The Propaganda War Continues


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Propaganda War Continues

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Laura Hollis

The past week brought further evidence of how deep and wide the propaganda war is on ordinary Americans. Trump supporters converged on Washington, D.C., last Saturday for the “Million MAGA March.” The crowd was enormous, but -- like so much else these days -- it is nearly impossible to get accurate information about how many people were there. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted out that it was “more than one MILLION” people, which seems highly unlikely. Yet, the major media -- predictably -- went in the opposite direction, downplaying the event to one that only thousands attended. How many thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Just eyeballing the crowds from the vantage points of the many overhead shots provided on social media and elsewhere, it looked like enough people to fill the largest college or NFL stadium and then some. You wouldn’t know that from reading the articles.
It isn’t just the numbers that the media manipulates; it’s the motives.
The crowd was diverse in age, race, ethnicity and every other conceivable characteristic. However many there were in our nation’s capital, they were clearly there to express their love of their country, their support for the president and their support of his efforts to determine whether the vote count on Nov. 3 was accurate or the product of manipulation, deceit and fraud. They were peaceful, unmasked, walking with flags and many with children and pets. At various points throughout the event, they prayed and sang the national anthem. There was no looting, no vandalism, no attacking people, destroying monuments or burning buildings.
Until the rally ended, that is, and out came the attackers, believed to be part of the antifa and BLM groups, screaming obscenities, instilling fear, inciting violence and causing bloodshed, as they have in cities across the country for months. Rally attendees were screamed at, pelted with eggs, doused with liquids, shoved and assaulted, their flags and clothing stolen and burned. Diners at a D.C. restaurant had exploding fireworks and debris thrown at them. One of the most disturbing videos showed a man getting sucker-punched from behind, falling onto the pavement and then being kicked as he lay unconscious. He wasn’t wearing a mask, but his attackers were. One even stole the cellphone that he dropped when he collapsed.
Americans concerned about voter fraud are denounced as “conspiracy theorists” and part of the “hard, hard right,” and those concerns themselves are dismissed as “debunked ideas.” NPR called last weekend’s D.C. march “a petri dish of conspiracy and extremism” and, in what has become a tried-and-true trope, evoked the specter of the 2017 event in Charlottesville, Virginia, at which a woman was killed.
The propaganda war is not the electoral victory, which is -- perhaps understandably -- where the Trump team is focusing all its efforts. But if Team Trump loses the propaganda war -- and he is behind there, too -- even if Trump finds the votes to flip the states and claim election victory, he will face popular opposition that cannot be underestimated.
Whatever information Powell, Rudy Giuliani and the rest of Trump’s legal team have, they need to drop it soon if they want it to matter, not to the judges but to the American people.

As I write Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Powell are conducting a open press conference that CNN, MSNBC and others than Fox refused to cover.
Yes Giulani went public yet again the biased propaganda machine refused to cover it live except for Fox. One would have to question why this wasn't covered.
No one should be shocked by any degree of lying done by the Fake News media. Once you understand that Democrats are evil scum, there's no reason to be surprised at any time by their behavior.
The Propaganda War Continues

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Laura Hollis

The past week brought further evidence of how deep and wide the propaganda war is on ordinary Americans. Trump supporters converged on Washington, D.C., last Saturday for the “Million MAGA March.” The crowd was enormous, but -- like so much else these days -- it is nearly impossible to get accurate information about how many people were there. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted out that it was “more than one MILLION” people, which seems highly unlikely. Yet, the major media -- predictably -- went in the opposite direction, downplaying the event to one that only thousands attended. How many thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Just eyeballing the crowds from the vantage points of the many overhead shots provided on social media and elsewhere, it looked like enough people to fill the largest college or NFL stadium and then some. You wouldn’t know that from reading the articles.
It isn’t just the numbers that the media manipulates; it’s the motives.
The crowd was diverse in age, race, ethnicity and every other conceivable characteristic. However many there were in our nation’s capital, they were clearly there to express their love of their country, their support for the president and their support of his efforts to determine whether the vote count on Nov. 3 was accurate or the product of manipulation, deceit and fraud. They were peaceful, unmasked, walking with flags and many with children and pets. At various points throughout the event, they prayed and sang the national anthem. There was no looting, no vandalism, no attacking people, destroying monuments or burning buildings.
Until the rally ended, that is, and out came the attackers, believed to be part of the antifa and BLM groups, screaming obscenities, instilling fear, inciting violence and causing bloodshed, as they have in cities across the country for months. Rally attendees were screamed at, pelted with eggs, doused with liquids, shoved and assaulted, their flags and clothing stolen and burned. Diners at a D.C. restaurant had exploding fireworks and debris thrown at them. One of the most disturbing videos showed a man getting sucker-punched from behind, falling onto the pavement and then being kicked as he lay unconscious. He wasn’t wearing a mask, but his attackers were. One even stole the cellphone that he dropped when he collapsed.
Americans concerned about voter fraud are denounced as “conspiracy theorists” and part of the “hard, hard right,” and those concerns themselves are dismissed as “debunked ideas.” NPR called last weekend’s D.C. march “a petri dish of conspiracy and extremism” and, in what has become a tried-and-true trope, evoked the specter of the 2017 event in Charlottesville, Virginia, at which a woman was killed.
The propaganda war is not the electoral victory, which is -- perhaps understandably -- where the Trump team is focusing all its efforts. But if Team Trump loses the propaganda war -- and he is behind there, too -- even if Trump finds the votes to flip the states and claim election victory, he will face popular opposition that cannot be underestimated.
Whatever information Powell, Rudy Giuliani and the rest of Trump’s legal team have, they need to drop it soon if they want it to matter, not to the judges but to the American people.

