The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...


Nov 14, 2012
...for their gallantry and victory against the militants of ISIS during the previous night’s battle.


The civilians of al-Hasakah went to the streets to thank the Syrian armed forces for their efforts and victory over ISIS after ISIS´s third offensive against the provincial capital Al-Hasakah this year failed and all locations previously held by the Syrian forces were recaptured from ISIS.

"One week after the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched their third offensive this year at the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies beat back the terrorist group’s assault and restored all security points around the city’s southern perimeter that were under attack by the militants.

With their backs against the wall on Friday, the Syrian Armed Forces had no choice but to go on the offensive near the Panorama Roundabout, as the militants from ISIS were only a few hundred meters from the provincial capital’s southern entrance, leaving the city in danger of a possible infiltration from the terrorist group’s combatants.

Finally, on Saturday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces sprung to life in Al-Hasakah, when they simultaneously stormed ISIS’ defensive positions at the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Prison, the Al-Hasakah Power Plant, and a number of villages southeast of the provincial capital; this resulted in the recapture of the aforementioned sites and the withdrawal of all ISIS’ combatants from the southern perimeter.

As the sun rose on Sunday morning, throngs of civilians rushed to Al-Hasakah’s city-center, where they held a massive demonstration in support of the Syrian Armed Forces for their gallantry and victory against the militants of ISIS during the previous night’s battle.

The Syrian Armed Forces that defended the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah are as followed: 154th Artillery Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division, the 123rd Tank Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division, the 5th Brigade of the Syrian Border Guard, the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Al-Ba’ath Battalions, and the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia)."

Syrian Armed Force are Triumphant at Al-Hasakah City
Syrian Army Extends Their Buffer-Zone to 12km Around Al-Hasakah City; Aliyah Village Captured

Two days after capturing the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Center and the Al-Hasakah Power Plant, the Syrian Arab Army’s 123rd Tank Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division – in coordination with the 154th Artillery Brigade of 4th Mechanized Division, and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – expanded their buffer-zone outside of the provincial capital to 12km from the city’s gates after another day of fierce clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

The clashes outside of the provincial capital began at 6:45 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Monday morning, when the SAA’s 123rd and 154th Brigads attacked the militants from ISIS at Aliyah, killing 11 of the enemy combatants, while confiscating a large cache of their heavy weaponry that was abandoned inside a warehouse at this village on the outskirts of Al-Hasakah City.

Following their initial assault on the village of Aliyah, the Syrian Armed Forces regrouped to launch another powerful attack on the militants of ISIS; this time, the Syrian Army’s joint forces were able to overpower the terrorist organization at this village and impose full control over all points in this area, leaving many enemy combatants dead or wounded before the latter withdrew completely.

In addition to their capture of Aliyah, the Syrian Armed Forces continued their counter-assault at the villages of Rad Shaqra, Al-Dawoudiyah, Salihiyah, and Al-Abyad, where they seek to expel the militants of ISIS after almost two weeks of continued violence in the southern part of the provincial capital’s defensive barriers.

Syrian Army Extends Their Buffer-Zone to 12km Around Al-Hasakah City Aliyah Village Captured

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