Zone1 The Physical/Psychological Damage Caused by Racism


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Mar 11, 2015
The study of the psychological damage caused by racism has been ignored and on top of that scarce due to the fact that most people who had been leaders in the field of psychology/sociology have been white. But in more recent time blacks/POC in both fields have increased and they have initiated studies on the psychological/physiological damage caused by racism.

“Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low self-concept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen.”

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com

So try to imagine what it is like to feel like you have been raped or endure domestic violence every day of your life and nothing gets done about it. Instead every day you get told by people who are practicing the abuse that the abuse is not happening, or that you're pretending to be a victim because you need to in order to have a job or sense of self. Or that people are making it up to get rich and that people are telling you that you are a victim to make ypu dependent on them so you vote for members of that party. For people to actually believe this is lunacy, or rather, cognitive dissonance at the highest level.

On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

not providing adequate or appropriate adjustment to the environment or situation:

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Maladaptive behavior is any behavior that is an ineffective way of coping with stressors, usually as a result of anxiety, fear, or discomfort.

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When white "conservatives" praise blacks like Clarence Tho,as, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, Herschel Walker, etc., they are praising blacks who practice maladaptive coping mechanisms. They are praised for remaining in denial and self blame for the conditions blacks face. White "conservatives are actively trying to pressure blacks into practicing maladaptive behavior and tell us how practicing that maladaptive behavior is a benefit to black people and examples of how we should take personal responsibility.

We read about black violence from whites. Yet aggression is one of the results of having to endure racism. It is another maladaptive behavior created by white racism. Maladaptive behavior caused by white racism can result in self-destructive behavior, such as substance abuse or hypersexuality.

When I say the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, it is due to continuing self education about the psychological/physiological effects of racism on people of color. In 2022 we must go beyond the simple minded bromides often hurled in these discussions from people on the right. When you start talking about the behavior of blacks or any other person of color, the psychological effects of race must be considered.

Because even the favorite minority of the right wing practices maladaptive coping as part of their culture. The Asian concept of Gaman, is basically internalized racism and that is a maladaptive coping mechanism. Butvwhite "conservatives" boast anf brag about how maladaptive behavior in others is great and fantastic.

So if we are going to have a civil conversation about race, a real look at the physical/psychological damage caused by racism is necessary.
The first paragraph leads me to the conclusion that Black Power people have a Slavery Derangement Syndrome. Okay, a quick search will let us know if it has already been treated - right???
You have no doubt caused yourself physical harm with all the anger and hatred toward White people. That's why you bring this subject up constantly. Maybe try and give it a rest. Have a Happy 4th of July Thomas!! :)
I feel just fine. You couldn't survive a workout with me. Again, you conflate white racists for white people. I have no problem with whites who are not racists. Now if you notice, the information that is going to be presented does not come from me. It comes from professionals in the field of psychology. I don't listen to suggestions from racist whites. I live with racism every day, so I am going to talk about it every day if necessary. It's easy for practitioners of racism to tell others how they need to stop talking about it. That's called racial gaslighting and we'll get to that in a couple of days. I don't celebrate the 4th and I'm not Thomas.
The first paragraph leads me to the conclusion that Black Power people have a Slavery Derangement Syndrome. Okay, a quick search will let us know if it has already been treated - right???

Incorrect. Racism continues now, it did not stop when slavery ended and understanding the psychological/physical effects of racim is important.
You know you are looked upon as a off-kilter don't you?

You are the internet version of the crazy black guy (Russell) that used to walk the streets of my town shouting at himself, at passing cars, and drawing in the gravel with a stick.

They finally committed him when his mom died and he had nobody to care for him.

He passed in the nut house a few years back......Don't be Russell.

What Is Maladaptive Behavior?

Maladaptive behavior is any behavior that is an ineffective way of coping with stressors, usually as a result of anxiety, fear, or discomfort.

