The Peril$ Of Playing The Game Of World Cop.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
With a current global population of 7.8 billion people playing world cop for a country with only 331,000,000 citizens proves challenging @ best, ESPECIALLY when one takes into account that out of those 331,000,000 citizens only 125, 047, 801 citizens are income taxpayers. Add in the fact that the total debt that the USA has accrued to date is a whopping $82, 573, 964, 000, 000. The total U.S. debt is increasing a million dollars every 8 seconds 24/7. We know that humanity can never be united globally under one world government due to human nature so this current global situation looks to be as good as it can get for humanity in general from here on out. It would be nice though if we could get allied foreign nations under U.S. protection/leadership to foot more of the bill associated with the world cop program. With hyper inflation staring America in the face the importance of addressing debt $pending has never been more important.

Check Out the window titled; US TOTAL DEBT!!!

If you are a taxpayer YOUR current debt owed to the U.S. Treasury is of this very second: $223,892.00!!!
This is the new world order that the Bush's Clinton's and Obama has got us in to...where we are the police force for the world and the manufacturing base moves offshore to slave labor nations....and then we defend them...when their peasant population gets fed up....
Its sick and the democrat party is all for it...
We have never played "world cop."

You are partially correct as it's actually more often referred to as 'world policeman' though the title is listed nowhere on planet earth on a legal document. I believe it's all held together through various mutual assistance treaties, foreign aid & trade negotiations with a sprinkling of Black Projects mixed in. The last I heard is that America spent more $$$$$ on defense than the other FIVE top contending nations put together which is colo$$al in magnitude! The first link below actually states that since 2015 our USA spent MORE $$$$$ on defense than the next SEVEN top contending nations put together!!!!!!! Small wonder the debt $pending by congre$$ has shot to the moon! My concern is that non traceable paper money will become obsolete due to debt spending & will be replaced by a TRACEABLE digital 'allowance' ending all privacy for the American constituency. As one can see below America has been unofficially in the global policeman role ever since the end of WW2 in one capacity or another.

America never was "world police." We, like every other nation, have always acted in our own interests as we perceived them.

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