The President Seems Lost


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Columnist Richard Cohen gives voice to the growing concern of many regarding President Obama's seeming detachment from the requirements of the job of president.


The President Seems Lost
By Richard Cohen

Let's go back to that "teachable moment." It was proclaimed by Barack Obama after he said that police in Cambridge, Mass., had acted "stupidly" in arresting Henry Louis Gates for essentially being black in his own house. It has been a month now, and the one sure thing we have learned in this extended teachable moment is about Obama himself. He can't teach.[/

More and more Obama is being likened to Lyndon Johnson, with Afghanistan becoming his Vietnam. Maybe. But the better analogy is to Jimmy Carter, particularly the president analyzed by James Fallows in a 1979 Atlantic magazine article, "The Passionless Presidency." "The central idea of the Carter administration is Jimmy Carter himself," Fallows wrote. And what is the central idea of the Obama presidency? It is change. And what is that? It is Obama himself.

RealClearPolitics - The President Seems Lost
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Columnist Richard Cohen gives voice to the growing concern of many regarding President Obama's seeming detachment from the requirements of the job of president.

Nice opinion piece. AGAIN, with no concrete evidence to support the title. Where do you find all of these hallow opinion pieces, and why do you bother reading them?
Columnist Richard Cohen gives voice to the growing concern of many regarding President Obama's seeming detachment from the requirements of the job of president.

Nice opinion piece. AGAIN, with no concrete evidence to support the title. Where do you find all of these hallow opinion pieces, and why do you bother reading them?

Columnist Richard Cohen gives voice to the growing concern of many regarding President Obama's seeming detachment from the requirements of the job of president.
Nice opinion piece. AGAIN, with no concrete evidence to support the title. Where do you find all of these hallow opinion pieces, and why do you bother reading them?
it's called an OPINION! I dont' see any concrete evidence from your OPINION'S ...hrm is it because it's just that an OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More and more Obama is being likened to Lyndon Johnson, with Afghanistan becoming his Vietnam. Maybe. But the better analogy is to Jimmy Carter, particularly the president analyzed by James Fallows in a 1979 Atlantic magazine article, "The Passionless Presidency." "The central idea of the Carter administration is Jimmy Carter himself," Fallows wrote. And what is the central idea of the Obama presidency? It is change. And what is that? It is Obama himself.

Seems to more closely follow Ronald Reagan
- Followed an immensely unpopular and poorly regarded president
- Came in with the economy in shambles
- Exceptional communications skills
- Borrowed extensively to reboot the economy
- Saw unemployment of 10% early in presidency
Obama is the proverbial dog who finally caught the fire truck. For a Century through the generations we mused what that dog would do if he ever caught it. Now we know we were always right -- he wouldn't know what to do besides piss on it if he caught it.

That's Obama in a nutshell.
Obama is the proverbial dog who finally caught the fire truck. For a Century through the generations we mused what that dog would do if he ever caught it. Now we know we were always right -- he wouldn't know what to do besides piss on it if he caught it.

That's Obama in a nutshell.


Would that nutshell happen to be an acorn?
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Obama cannot -- or, to be both fair and precise, he has not yet been able to. This is because of an insufficiency I have noted previously -- his distinct coolness, an above-the-fray mien that does not communicate empathy. If you recall, for instance, that teachable moment about Gates, you will remember it was about racial profiling and such. Commentators galore jumped right in and in some cases -- Glenn Beck comes to mind -- proved they were whores for controversy, but Obama himself stayed above the fray. Class was in session but he was not.
I see this as a product of Barry the Msanchild basically being in his own little world and completely detached from actual reality, rather than any supposed "coolness".

