The piece of the Pie Analogy-a study in Behavior Science


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is the Middle East conflict religious, territorial or something else?

I liken the behavior of the initial PA movement by Haj Amin Al-Husseini when initially given equal portion of land, and todays radicals call for the whole pie, to that of a child being given an equal portion of pie as his brother is given. You know when your parent cuts you a slice it might be aprox size as the other slice being given but never exact same portions.

Well one brother always gets greedy as you say, and jealous of the other brother getting a slice of the pie.

So it's like being a spoiled brat or jealous that your brother is getting a slice of the pie along with you and thus feel you want the whole pie to yourself.

In your jealous and child like rage you crawl under the table in a sneaky manner trying to attack your brother to get his piece of the pie,

but he somehow manages to stop you under the table by blocking you with his feet.

While you're stuck under the table you gave up all rights to your own slice of the pie which you left open and unprotected in your greed.

Your brother takes a few playful bites out of your pie to teach you a lesson, but also as compensation for your silly move. Your Father see's what you're doing under the Table and takes the pie away from you and tells you that you can only have that slice when you say sorry and can be trusted to behave.

Because of the uprising by the Arabs many of the leaders became exhiled

(sent to their rooms ) and they became seriously disorganized during the crucial decade in which the future of Palestine was decided (they were absantee). If they hadn't wanted the whole pie they would have been enjoying the half they were gonna get at the time it was handed out fairly and are still trying to be given. Since the brat wouldn't take it, because it's not the whole pie, they kept poking their forks into the pie handlers hand (Brittain) as he feeds it to him.

Therefore I wouldn't blame religion I would blame human behavior, some people just aren't mature or responsible enough to be given anything.

Today is a perfect example of people not getting their lesson from their prior mistakes, probably because they always accused their victims instead of themselves or their brethren outsiders (Iran-Syria) who were the initiators (as seen today with the Global Gaza protest). When displacing blame you fail to recongize the issues nor solve them, so you're damned to repeat them as we see now.

Today they are ready to make the same exact mistake as last time, they still want the whole pie, unsatisfied with getting their fair share they will be like a brat constantly tormenting their brother hoping their anoying behavior will relinquish the other piece of the pie.

Children, mere bratty children and without the sense to notice when they are being set up by their own who do not care about their welfare, they only care about progressing a cause to destroy civilized societies till everyone is as chaotic and backwards as they are.

What is the radicals philosophy? There is none, it's just one big anarchistic free for all and their own people are used as chips in their silly little sadistic game.

These are the kind of people Palestinians support and look up to, the same people who lead them to turmoil all these years and kept peace from them. The same people who will use them once again to get what they want even if it destroys the people once again.
Is the Middle East conflict religious, territorial or something else?

I liken the behavior of the initial PA movement by Haj Amin Al-Husseini when initially given equal portion of land, and todays radicals call for the whole pie, to that of a child being given an equal portion of pie as his brother is given. You know when your parent cuts you a slice it might be aprox size as the other slice being given but never exact same portions.

Well one brother always gets greedy as you say, and jealous of the other brother getting a slice of the pie.

So it's like being a spoiled brat or jealous that your brother is getting a slice of the pie along with you and thus feel you want the whole pie to yourself.

In your jealous and child like rage you crawl under the table in a sneaky manner trying to attack your brother to get his piece of the pie,

but he somehow manages to stop you under the table by blocking you with his feet.

While you're stuck under the table you gave up all rights to your own slice of the pie which you left open and unprotected in your greed.

Your brother takes a few playful bites out of your pie to teach you a lesson, but also as compensation for your silly move. Your Father see's what you're doing under the Table and takes the pie away from you and tells you that you can only have that slice when you say sorry and can be trusted to behave.

Because of the uprising by the Arabs many of the leaders became exhiled

(sent to their rooms ) and they became seriously disorganized during the crucial decade in which the future of Palestine was decided (they were absantee). If they hadn't wanted the whole pie they would have been enjoying the half they were gonna get at the time it was handed out fairly and are still trying to be given. Since the brat wouldn't take it, because it's not the whole pie, they kept poking their forks into the pie handlers hand (Brittain) as he feeds it to him.

Therefore I wouldn't blame religion I would blame human behavior, some people just aren't mature or responsible enough to be given anything.

Today is a perfect example of people not getting their lesson from their prior mistakes, probably because they always accused their victims instead of themselves or their brethren outsiders (Iran-Syria) who were the initiators (as seen today with the Global Gaza protest). When displacing blame you fail to recongize the issues nor solve them, so you're damned to repeat them as we see now.

Today they are ready to make the same exact mistake as last time, they still want the whole pie, unsatisfied with getting their fair share they will be like a brat constantly tormenting their brother hoping their anoying behavior will relinquish the other piece of the pie.

Children, mere bratty children and without the sense to notice when they are being set up by their own who do not care about their welfare, they only care about progressing a cause to destroy civilized societies till everyone is as chaotic and backwards as they are.

What is the radicals philosophy? There is none, it's just one big anarchistic free for all and their own people are used as chips in their silly little sadistic game.

These are the kind of people Palestinians support and look up to, the same people who lead them to turmoil all these years and kept peace from them. The same people who will use them once again to get what they want even if it destroys the people once again.
You solve the problem of the portion two kids get by allowing one to do the cutting and the other to pick the piece he/she wants. That generally results in as close to equal pieces of pie as you can get.