When white "conservatives" praise blacks like Clarence Tho,as, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, Herschel Walker, etc., they are praising blacks who practice maladaptive coping mechanisms. They are praised for remaining in denial and self blame for the conditions blacks face. White "conservatives are actively trying to pressure blacks into practicing maladaptive behavior and tell us how practicing that maladaptive behavior is a benefit to black people and examples of how we should take personal responsibility.
Wow, just think how well off blacks like Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell and Herschel Walker didn't practice that maladaptive behavior. Basket cases, that's what they are, complete basket cases. Taking personal responsibility is maladaptive behavior, dontchaknow!
Incorrect. Racism continues now, it did not stop when slavery ended and understanding the psychological/physical effects of racim is important.
You need a safe country because you ain't going to get it here if Black people don't smarten up and realize that we need a constitutional convention that Black peoples is at.
I feel just fine. You couldn't survive a workout with me. Again, you conflate white racists for white people. I have no problem with whites who are not racists. Now if you notice, the information that is going to be presented does not come from me. It comes from professionals in the field of psychology. I don't listen to suggestions from racist whites. I live with racism every day, so I am going to talk about it every day if necessary. It's easy for practitioners of racism to tell others how they need to stop talking about it. That's called racial gaslighting and we'll get to that in a couple of days. I don't celebrate the 4th and I'm not Thomas.
You, you are the racist, racists are obsessive, consumed with their mission, and that mission is racism, just ask Adolph Hitler, Adolph Eichmann, Idi Amin Dada, or all of those who were about them, all obsessed with racial purity and purging the sacred homeland of the undesirables.... :eusa_boohoo:
You, you are the racist, racists are obsessive, consumed with their mission, and that mission is racism, just ask Adolph Hitler, Adolph Eichmann, Idi Amin Dada, or all of those who were about them, all obsessed with racial purity and purging the sacred homeland of the undesirables.... :eusa_boohoo:
Incorrect. MLK was obsessed with ending racism. According to you that makes him a racist. I have nothing to do with any belief in racial purity.
You need a safe country because you ain't going to get it here if Black people don't smarten up and realize that we need a constitutional convention that Black peoples is at.
I think we know what blacks need better than you do.
Wow, just think how well off blacks like Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell and Herschel Walker didn't practice that maladaptive behavior. Basket cases, that's what they are, complete basket cases. Taking personal responsibility is maladaptive behavior, dontchaknow!
Except they aren't taking personal responsibility.

"Remaining in denial and self blame," are coping mechansms used by blacks to deal with racism. The people you talk about practice this behavior and it is harmful. For example you guys denigrate Sharpton but he is an example of a black person who has taken personal responsibility to address issues/behaviors caused by racism.


No Justice, No Peace​

National Action Network is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, criminal record, economic status, gender, gender expression, or sexuality.


The right to equal justice under the law should not be conditional or based upon a person’s color or economic status. Over the last two decades NAN has been in the vanguard of the movement to bring such equality to every community that has been unfairly treated. Using the principles of non-violent direct action and civil disobedience NAN has helped to level the field and ensure a measure of justice for those who would abuse their status or seek to dispense justice based upon race or other illegal factors. Racial profiling, stop and frisk policing and police brutality were standard practice in many communities just over 20 years ago. Many of the anti-racial profiling laws on the books today are a direct result of NAN’s commitment to the principles and practices of Dr. King and the tradition of non-violent engagement. Through its advocacy, NAN continues to impact public policy and ensure that government itself is held accountable to the law.


NAN has been at the forefront of the fight to uphold police accountability, advocating locally and nationally. We successfully worked with the Governor of New York to pass an executive order to require a special prosecutor to be appointed in every case of a police shooting of an unarmed person. We brought that policy nationwide with the Ida B. Wells campaign, which kicked off in California in 2017. We also have worked with the police on local New York issues such as fare evasion, body cameras, and the Right to Know Act.


NAN has led the fight against police misconduct and other injustices by ensuring that those whose rights are violated are brought to justice. NAN's efforts were on display in response to events involving the police sodomy of Abner Louima; the police killings of Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Ramarley Graham, and Eric Garner among others; and the killing of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood “watchman.” We also offer legal assistance through Legal Night and referrals to clients through our Crisis Intake and National Crisis Center, headquartered at our House of Justice in Harlem.