"Frozen fish" is closer to the truth.
Yes Hopey Changey has clearly lost control of his administration. His stupid AG is busy playing that tired old "Blame Bush" game by investigating old news regarding the CIA. This CIA stuff has already been investigated so why is Holder doing this now? The answer is Hopey Changey's approval numbers are sinking like a stone and he desperately needs a Clintonesque "Wag the Dog" scam to distract his sheep. Our kids are being slaughtered over there in Afghanistan while Hopey Changey plays golf and his AG investigates his own people in the CIA. Don't worry about the Taliban and Al Qaeda,you should instead be worried about Eric Holder. He has also added untold $Trillions to the Debt and Unemployment is now approaching 10%. All this while he plays golf and his AG declares war on his own people. Yes Hopey Changey sure is lost at this point. :(
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The President Seems Lost

He's about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Like we don't have a ruling elite here???

I really get a kick out of folks that accuse a Socialist system of something "Bad" like a "ruling elite" and fail to realize we've got the same here.

I wish I could say it was the Congress and the President that was the "ruling elite." But in truth, the ruling elite are both corporate citizens, and the very, very richest two percent or so of the people.

A few million from these folks, can get a Senator like Lieberman, Baucus, or any of the republicans to condemn people to death without health care.

Let's face it--most people would not notice muc of a difference, and a huge number would notice an improvement were we to live under a democratic socialist system, as much of Europe lives under. Socialism, more than anything to most republicans, is simply a word they've been taught to hate, a word many of them seem to be unable to define.
Columnist Richard Cohen gives voice to the growing concern of many regarding President Obama's seeming detachment from the requirements of the job of president.

Nice opinion piece. AGAIN, with no concrete evidence to support the title. Where do you find all of these hallow opinion pieces, and why do you bother reading them?

You did not see him as lost with the "acted stupidly" thing?

OK....I'll bite....what lesson did we learn from that teachable moment?

Did we learn racial profiling is bad?

Nahhh......We knew that already.

DId we learn that accusing one of racial profiling with no proof of such is bad?

No...we didnt learn that either seeing as Obama certainly didnt take that stand.

So what did we learn...or was Obama simply lost.

Seems like concerte evidence to me.
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The President Seems Lost

He's about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Like we don't have a ruling elite here???

I really get a kick out of folks that accuse a Socialist system of something "Bad" like a "ruling elite" and fail to realize we've got the same here.

I wish I could say it was the Congress and the President that was the "ruling elite." But in truth, the ruling elite are both corporate citizens, and the very, very richest two percent or so of the people.

A few million from these folks, can get a Senator like Lieberman, Baucus, or any of the republicans to condemn people to death without health care.

Let's face it--most people would not notice muc of a difference, and a huge number would notice an improvement were we to live under a democratic socialist system, as much of Europe lives under. Socialism, more than anything to most republicans, is simply a word they've been taught to hate, a word many of them seem to be unable to define.

So tell me...I am wealthy....I own a business...employ many...own a nice home near the ocean...looking to buy a boat.....children in college (one just graduated) I am one of thos "elite you referred to...

So please...tell me....exactlly how is my life style, the decisons I make...affecting your life?

Now for the government......certainly THEY can affect your life...but exactly how can I?

Really poor posting on your my opinion.
The President Seems Lost

He's about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Like we don't have a ruling elite here???

I really get a kick out of folks that accuse a Socialist system of something "Bad" like a "ruling elite" and fail to realize we've got the same here.

I wish I could say it was the Congress and the President that was the "ruling elite." But in truth, the ruling elite are both corporate citizens, and the very, very richest two percent or so of the people.

A few million from these folks, can get a Senator like Lieberman, Baucus, or any of the republicans to condemn people to death without health care.

Let's face it--most people would not notice muc of a difference, and a huge number would notice an improvement were we to live under a democratic socialist system, as much of Europe lives under. Socialism, more than anything to most republicans, is simply a word they've been taught to hate, a word many of them seem to be unable to define.

So tell me...I am wealthy....I own a business...employ many...own a nice home near the ocean...looking to buy a boat.....children in college (one just graduated) I am one of thos "elite you referred to...

