The pathetic left wing hippies CELEBRATED when our marxist president made contact with Castro....

Well, I heard Taiwan called HIM, and Conway says he is aware that it was against protocol and that it would piss China off, but he took the call anyway.
So he pissed China off on purpose.
I think we better hang on to our hats, folks. The voters wanted a shake up, and we're seemingly going to get it.
What we are getting is a fresh look at our policies. US policy on Taiwan is a relic of the Cold War, and needs to be looked at critically.
In the past few days, involving an argument against Muslim refugees, I saw a picture of the five terrorists who have carried out attacks in this country in the past year. It was the San Bernardino couple, the Orlando shooter, the Chelsea (NY/NJ) bomber and the kid from Ohio State.
Of the five, only two were born overseas and both had spent years living in Pakistan shortly before coming here. Pakistan is where Osama bin Laden was holed up for years, within spitting distance of one of their major military bases. I don't have any evidence, but I suspect there's more to Pakistan than Donald Trump thinks.
They crush Trump for contacting the Taiwan president and being the first president for contacting a Taiwan prime minister for the first time since 1979.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai's office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points," a translation of the statement read. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region."

Trump makes history with phone call to Taiwan leader

The liberals are yelling because it OFFENDS CHIIIINA!!!!!!!

They clearly support China all while they shout for HUMAN RIGHTS and concerns for the PLANET.

LOL at their hypocrisy.
I think we all need to get use to this...

'This' being the Left and it's media criticizing EVERYTHING Trump does, yet over the eight long years of Big Ears, those same people lauded and praised EVERYTHING Obama did.

One would think all Americans would see the obvious bias and distortion, but one would be wrong.
To be fair, I'm sure the last time Obama made a diplomatic move that caused the largest country in the world to issue a statement denouncing it, the media covered it, as well.
Actually, his calling Pakistan worried me more. Pakistan's got some bad juju going on. What in hell was THAT about?
That is not all.

The MSM LOVES Big Ears, no matter what he does. Their love for him is unconditional.

Big Ears shit on the UK when he dumped the bust of Churchill, he sent the Queen a bunch of his speeches like an arrogant prick that he is...he has insulted many leaders and nations, but the MSM won't condemn or even hardly report it.

Now compare that to Trump taking a call from Taiwan.

If you can't see the distortion, you must be blind.
They crush Trump for contacting the Taiwan president and being the first president for contacting a Taiwan prime minister for the first time since 1979.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai's office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points," a translation of the statement read. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region."

Trump makes history with phone call to Taiwan leader

The liberals are yelling because it OFFENDS CHIIIINA!!!!!!!

They clearly support China all while they shout for HUMAN RIGHTS and concerns for the PLANET.

LOL at their hypocrisy.
I think we all need to get use to this...

'This' being the Left and it's media criticizing EVERYTHING Trump does, yet over the eight long years of Big Ears, those same people lauded and praised EVERYTHING Obama did.

One would think all Americans would see the obvious bias and distortion, but one would be wrong.
To be fair, I'm sure the last time Obama made a diplomatic move that caused the largest country in the world to issue a statement denouncing it, the media covered it, as well.
Actually, his calling Pakistan worried me more. Pakistan's got some bad juju going on. What in hell was THAT about?
I know, huh?

Trump's call to Pakistan is pretty eyeball raising --

I had do a double take after reading this Pakistan's Press Information Department release:

"Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif called President-elect USA Donald Trump and felicitated him on his victory. President Trump said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif you have a very good reputation. You are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work which is visible in every way. I am looking forward to see you soon. As I am talking to you Prime Minister, I feel I am talking to a person I have known for long.

Your country is amazing with tremendous opportunities. Pakistanis are one of the most intelligent people. I am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems. It will be an honor and I will personally do it. Feel free to call me any time even before 20th January that is before I assume my office.
On being invited to visit Pakistan by the Prime Minister, Mr. Trump said that he would love to come to a fantastic country, fantastic place of fantastic people. Please convey to the Pakistani people that they are amazing and all Pakistanis I have known are exceptional people, said Mr. Donald Trump."

Oh my.
I think it best to get along with all nations, as our Founding Fathers believed, but not getting entangled in their affairs or making alliances with them.

That said by getting along with them, does not mean we approve of their actions.