As I write Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Powell are conducting a open press conference that CNN, MSNBC and others than Fox refused to cover.
Yes Giulani went public yet again the biased propaganda machine refused to cover it live except for Fox. One would have to question why this wasn't covered.
No one should be shocked by any degree of lying done by the Fake News media. Once you understand that Democrats are evil scum, there's no reason to be surprised at any time by their behavior.
Joe Goebbels would'a been PROUD of todays Major Managed News Media(MMNM)!
The Propaganda War Continues

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Laura Hollis

The past week brought further evidence of how deep and wide the propaganda war is on ordinary Americans. Trump supporters converged on Washington, D.C., last Saturday for the “Million MAGA March.” The crowd was enormous, but -- like so much else these days -- it is nearly impossible to get accurate information about how many people were there. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted out that it was “more than one MILLION” people, which seems highly unlikely. Yet, the major media -- predictably -- went in the opposite direction, downplaying the event to one that only thousands attended. How many thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Just eyeballing the crowds from the vantage points of the many overhead shots provided on social media and elsewhere, it looked like enough people to fill the largest college or NFL stadium and then some. You wouldn’t know that from reading the articles.
It isn’t just the numbers that the media manipulates; it’s the motives.
The crowd was diverse in age, race, ethnicity and every other conceivable characteristic. However many there were in our nation’s capital, they were clearly there to express their love of their country, their support for the president and their support of his efforts to determine whether the vote count on Nov. 3 was accurate or the product of manipulation, deceit and fraud. They were peaceful, unmasked, walking with flags and many with children and pets. At various points throughout the event, they prayed and sang the national anthem. There was no looting, no vandalism, no attacking people, destroying monuments or burning buildings.
Until the rally ended, that is, and out came the attackers, believed to be part of the antifa and BLM groups, screaming obscenities, instilling fear, inciting violence and causing bloodshed, as they have in cities across the country for months. Rally attendees were screamed at, pelted with eggs, doused with liquids, shoved and assaulted, their flags and clothing stolen and burned. Diners at a D.C. restaurant had exploding fireworks and debris thrown at them. One of the most disturbing videos showed a man getting sucker-punched from behind, falling onto the pavement and then being kicked as he lay unconscious. He wasn’t wearing a mask, but his attackers were. One even stole the cellphone that he dropped when he collapsed.
Americans concerned about voter fraud are denounced as “conspiracy theorists” and part of the “hard, hard right,” and those concerns themselves are dismissed as “debunked ideas.” NPR called last weekend’s D.C. march “a petri dish of conspiracy and extremism” and, in what has become a tried-and-true trope, evoked the specter of the 2017 event in Charlottesville, Virginia, at which a woman was killed.
The propaganda war is not the electoral victory, which is -- perhaps understandably -- where the Trump team is focusing all its efforts. But if Team Trump loses the propaganda war -- and he is behind there, too -- even if Trump finds the votes to flip the states and claim election victory, he will face popular opposition that cannot be underestimated.
Whatever information Powell, Rudy Giuliani and the rest of Trump’s legal team have, they need to drop it soon if they want it to matter, not to the judges but to the American people.

As I write Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Powell are conducting a open press conference that CNN, MSNBC and others than Fox refused to cover.
Yes Giulani went public yet again the biased propaganda machine refused to cover it live except for Fox. One would have to question why this wasn't covered.
No one should be shocked by any degree of lying done by the Fake News media. Once you understand that Democrats are evil scum, there's no reason to be surprised at any time by their behavior.
Joe Goebbels would'a been PROUD of todays Major Managed News Media(MMNM)!

Hmmm...., you forgot to include Edward Bernays, Woodrow Wilson's Democrat propaganda minister that inspired Joey G.

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