So please...tell me....exactlly how is my life style, the decisons I make...affecting your life?

Now for the government......certainly THEY can affect your life...but exactly how can I?

Really poor posting on your my opinion.

Great post! :clap2:
The President Seems Lost

He's about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Like we don't have a ruling elite here???

I really get a kick out of folks that accuse a Socialist system of something "Bad" like a "ruling elite" and fail to realize we've got the same here.

I wish I could say it was the Congress and the President that was the "ruling elite." But in truth, the ruling elite are both corporate citizens, and the very, very richest two percent or so of the people.

A few million from these folks, can get a Senator like Lieberman, Baucus, or any of the republicans to condemn people to death without health care.

Let's face it--most people would not notice muc of a difference, and a huge number would notice an improvement were we to live under a democratic socialist system, as much of Europe lives under. Socialism, more than anything to most republicans, is simply a word they've been taught to hate, a word many of them seem to be unable to define.

Socialism IS bad....

Being a system based on wealth or earning being 'communal' or 'societal' property goes inherently against the concept of personal freedom. The same personal freedom that this country was indeed founded on.

Someone having wealth does not make them your ruling elite. Those who wish to confescate, without compensation, from one who owns or earns, to redistribute to those who contribute nothing, are indeed the ruling elite.

Fuck socialism and anyone who supports it
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The President Seems Lost

He's about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market

Like we don't have a ruling elite here???

I really get a kick out of folks that accuse a Socialist system of something "Bad" like a "ruling elite" and fail to realize we've got the same here.

I wish I could say it was the Congress and the President that was the "ruling elite." But in truth, the ruling elite are both corporate citizens, and the very, very richest two percent or so of the people.

A few million from these folks, can get a Senator like Lieberman, Baucus, or any of the republicans to condemn people to death without health care.

Let's face it--most people would not notice muc of a difference, and a huge number would notice an improvement were we to live under a democratic socialist system, as much of Europe lives under. Socialism, more than anything to most republicans, is simply a word they've been taught to hate, a word many of them seem to be unable to define.

Socialism IS bad....

Being a system based on wealth or earning being 'communal' or 'societal' property goes inherently against the concept of personal freedom. The same personal freedom that this country was indeed founded on.

Someone having wealth does not make them your ruling elite. Those who wish to confescate, without compensation, from one who owns or earns, to redistribute to those who contribute nothing, are indeed the ruling elite.

Fuck socialism and anyone who supports it

And thankfully, neither President Obama nor any of the Democrats advocate socialism. But it is the rightwings new buzzword and they think if they say it often enough it must be true
Like we don't have a ruling elite here???

I really get a kick out of folks that accuse a Socialist system of something "Bad" like a "ruling elite" and fail to realize we've got the same here.

I wish I could say it was the Congress and the President that was the "ruling elite." But in truth, the ruling elite are both corporate citizens, and the very, very richest two percent or so of the people.

A few million from these folks, can get a Senator like Lieberman, Baucus, or any of the republicans to condemn people to death without health care.

Let's face it--most people would not notice muc of a difference, and a huge number would notice an improvement were we to live under a democratic socialist system, as much of Europe lives under. Socialism, more than anything to most republicans, is simply a word they've been taught to hate, a word many of them seem to be unable to define.

Socialism IS bad....

Being a system based on wealth or earning being 'communal' or 'societal' property goes inherently against the concept of personal freedom. The same personal freedom that this country was indeed founded on.

Someone having wealth does not make them your ruling elite. Those who wish to confescate, without compensation, from one who owns or earns, to redistribute to those who contribute nothing, are indeed the ruling elite.

Fuck socialism and anyone who supports it

And thankfully, neither President Obama nor any of the Democrats advocate socialism. But it is the rightwings new buzzword and they think if they say it often enough it must be true

So what is socialism to you?

My guess is you are looking it up on google.
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