and CRT for example. Total garbage being foisted as reality.

3. Trump lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in WI & AZ. How many of those were illegal? A lot. Hillary should have been arrested for her illegal bathroom server. Comey should have been arrested for his FISA abuses.

^Shrug^. I've provided you with ample evidence to the contrary. Trump himself even said social media got him elected.
And you respond with division pimping, conspiracy theories, and the same old, same old right wing blather.
The power wielded by Big Tech - especially in the form of social media - is utterly irresistible to government types. Both major parties seem hell bent on getting their hooks into Big Tech. Who will win?

What do you think?
100% Democrats. They do now. Why would that change? Free speech is only allowed on Twitter and FB if you have left leaning views as far as I can tell.
Who do you think will be the first to pass legislation? Or will it be a team effort?
If the GOP takes the House in 2022 they will try to do something. Twitter can do as they please they are a private company but they aren’t like Verizon or AT&T as they claim. They are closer to the WAPO or NYT. So regulations should change.
Did you see this article though?

Democrats may beat them to the punch.
I do not see it as they know it helps them garner votes. But maybe you’re right?
Yeah, but it'd give them even more votes if they have legislative control. Better than a handshake, or a wink and a nod. And I think they want to get in there while they can, before Republicans are back in power.
The power wielded by Big Tech - especially in the form of social media - is utterly irresistible to government types. Both major parties seem hell bent on getting their hooks into Big Tech. Who will win?

What do you think?
100% Democrats. They do now. Why would that change? Free speech is only allowed on Twitter and FB if you have left leaning views as far as I can tell.
Who do you think will be the first to pass legislation? Or will it be a team effort?
If the GOP takes the House in 2022 they will try to do something. Twitter can do as they please they are a private company but they aren’t like Verizon or AT&T as they claim. They are closer to the WAPO or NYT. So regulations should change.
Did you see this article though?

Democrats may beat them to the punch.
I do not see it as they know it helps them garner votes. But maybe you’re right?
Yeah, but it'd give them even more votes if they have legislative control. Better than a handshake, or a wink and a nod. And I think they want to get in there while they can, before Republicans are back in power.
IDk. I just do not see it. To me Twitter and FB lean very left. It behooves the Democratic Party to keep allowing them do it.
Big tech is funding the democrats with tons of "dark money".
I'm sure the dems will cooperate with their benefactors.

Bout time liberal organizations start tossing their money into good causes after right wing dark money pits have been
doing it for over a decade. If it's good for the goose....well, you know the rest. And I find the right wing crowing
over social media amusing, since Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms were instrumental in helping Trump get elected.
So, when did the love disappear? You loved you some social media in 2015 and 2016 when it helped your side out.
Then when your guy went off his rocker, they put the guardrails on...and he doubles down on stupid. So now you get
all indignant and righteous? :)
You're way off with your assessments.
1. Social media did NOT help Trump in 2016. His voters aren't online much, they are patriotic "America First Populists"
2. Show me how platforms helped Trump get elected, they didn't, it was Trump's message and democrat failures and distrust of Hillary that got him the win. Hillary was unelectable and you know it. No one liked her except the lying MSM and their fake polls.
3. Trump and many conservatives are banned from social media, wonder why that is? What are the dems and big tech afraid of? What happened to free speech, "I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it"?
Yikes. You members of the alt-right really don't live in the same reality as the rest of us, huh?
Trump's entire campaign was primarily run on the reach of his "message" on social media platforms.

You and the rest of winger nation are upset because they finally clamped down on the lies and misinformation
they allowed to proliferate in 2015 and 2016.

And lest you keep crowing about Trump's win in 2016. 77,000 votes over three states. A less than 1% margin of victory.
If she campaigns until the end and Comey keeps his mouth shut, she wins. But she didn't. And she would have been a
head and shoulders choice above the abortion that won. :)
1. Like I said before, Trump supporters aren't techies, we don't do social media. Whenever fake news (guardian & wired???) tells you otherwise it's junk. In case you forgot what the 2016 race looked like, here is a funny reminder:

2. What RW lies and misinformation? Like the 2016 polls? Kelly Ann Conway was always providing "alternate facts" to correct the record. Its a shame when we can't agree on facts. Look at the bogus 1619 Project and CRT for example. Total garbage being foisted as reality.

3. Trump lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in WI & AZ. How many of those were illegal? A lot. Hillary should have been arrested for her illegal bathroom server. Comey should have been arrested for his FISA abuses.

^Shrug^. I've provided you with ample evidence to the contrary. Trump himself even said social media got him elected.
And you respond with division pimping, conspiracy theories, and the same old, same old right wing blather.

Trump said that Twitter allowed him to fight back against the lies and misinformation being put out by the MSM and win.
I disagreed with your post that said that FB and "other platforms" helped Trump win. It was just Twitter.
Now Trump is banned. Enjoy the state run media including political censorship.
Democrats are angry at social media because they’re not doing enough to address rightwing racist hate speech.

Republicans are angry at social media because they’re doing too much to address rightwing racist speech.
Exactly, and they're both pursuing legislative efforts to achieve their ends. Who do you think will win? Dems need to get something in before '22, to be safe.
Well, now we know that the US is no different than Cuba, North Korea, Russia, China -

Government-'run' social media

God bless the few remaining independent non-fake news govt surrogate media outlets that still exist...for now...
Welcome to the New World Odor

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