The political illusion that utilizing wind and solar is different than using fossil fuels.

Fact is I am supporter of the research into renewable resources that can benefit the planet and mankind but I am not idealistic enough to believe we can cut the ties to oil and keep what we have.

So we must focus on better solutions and not be bitterly divided like we are but alas it is the Cane and Able Story as always…
The problem is you need to acknowledge and by doing that, you would need to stand in awe at the politics that are being played by the left.

It's DEMOGOGUERY. They have become so skillful in creating PERCEPTION of reality. Where they use music and other deceptive means by their devils in entertainment to make the ignorant mind believe they are on their side. Promise them everything after convincing them they are all victims of the scapegoat they created. Using the tried and true method of incessantly accusing the scapegoats of that which they are guilty.

The ignorant minds under the spell of group think and led along by pied pipers and in the process their souls are being overtaken. To the point where everything that is good is bad and everything bad is good. To where we can't make sense of even the simplest of things, like what is a woman?

Scary time and we have all been influenced by such tactics and propaganda. All of us.
It's all just a supposed magic bullet that will fix everything. When you really down to it, it's all about money and nothing else. And political power.

Solar and wind can be great supliments for energy, but to think they are without consequences is short sighted. Everything has a negative reaction, nothing is perfect, everything requires something else and nothing is perpetual. Everything must be consumed and nothing can be consumed without waste.

Even something like recycling paper, it sounds really great and in some ways it is and other ways it isn't. Even shipping millions of tons of paper to recycle every to centers, then to processing plants and then back to consumers costs a lot of energy. Then you have energy needed for the facilities to run machines to process it. Then you have the pulp waste created in order to process it and bleach it. And so on. Yes recycling paper is good, but it's as equally as bad.

Everything is a trade off and solar and wind are not immune to that.
They are done commenting. Who cares anyway? Has any left winger ever made any valid point on this site ever? Been here since 2013 and haven't seen one. Not an exaggeration.
Because it's pointless to debate lies and bullshit posted by some teenager on TikTok. It's like engaging in a discussion as to whether Michelle Obama is really a man based on a photoshopped image on the internet, and just about as valid.

Why not have a fact based discussion, instead??? Oh yeah, because the facts don't support the American conservatives contention that climate change isn't man-made, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Please note that this is a uniquely American point of view - like guns keep people safe. It's not borne out by the facts or the data, it's costing you thousands of lives and billions of dollars, and only conservative Americans believe it to be true.

The rest of the world think you're both short-sighted and, quite frankly, stupid, on both scores.
WAIT, FACT BASED? I have never seen you post any links or facts, you just parrot MSNBC talking points verbatim.....on every issue.
Alternate sources of energy just aren't as efficient as burning fossil fuel. You need an acre of ugly solar panels and a bank of batteries that produce direct current and a converter to A.C. and windmills are a joke that need constant maintenance and kill migratory birds. The alternate energy science just isn't there.

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