Zone1 The Pursuit of “Equity” has morphed into a war on smart, high achievers


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Can you think of a better way to ruin a country than actively work to hold the best and brightest down?

This idea that all groups should achieve “equity” no matter what has become a war on the brightest students, Asians specifically, as leftist-run schools in Fairfax County, VA manipulate outcomes to “equitize” everyone.

Fully 12 schools In the County hid from the best students (who were disproportionately Asian) that they were named Merit Scholars. This meant they could not include it in their application to competitive universities nor compete for Merit Scholarships. All because they wanted to make it easier for the weaker students to get in instead, and behind it all is the drive for “equal outcomes” as determined by race.

Dems are so desperate for equal outcomes that they are suppressing our best students and weakening our country.

Nit picking -- there is nothing wrong with equity as an aim or goal because it refers to fairness and impartiality .

I think the problem you refer to is actually, equality .

And I believe equality of opportunity is an equitable thing to practise .

But thereafter , equality in terms of results is absurd given inequality of people in the first place in terms of abilities and talents .

However , decent people recognise that those with the fewest and least number of abilities and talents should be helped and assisted .

But that those who are helped and assisted should be taught the obligation and responsibility to give back as much as they reasonably can .

Nothing comes free unless that is your family birth name . Boom , boom .
Nit picking -- there is nothing wrong with equity as an aim or goal because it refers to fairness and impartiality .

I think the problem you refer to is actually, equality .

And I believe equality of opportunity is an equitable thing to practise .

But thereafter , equality in terms of results is absurd given inequality of people in the first place in terms of abilities and talents .

However , decent people recognise that those with the fewest and least number of abilities and talents should be helped and assisted .

But that those who are helped and assisted should be taught the obligation and responsibility to give back as much as they reasonably can .

Nothing comes free unless that is your family birth name . Boom , boom .
But this isn’t about equality of opportunity. It’s about equity. Hiding from Asian students that they are Merit Scholars so that different races can have the same outcomes, even if they are lower achieving, is racist. The New Democrat Party is in support of racism, as shown by this action.
But this isn’t about equality of opportunity. It’s about equity. Hiding from Asian students that they are Merit Scholars so that different races can have the same outcomes, even if they are lower achieving, is racist. The New Democrat Party is in support of racism, as shown by this action.
I covered those very points if you care to re-read .

I clearly point out that equality of opportunity is a key consideration but only a congenital idiot expects equality of outcome .
And only the same congenital fool would need to have explained to them the absurdity of thinking otherwise and , as an immediate consequence , the dangers of constructing an artificial system based on such nonsense .imho

So , I agree your main concern but pointed out that a system must initially be based on equity but not on stupid wishes to present some weird idea of outcome equality imho
I covered those very points if you care to re-read .

I clearly point out that equality of opportunity is a key consideration but only a congenital idiot expects equality of outcome .
And only the same congenital fool would need to have explained to them the absurdity of thinking otherwise and , as an immediate consequence , the dangers of constructing an artificial system based on such nonsense .imho

So , I agree your main concern but pointed out that a system must initially be based on equity but not on stupid wishes to present some weird idea of outcome equality imho
NO….a system must NOT initially be based on “equity.” That’s what is driving the new systemic racism against Asians, and to a lesser extent, against whites.

You need to learn the difference between “equity” and “equal opportunity.”
NO….a system must NOT initially be based on “equity.” That’s what is driving the new systemic racism against Asians, and to a lesser extent, against whites.

You need to learn the difference between “equity” and “equal opportunity.”
Thanks for your attempted lesson in English .
Refer yourself to the dictionary and perhaps reflect before making fast judgements .

Since you were so blunt I will rephrase my previous comments and suggest that you are blathering and do not understand what I have written twice .

End of .
Thanks for your attempted lesson in English .
Refer yourself to the dictionary and perhaps reflect before making fast judgements .

Since you were so blunt I will rephrase my previous comments and suggest that you are blathering and do not understand what I have written twice .

End of .
Methinks the lady doth protest too much (over the racist pursuit of equity).
Equity is merely a weasel work used to make people think of equality, but it actually means that someone in power gets to decide what is really equal, and what isn't. They then put their finger on the scale to get the result they want.

As stated by Orwell in Animal Farm, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
Meh, maybe the Tiger Moms should have worked against the liberal school boards they voted for.

They are talking criminal conspiracy in Richmond but even if that does not pan-out Fairfax County is gonna get raped in civil actions.
Some of the best and brightest have been denied opportunities in this country because of the color of their skin or sex. People need to stop pretending this has not been the case. So neither equity or equality has been achieved.
Can you think of a better way to ruin a country than actively work to hold the best and brightest down?