I like to believe Trump is not a warmonger like W and BO, but time will tell. The massive USA warfare state needs and wants war...Trump will have to be very strong to stop it.
In the past few days, involving an argument against Muslim refugees, I saw a picture of the five terrorists who have carried out attacks in this country in the past year. It was the San Bernardino couple, the Orlando shooter, the Chelsea (NY/NJ) bomber and the kid from Ohio State.
Of the five, only two were born overseas and both had spent years living in Pakistan shortly before coming here. Pakistan is where Osama bin Laden was holed up for years, within spitting distance of one of their major military bases. I don't have any evidence, but I suspect there's more to Pakistan than Donald Trump thinks.
What does Trump think about Pakistan?
They crush Trump for contacting the Taiwan president and being the first president for contacting a Taiwan prime minister for the first time since 1979.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai's office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points," a translation of the statement read. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region."

Trump makes history with phone call to Taiwan leader

The liberals are yelling because it OFFENDS CHIIIINA!!!!!!!

They clearly support China all while they shout for HUMAN RIGHTS and concerns for the PLANET.

LOL at their hypocrisy.

LOL- what liberals are yelling?

Trump talked with Taiwan's leader.

President Obama sold Taiwan much needed weapons

What they neglect to mention is that Obama just completed a sale of $1.83 BILLION in weapons to Taiwan earlier this year.
Well, I heard Taiwan called HIM, and Conway says he is aware that it was against protocol and that it would piss China off, but he took the call anyway.
So he pissed China off on purpose.
I think we better hang on to our hats, folks. The voters wanted a shake up, and we're seemingly going to get it.
You praised obama for making contact with cuba. Have they set their dissidents free or acknowledged their crimes against humanity?

Has China?

Oh, that is right. You do not care about those subjects. You just claim you do.
You praised obama for making contact with cuba.
I did?
Taiwan doesn't have to do with human rights, btw, at least not directly. China is REAL pissed at Taiwan for refusing to join Communist China. In '79, when the US began talking to China again, we said we were going to continue to trade with Democratic Taiwan and consider them an ally, but we would respect China's wishes by not dealing with them diplomatically. Don't ask me how that makes sense, but that was the agreement.
Not dealing with them diplomatically means, our leader not talking to Taiwan's leader.
All I care about is not losing key allies and trading partners that keep our economy and domestic peace afloat. If Trump can do that in his novel new way, fine. From what I've heard, China is a rather large and strategic force to be reckoned with, and perhaps Trump should be a little careful about poking the bear--or dragon.
You seem pissed too that Taiwan did not join communist China.

You seem pissed that we are not at war with Cuba.
They crush Trump for contacting the Taiwan president and being the first president for contacting a Taiwan prime minister for the first time since 1979.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai's office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points," a translation of the statement read. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region."

Trump makes history with phone call to Taiwan leader

The liberals are yelling because it OFFENDS CHIIIINA!!!!!!!

They clearly support China all while they shout for HUMAN RIGHTS and concerns for the PLANET.

LOL at their hypocrisy.

Taiwan's a democracy so why wouldn't we have relations with them. obama and the clintons of course, are in love with red china, but hey... they don't count anymore.
They crush Trump for contacting the Taiwan president and being the first president for contacting a Taiwan prime minister for the first time since 1979.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai's office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points," a translation of the statement read. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region."

Trump makes history with phone call to Taiwan leader

The liberals are yelling because it OFFENDS CHIIIINA!!!!!!!

They clearly support China all while they shout for HUMAN RIGHTS and concerns for the PLANET.

LOL at their hypocrisy.

LOL- what liberals are yelling?

Trump talked with Taiwan's leader.

President Obama sold Taiwan much needed weapons

What they neglect to mention is that Obama just completed a sale of $1.83 BILLION in weapons to Taiwan earlier this year.
I cannot tell if you are happy or mad about the obama deal. Have you read what you are supposed to be and then act that way after you have determined what others tell you how you are supposed to feel about it?

You know, how like you never gave it a second thought about transgender bathrooms and now all of the sudden really really care.

You know, stuff like that.
They crush Trump for contacting the Taiwan president and being the first president for contacting a Taiwan prime minister for the first time since 1979.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai's office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points," a translation of the statement read. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region."

Trump makes history with phone call to Taiwan leader

The liberals are yelling because it OFFENDS CHIIIINA!!!!!!!

They clearly support China all while they shout for HUMAN RIGHTS and concerns for the PLANET.

LOL at their hypocrisy.

Taiwan's a democracy so why wouldn't we have relations with them. obama and the clintons of course, are in love with red china, but hey... they don't count anymore.
Wow, 1979... So no repug president talked to them since Ford? Not Saint Ronnie? Bush 1? Bush 2? Guess they must all have loved Red China too.

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