NAN works to ensure that every vote in every community across the nation is counted. NAN is leading the fight against voter suppression and voter ID laws and in 2012, NAN led a voter engagement tour to register and educate voters. In 2014, only 36.4% of voters turned out to midterm elections, compared to 40.9% in 2010. Especially during this administration, the swell in political action and mobilization around congress and legislation is moving quickly. As we enter 2018, a midterm election year, we will fight to insure that every person's right to vote is protected and exercised. As Dr. King said in 1965 in Montgomery, “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave Negroes some part of their rightful dignity, but without the vote it was dignity without strength.”


NAN has made corporate responsibility, inclusion, and diversity an important part of its platform and through its pension diversity campaign and NAN’s Madison Avenue Initiative. In 2017 NAN launched a campaign to increase diversity in the contracts for control of our pension funds. We have worked extensively in New York with both city and state comptrollers, and have targeted some of the largest investment firms in the nation. NAN has also made sure that Black media entities, television, radio and marketing firms get their fair share of advertising dollars, contracts and procurements. The largest ever deal NAN negotiated was with the NAACP and National Urban League resulting in an agreement with Comcast and NBC Universal to expand current diversity initiatives resulting in four Black and Latino television stations, the biggest civil rights agreement in our time with major broadcasters. The MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) improved diversity in the areas of corporate governance, employment/workforce recruitment and retention, procurement, programming, and philanthropy and community investments.


NAN puts youth and young leaders at the forefront of the movement for Civil Rights. Initiatives including NAN Youth Huddle, NAN Youth Move and the NAN Campus Ambassador program seek to lift up the voices of our young people so that they may lead the fight for the next generations. With leaders ages 11 to 25 we never leave out the passionate and visionary voices of our youth.


Through NAN's Newark Tech World and tech center at the House of Justice, NAN offers programs to help our membership and community bridge the gaps in the world of technology. We work to make sure that young and old alike are adapting to the future ahead and can be competitive members of the workforce. Working with beginners to advanced, we host multiple hackathons and technology 101 classes to make technology accessible to everyone.

The NAN Youth Huddle is a youth and YOUNG ADULT INITIATIVE CENTERED AROUND COMMUNITY SERVICE, STEM training, civic engagement, health and wellness, self empowerment, performing arts, and mentorship under the umbrella of Rev. Al Sharpton’s national civil rights organization, The National Action Network.

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I think we know what blacks need better than you do.
Such “thinking” isn’t always true. Also, black people aren’t a monolithic group-think boock. So maybe some black people do know what’s best and others don’t. Just like white people. And Hispanic people. And Asian people. Etc.
Except they aren't taking personal responsibility.
They took responsibility for their own lives rather than allowing the racial baggage you keep harping about hold them back. They got educated, worked hard and smart and became successful, contributing greatly to society. People of all races would be wise to follow their examples. They are excellent role models.
They took responsibility for their own lives rather than allowing the racial baggage you keep harping about hold them back. They got educated, worked hard and smart and became successful, contributing greatly to society. People of all races would be wise to follow their examples. They are excellent role models.
We all take responsibility for our lives. I have degrees. Owens does not. I'm not sure Walker does.

I've worked and have contributed to society. Nobody should follow a man who held a gun to his wife, or who supports his wifes attempt to overthrow the government, or who says Hitler was OK at any time. Nobody is letting continuing racism do anything, it's time the gaslighting stopped. What you repeated was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. It has no basis in reality. There is only one reason you support these losers, they take white racism and don't fight back
Jews and Orientals faced discrimination and bigotry when they moved to the United States. They overcame it with their superior performance and good behavior. Currently they tend to be more prosperous than white Gentiles.

Blacks have had plenty of time to demonstrate that they are equal to whites. They have not done so.

By every objective, measurable criterion they are still considerably less intelligent than whites. They have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the white rate. No one should be surprised that a race with these characteristics arouses durable feelings of hostility, loathing and contempt. White racism does not cause black social pathology. Black social pathology causes white racism.

