The Psychology of a Post-scarcity Society


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Psychology of a Post-scarcity Society
June 23, 2019 ~~ By Deborah C. Tyler
When the struggle to sustain existence in a world of scarcity is replaced by affluence so absolute that even the incompetents, the ill and the lazy are all able to survive thanks to handouts from government and private sources, the results are far from the paradise imagined by materialists. In 1971 the prolific political philosopher Murray Bookshin published a collection of essays entitled Post-Scarcity Anarchy. Bookshin prophesied that the burgeoning technology of abundance would make the class struggle between capital and workers vanish. Like all writers in the Marxist-socialist tradition, Bookshin proffered his pet Utopian vision for a new world where the struggle for existence was permanently won. He called his fantasy “post-scarcity anarchy.”
Anyone can go through a temporary downturn and have to crash on Aunt Judy’s couch for a few weeks, or succumb to illness and have to depend on others for a time. But today mentally competent people are stuck in chronic lack and dependence not because of material scarcity, but because of habits of immorality. This is a radical change in the conditions of life. Post-scarcity does not mean the absence of hunger and that everyone has a nice place to live. Post-scarcity means that material problems like hunger and homelessness no longer have material solutions, they have moral solution. Progressivism purchases the souls of its victims by offering money to solve moral problems. Perhaps the millions of illegal aliens and the even more millions of children they are having will overwhelm the technology of abundance and cast Americans back towards the struggles of scarcity. For now, we are grateful to live in this time of abundance, and rejoice in its spreading around the world. We hope it will be preserved for our posterity, when there may be more wisdom to match the wealth.

It has been my observation that those afflicted with the mental disorder of liberalism suffer from profound self-loathing issues which manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways. Hatred for traditional values, giving a wide berth to America's most implacable enemies, guilt and angst over one's skin color, and most perniciously, losing their self-identity in mindless celebrity worship.
Oddly enough, this explains some of the postmodernist ideas like "reality is what you want it to be, morality is relative, sexuality and gender are fluid" thinking of the Left. Oddly enough, this explains some of the postmodernist ideas like "reality is what you want it to be, morality is relative, sexuality and gender are fluid" thinking of the Progress Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
Affluence has removed the hard edge--the struggle--for survival that previously defined reality and made sense of our world. In a world of plenty, reality itself is nothing more than a drug-induced high. There is no meaning or purpose. We are like animals in the zoo, but the zoo has no bars except those we erect ourselves.
We are all trying to become Paris Hilton trust fund babies...drinking, drugging, and partying ourselves into a permanent state of dissipation.
Affluence has removed the hard edge--the struggle--for survival that previously defined reality and made sense of our world. In a world of plenty, reality itself is nothing more than a drug-induced high. There is no meaning or purpose. We are like animals in the zoo, but the zoo has no bars except those we erect ourselves.
As Kipling observed a while back, this sickness won’t last long, but the ending won’t be pretty:
“And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,​
Yes and no Doc7505
People go through their own process of reconciling
* scarcity mentality with
* abundance mentality
This is regardless of rich/poor circumstances.
I've seen wealthy people who are naturally generous and
poor people so stingy they act greedier than rich people.

To me I find it's a Spiritual process.
What you cite in terms of cultural trends is a collective representation,
but the real work is in each person's PERCEPTION of these trends.
What you see going on is a REFLECTION OF YOU and where YOU are in this process
both individually and then collectively.
Someone else will perceive the world "a different way" as
part of THEIR process.

We don't change things collectively, we change things individually.
So in the end what effects change is where YOU are with YOUR process,
not how you see everyone else which still reflects on YOUR perception not theirs.
What changes with the other people is how THEY SEE IT.

We start with ourselves, if we want to see change,
and the collective is based on that.

If people only project outward what we think "other people need to change"
that doesn't help anything change, but people use that to justify NOT changing
just blaming it on "outside" groups of "other people" and that's why things stay stuck.
The Psychology of a Post-scarcity Society
June 23, 2019 ~~ By Deborah C. Tyler
When the struggle to sustain existence in a world of scarcity is replaced by affluence so absolute that even the incompetents, the ill and the lazy are all able to survive thanks to handouts from government and private sources, the results are far from the paradise imagined by materialists. In 1971 the prolific political philosopher Murray Bookshin published a collection of essays entitled Post-Scarcity Anarchy. Bookshin prophesied that the burgeoning technology of abundance would make the class struggle between capital and workers vanish. Like all writers in the Marxist-socialist tradition, Bookshin proffered his pet Utopian vision for a new world where the struggle for existence was permanently won. He called his fantasy “post-scarcity anarchy.”
Anyone can go through a temporary downturn and have to crash on Aunt Judy’s couch for a few weeks, or succumb to illness and have to depend on others for a time. But today mentally competent people are stuck in chronic lack and dependence not because of material scarcity, but because of habits of immorality. This is a radical change in the conditions of life. Post-scarcity does not mean the absence of hunger and that everyone has a nice place to live. Post-scarcity means that material problems like hunger and homelessness no longer have material solutions, they have moral solution. Progressivism purchases the souls of its victims by offering money to solve moral problems. Perhaps the millions of illegal aliens and the even more millions of children they are having will overwhelm the technology of abundance and cast Americans back towards the struggles of scarcity. For now, we are grateful to live in this time of abundance, and rejoice in its spreading around the world. We hope it will be preserved for our posterity, when there may be more wisdom to match the wealth.