In the case of Israel however, the United Kingdom donated land they controlled and in 1948, the U.N. established a tiny homeland for Jews dispossessed in pograms, the Holocaust et al.

The Jews immediately came under attack by their Arab neighbors who didn't want them there, with the most militant--PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood et al all determined to kill every Jew in the Middle East. They had that in their charters and manifestos and have never changed their attitude or point of view despite an occasional cease fire.

If the U.S. withdraws its support from Israel, Israel will cease to exist and all those who hate Israel and the Israelis around the world will rejoice. Which is really sick.
You solve the problem of the portion two kids get by allowing one to do the cutting and the other to pick the piece he/she wants. That generally results in as close to equal pieces of pie as you can get.

In the case of Israel however, the United Kingdom donated land they controlled and in 1948, the U.N. established a tiny homeland for Jews dispossessed in pograms, the Holocaust et al.

The Jews immediately came under attack by their Arab neighbors who didn't want them there, with the most militant--PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood et al all determined to kill every Jew in the Middle East. They had that in their charters and manifestos and have never changed their attitude or point of view despite an occasional cease fire.

If the U.S. withdraws its support from Israel, Israel will cease to exist and all those who hate Israel and the Israelis around the world will rejoice. Which is really sick.
Who was the idiot who sliced up the territories so Israel was sandwiched and it required a passageway between the 2 portions, it's almost like they designed it to fail and have constant conflicts.
Is the Middle East conflict religious, territorial or something else?

I liken the behavior of the initial PA movement by Haj Amin Al-Husseini when initially given equal portion of land, and todays radicals call for the whole pie, to that of a child being given an equal portion of pie as his brother is given. You know when your parent cuts you a slice it might be aprox size as the other slice being given but never exact same portions.

Well one brother always gets greedy as you say, and jealous of the other brother getting a slice of the pie.

So it's like being a spoiled brat or jealous that your brother is getting a slice of the pie along with you and thus feel you want the whole pie to yourself.

In your jealous and child like rage you crawl under the table in a sneaky manner trying to attack your brother to get his piece of the pie,

but he somehow manages to stop you under the table by blocking you with his feet.

While you're stuck under the table you gave up all rights to your own slice of the pie which you left open and unprotected in your greed.

Your brother takes a few playful bites out of your pie to teach you a lesson, but also as compensation for your silly move. Your Father see's what you're doing under the Table and takes the pie away from you and tells you that you can only have that slice when you say sorry and can be trusted to behave.

Because of the uprising by the Arabs many of the leaders became exhiled

(sent to their rooms ) and they became seriously disorganized during the crucial decade in which the future of Palestine was decided (they were absantee). If they hadn't wanted the whole pie they would have been enjoying the half they were gonna get at the time it was handed out fairly and are still trying to be given. Since the brat wouldn't take it, because it's not the whole pie, they kept poking their forks into the pie handlers hand (Brittain) as he feeds it to him.

Therefore I wouldn't blame religion I would blame human behavior, some people just aren't mature or responsible enough to be given anything.

Today is a perfect example of people not getting their lesson from their prior mistakes, probably because they always accused their victims instead of themselves or their brethren outsiders (Iran-Syria) who were the initiators (as seen today with the Global Gaza protest). When displacing blame you fail to recongize the issues nor solve them, so you're damned to repeat them as we see now.

Today they are ready to make the same exact mistake as last time, they still want the whole pie, unsatisfied with getting their fair share they will be like a brat constantly tormenting their brother hoping their anoying behavior will relinquish the other piece of the pie.

Children, mere bratty children and without the sense to notice when they are being set up by their own who do not care about their welfare, they only care about progressing a cause to destroy civilized societies till everyone is as chaotic and backwards as they are.

What is the radicals philosophy? There is none, it's just one big anarchistic free for all and their own people are used as chips in their silly little sadistic game.

These are the kind of people Palestinians support and look up to, the same people who lead them to turmoil all these years and kept peace from them. The same people who will use them once again to get what they want even if it destroys the people once again.
Yes but historically the vast majority of the pie was sliced in the favour of the arabs as Transjordan was sliced away leaving a mere 15 per cent allocated to the Jewish people and the remaining arabs and then begrudgingly a mere 6 percent was given to the Jews and 9 per cent to the arabs… The arabs were not satisfied with this and attacked the Jews and lost some of their pie in 48 .. Greed and humiliation being what itis they tried again and again to swallow up the small pie they didn’t get until today we have the situation we have today …..I find it amazing that the mentality hasn’t changed a bit on the side of the arabs esp the radicals who are locked into this viscous cycle of destruction rebuild destruction over and over never learning their lesson and never advancing except in the weapons they use and the tactics graduating from knives, to guns, to bomb vests and car bombs etc to now missiles etc etc… Always getting pushed further and further from their goals by the industrial Jews who adapt and overcome..It would make for a good movie if it wasn’t so sad and dysfunctional and stuck in an endless loop that keeps playing over and over…
Who was the idiot who sliced up the territories so Israel was sandwiched and it required a passageway between the 2 portions, it's almost like they designed it to fail and have constant conflicts.
Yes I am sure it was done on purpose you can sell more weapons that way and keep things at a boil …
Who was the idiot who sliced up the territories so Israel was sandwiched and it required a passageway between the 2 portions, it's almost like they designed it to fail and have constant conflicts.
It doesn't seem to make much sense does it.

The Israelis however agreed to the divisions that exist. The murderous anti-Israel Groups who control those areas however have never seriously intended anything but the destruction of the Israelis.

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