Because it is not possible to claim that Negroes are equal on the average to whites, those of us who draw attention to the sordid truth are denounced as racists.

Although I am white I prefer Orientals to whites. When someone condemns Orientals, I do not call him a racist, assuming that I have somehow refuted his condemnation. Instead I point out that the condemnation is invalid.

Although I am a Gentile, I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel. When someone condemns Jews I do not call him an antisemite, assuming that I have somehow refuted his condemnation. Instead I point out that the condemnation is invalid.

It is not possible to refute condemnations of Negroes, because the condemnations are obviously correct.

Rather than complain about "the physical, psychological damage caused by racism," we should condemn "the physical, psychological damage caused by" black crime and the way blacks ruin white neighborhoods by moving into them. Blacks have no legitimate complaints against whites. Whites should be having protest demonstrations against the harm blacks cause us by their continued presence in the United States. We would be so much better off without those people. They would be lost without us.

Nowhere in the world is there a black majority, black run country with a high standard of living, a low crime rate, and a well functioning government. There never has been at any time in history.
Jews and Orientals faced discrimination and bigotry when they moved to the United States. They overcame it with their superior performance and good behavior. Currently they tend to be more prosperous than white Gentiles.

Blacks have had plenty of time to demonstrate that they are equal to whites. They have not done so.

By every objective, measurable criterion they are still considerably less intelligent than whites. They have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the white rate. No one should be surprised that a race with these characteristics arouses durable feelings of hostility, loathing and contempt. White racism does not cause black social pathology. Black social pathology causes white racism.

Because it is not possible to claim that Negroes are equal on the average to whites, those of us who draw attention to the sordid truth are denounced as racists.

Although I am white I prefer Orientals to whites. When someone condemns Orientals, I do not call him a racist, assuming that I have somehow refuted his condemnation. Instead I point out that the condemnation is invalid.

Although I am a Gentile, I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel. When someone condemns Jews I do not call him an antisemite, assuming that I have somehow refuted his condemnation. Instead I point out that the condemnation is invalid.

It is not possible to refute condemnations of Negroes, because the condemnations are obviously correct.

Rather than complain about "the physical, psychological damage caused by racism," we should condemn "the physical, psychological damage caused by" black crime and the way blacks ruin white neighborhoods by moving into them. Blacks have no legitimate complaints against whites. Whites should be having protest demonstrations against the harm blacks cause us by their continued presence in the United States. We would be so much better off without those people. They would be lost without us.

Nowhere in the world is there a black majority, black run country with a high standard of living, a low crime rate, and a well functioning government. There never has been at any time in history.
“The Boondocks” is an animated show about a black grandfather who cared for his two grandchildren. One of the characters in the show is a blue-collar black man named Uncle Ruckus. Uncle Ruckus held white supremacist views and despised everything about being black. He disliked being black so much that he claimed to have a skin disease that made him dark called “revitiligo.” Uncle Ruckus is an example of a person with internalized racism. Dr. Karen Pike defines internalized racism as the “internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated.“ Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white, and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

This acceptance of a racial hierarchy whereby white ideas of reality are definitive or authoritative norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem or does not exist. Internalized racism creates a justification for racism. As this happens, people who face racism internalize the validity of their accepted subordination. Because they have done so, they find no reason to question or fight the system. These types will argue how racism would be no problem by pathologizing blacks while reciting the same anti-black memes as the racist subculture. They refuse to debate the implications of racist policies and the damage they have created because that will not be acceptable in the social circles where they desire acceptance. Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing blacks who have been allowed into the national discourse on race. These people have achieved great success and can make fundamental changes relative to erasing the stain of white racism from this system. Instead, they work to maintain the status quo.

Again, this describes Larry Elder, Jesse Peterson, Clarence Thomas, Candance Owens, Burgess Owens and others. Conservatives talk about liberals but internalized racism is mental condition based on fear of facing racism. Instead of empowering people of color in combating racism by taking a stand against it, many whites on the right want to pretend it doesn't exist, denigrates those who call it out and promotes blacks into the national debate who repeats what they want to believe and then tell other blacks how these mental cases are who we should emulate.

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