It has been my observation that those afflicted with the mental disorder of liberalism suffer from profound self-loathing issues which manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways. Hatred for traditional values, giving a wide berth to America's most implacable enemies, guilt and angst over one's skin color, and most perniciously, losing their self-identity in mindless celebrity worship.
Oddly enough, this explains some of the postmodernist ideas like "reality is what you want it to be, morality is relative, sexuality and gender are fluid" thinking of the Left. Oddly enough, this explains some of the postmodernist ideas like "reality is what you want it to be, morality is relative, sexuality and gender are fluid" thinking of the Progress Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
Affluence has removed the hard edge--the struggle--for survival that previously defined reality and made sense of our world. In a world of plenty, reality itself is nothing more than a drug-induced high. There is no meaning or purpose. We are like animals in the zoo, but the zoo has no bars except those we erect ourselves.
We are all trying to become Paris Hilton trust fund babies...drinking, drugging, and partying ourselves into a permanent state of dissipation.
Affluence has removed the hard edge--the struggle--for survival that previously defined reality and made sense of our world. In a world of plenty, reality itself is nothing more than a drug-induced high. There is no meaning or purpose. We are like animals in the zoo, but the zoo has no bars except those we erect ourselves.
As Kipling observed a while back, this sickness won’t last long, but the ending won’t be pretty:
“And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,​
If the caution that SIDC has put out about the possibility of a Dalton/Maunder event happening over the next 30-60 years this is going to get a solid test as a hypothesis..
The Psychology of a Post-scarcity Society
June 23, 2019 ~~ By Deborah C. Tyler
When the struggle to sustain existence in a world of scarcity is replaced by affluence so absolute that even the incompetents, the ill and the lazy are all able to survive thanks to handouts from government and private sources, the results are far from the paradise imagined by materialists. In 1971 the prolific political philosopher Murray Bookshin published a collection of essays entitled Post-Scarcity Anarchy. Bookshin prophesied that the burgeoning technology of abundance would make the class struggle between capital and workers vanish. Like all writers in the Marxist-socialist tradition, Bookshin proffered his pet Utopian vision for a new world where the struggle for existence was permanently won. He called his fantasy “post-scarcity anarchy.”
Anyone can go through a temporary downturn and have to crash on Aunt Judy’s couch for a few weeks, or succumb to illness and have to depend on others for a time. But today mentally competent people are stuck in chronic lack and dependence not because of material scarcity, but because of habits of immorality. This is a radical change in the conditions of life. Post-scarcity does not mean the absence of hunger and that everyone has a nice place to live. Post-scarcity means that material problems like hunger and homelessness no longer have material solutions, they have moral solution. Progressivism purchases the souls of its victims by offering money to solve moral problems. Perhaps the millions of illegal aliens and the even more millions of children they are having will overwhelm the technology of abundance and cast Americans back towards the struggles of scarcity. For now, we are grateful to live in this time of abundance, and rejoice in its spreading around the world. We hope it will be preserved for our posterity, when there may be more wisdom to match the wealth.

It has been my observation that those afflicted with the mental disorder of liberalism suffer from profound self-loathing issues which manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways. Hatred for traditional values, giving a wide berth to America's most implacable enemies, guilt and angst over one's skin color, and most perniciously, losing their self-identity in mindless celebrity worship.
Oddly enough, this explains some of the postmodernist ideas like "reality is what you want it to be, morality is relative, sexuality and gender are fluid" thinking of the Left. Oddly enough, this explains some of the postmodernist ideas like "reality is what you want it to be, morality is relative, sexuality and gender are fluid" thinking of the Progress Marxist Socialist/DSA Left.
Affluence has removed the hard edge--the struggle--for survival that previously defined reality and made sense of our world. In a world of plenty, reality itself is nothing more than a drug-induced high. There is no meaning or purpose. We are like animals in the zoo, but the zoo has no bars except those we erect ourselves.
We are all trying to become Paris Hilton trust fund babies...drinking, drugging, and partying ourselves into a permanent state of dissipation.
Affluence has removed the hard edge--the struggle--for survival that previously defined reality and made sense of our world. In a world of plenty, reality itself is nothing more than a drug-induced high. There is no meaning or purpose. We are like animals in the zoo, but the zoo has no bars except those we erect ourselves.
As Kipling observed a while back, this sickness won’t last long, but the ending won’t be pretty:
“And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,​

Your observations are utterly false. Liberals are not filled with self-loathing at all. Quite the contrary. But the are filled with a doubt about whether or not they're correct in their thinking. Something that conservatives have no problem with at all. Conservatives are always certain they're right, and liberals and never sure they're right.

But as for your usual bullshit that liberals hate America, hate themselves, or they're lazy, or stupid, or any of the things that fools tell themselves where they're really not so sure that they're right. The fact that you cannot share opinions with others without looking down on them for their own carefully considered opinions speaks volumes about your willingness to consider the other guy or gal's point of view.

This too differentiates liberals and conservatives. Conservatives are always wanting to get into your business, when it's none of theirs. Conservatives say that it violates the Constitution and the right of religious freedom contained in the Constitution, to force a baker to make a cake for a gay wedding which he believes is morally wrong. It is the most horrendous violation of the baker's rights to have to bake that cake. FREEDOM!!!

But to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want, cannot afford to raise, which will cause her family egegrious harm, well the bitch should have kept her legs closed. No constitutional rights for freedom for HER.

And they won't even seen the irony in that.
It won't be post-scarcity for long. Soon we will be starving just like the 3rd worlders as we keep importing more and more....

Leftists will become history at that point, the final nail to the coffins of these miserable folks who won't procreate and hate babies.

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