This idea that all groups should achieve “equity” no matter what has become a war on the brightest students, Asians specifically, as leftist-run schools in Fairfax County, VA manipulate outcomes to “equitize” everyone.

Fully 12 schools In the County hid from the best students (who were disproportionately Asian) that they were named Merit Scholars. This meant they could not include it in their application to competitive universities nor compete for Merit Scholarships. All because they wanted to make it easier for the weaker students to get in instead, and behind it all is the drive for “equal outcomes” as determined by race.

Dems are so desperate for equal outcomes that they are suppressing our best students and weakening our country.


I'm so-o-o glad you started a thread on this topic. It is the absolute core of important (and dangerous) changes being forced on our education, business, and political systems today.

In politics this "equity" bullshit can be seen in Biden's decision to appoint ONLY a black woman to our USSC. He totally ignored 94% of our population in order to install a black woman to the Supreme Court. I'm still pissed off about it. I call her Affirmative Action Jackson.

Biden has filled loads of jobs in his administration in this same, disgusting way.

For some strange reason, a huge number of people are unable to understand the difference between "equality" and "equity." Imo, the misunderstanding is often intentional.

The way this is being applied in education and in the workplace already has us on a fast track to shithole status.

I hope the Asians mentioned in your OP can sue the pants off the racist dumbasses in that entire "racist" school system. It would be great to see a load of the "decision-makers" get fired.
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This might be slightly off topic, but I think what's happening is the deliberate dumbing down of America. And I don't think that's a mere Dem thing, I think it's a lot bigger than that. But anyway, that's probably a topic for another thread.
Dems are so desperate for equal outcomes that they are suppressing our best students and weakening our country.
The woke-o-holics frankly admit that they do not want to hurt the feelings of students who -- for whatever reason -- cannot do very well in academics.

In New York City, there were some famous public high schools where Jewish students traditionally had done so well and where Asians were currently doing so well. They decided to throw out the traditional written entrance exam since young people of two certain groups could not pass the exam. And in some cases, they solved this embarrassing problem by simply abolishing those outstanding schools.

I'm so-o-o glad you started a thread on this topic. It is the absolute core of important (and dangerous) changes being forced on our education, business, and political systems today.

In politics this "equity" bullshit can be seen in Biden's decision to appoint ONLY a black woman to our USSC. He totally ignored 94% of our population in order to install a black woman to the Supreme Court. I'm still pissed off about it. I call her Affirmative Action Jackson.

Biden has filled loads of jobs in his administration in this same, disgusting way.

For some strange reason, a huge number of people are unable to understand the difference between "equality" and "equity." Imo, the misunderstanding is often intentional.

The way this is being applied in education and in the workplace already has us on a fast track to shithole status.

I hope the Asians mentioned in your OP can sue the pants off the racist dumbasses in that entire "racist" school system. It would be great to see a load of the "decision-makers" get fired.
Thank you.

And yes….this pursuit of “equal outcomes,” which is what equity is, instead of “equal opportunity,” is the way the New Democrat Marxist Party is weakening our country.

It is disgraceful how far this has extended, as well. Even in the military, the woke general said “diversity” is his goal. The racial mix of the military should be irrelevant; attracting the most capable so that we have the best military in the world should be the goal, regardless of skin color.

Also, true - look at the horrible situation we are in because of the Dems’ insistence that Biden pick for VP a black female, rather than the best available. Same with the Affirmative Action Jackson.

And as far as Fairfax County’s war on high-achieving students due to the pursuit of ”equity,” this was the result of the system hiring the $500,000 a year Equity Consultant. What I would LOVE to see is that the lowest scoring/graded students from Fairfax County who were accepted to prestigious universities have their acceptances rejected and the Merit Scholars be offered their places instead.
The woke-o-holics frankly admit that they do not want to hurt the feelings of students who -- for whatever reason -- cannot do very well in academics.

In New York City, there were some famous public high schools where Jewish students traditionally had done so well and where Asians were currently doing so well. They decided to throw out the traditional written entrance exam since young people of two certain groups could not pass the exam. And in some cases, they solved this embarrassing problem by simply abolishing those outstanding schools.

Was one of them perchance Brooklyn Tech? Both my father and uncle, poor but very bright Jewish boys, went there. It was their first step on the road out of poverty, amid Hitler murdering their families overseas.

And that’s what happened last year with TJ High School for the Sciences in Fairfax County, too. For whatever reason, not enough blacks could score high enough on the entrance exam to be accepted, while Asians were acing the exam, so they got rid of the test. All they did is dumb down the school, while intentionally reducing the number of Asians.
Meh, maybe the Tiger Moms should have worked against the liberal school boards they voted for.

They are talking criminal conspiracy in Richmond but even if that does not pan-out Fairfax County is gonna get raped in civil actions.
They are working against it. But you see how Biden’s DOJ handle parents who object to the wokeness raging through liberal schools - they label them domestic terrorists.

I'm so-o-o glad you started a thread on this topic. It is the absolute core of important (and dangerous) changes being forced on our education, business, and political systems today.

In politics this "equity" bullshit can be seen in Biden's decision to appoint ONLY a black woman to our USSC. He totally ignored 94% of our population in order to install a black woman to the Supreme Court. I'm still pissed off about it. I call her Affirmative Action Jackson.

Biden has filled loads of jobs in his administration in this same, disgusting way.

For some strange reason, a huge number of people are unable to understand the difference between "equality" and "equity." Imo, the misunderstanding is often intentional.

The way this is being applied in education and in the workplace already has us on a fast track to shithole status.

I hope the Asians mentioned in your OP can sue the pants off the racist dumbasses in that entire "racist" school system. It would be great to see a load of the "decision-makers" get fired.
The same people don't, or won't, understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants.
Thank you.

And yes….this pursuit of “equal outcomes,” which is what equity is, instead of “equal opportunity,” is the way the New Democrat Marxist Party is weakening our country.

It is disgraceful how far this has extended, as well. Even in the military, the woke general said “diversity” is his goal. The racial mix of the military should be irrelevant; attracting the most capable so that we have the best military in the world should be the goal, regardless of skin color.

Also, true - look at the horrible situation we are in because of the Dems’ insistence that Biden pick for VP a black female, rather than the best available. Same with the Affirmative Action Jackson.

And as far as Fairfax County’s war on high-achieving students due to the pursuit of ”equity,” this was the result of the system hiring the $500,000 a year Equity Consultant. What I would LOVE to see is that the lowest scoring/graded students from Fairfax County who were accepted to prestigious universities have their acceptances rejected and the Merit Scholars be offered their places instead.
The Biden administration has become an embarrasing clown show. He caters to blacks to buy votes. What the country gets is second rate officials: an Affirmative Action Supreme Court Justice, a Vice President who can barely string a coherent sentence together, a Press Secretary who can't answer reporters' questions honestly or logically, and on it goes.

Every one should have equal opportunity in this country. But that doesn't guarantee that a particular person will have the skills to succeed in any particular endeavor. Some people have many skills, some have few skills. Merit should always be the determining factor.

"Equity" is a sly, cheesy word when used in a racial context. What it means here is that a person of little competence can be our VP - even though therre are surely FAR better choices. With "equity" we get second best, and the country loses.
The Biden administration has become an embarrasing clown show. He caters to blacks to buy votes. What the country gets is second rate officials: an Affirmative Action Supreme Court Justice, a Vice President who can barely string a coherent sentence together, a Press Secretary who can't answer reporters' questions honestly or logically, and on it goes.

Every one should have equal opportunity in this country. But that doesn't guarantee that a particular person will have the skills to succeed in any particular endeavor. Some people have many skills, some have few skills. Merit should always be the determining factor.

"Equity" is a sly, cheesy word when used in a racial context. What it means here is that a person of little competence can be our VP - even though therre are surely FAR better choices. With "equity" we get second best, and the country loses.
Chasing “equity” is a sure-fire way to bring this country down. It practically guarantees that lesser competent (or totally incompetent) people will be given positions over smarter, more capable people - and, as you’ve pointed out, we become a laughing stock.

Only 6% of Americans are black females, and when we have an openly racist president who disqualifies whites and men from consideration for important roles, the odds are 94% that the best qualified did not get the job. We see that in the selection of the incompetent VP as well as the Press Secretary.

To those who say “diversity is a strength,“ I would say that it is an impediment when it becomes the goal. That’s when the best and brightest are no encouraged and rewarded - but rather suppressed - in order for weaker, lower-achieving individuals to have an equal outcome.

And before the libs race in to call me “racist,” I have not said that a black female would never be the best qualified. But it is simply statistics that she would be so in only 6% of the cases. It is sad indeed that leftists have decided that “equity” is more important than being the best, strongest country we can be - and we’ve seen the results.

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