‘The Party of weak men and angry women.’ Didn’t The Squad kind of prove this to be true over the Ilhan Omar removal?

Well, OK then. Shiff was canned because he claimed to have evidence of issues against Trump when history shows he lied

One of the hallmarks of today’s Republican party is its serial hypocrisy. After accusing Hillary Clinton of mishandling classified material, Donald Trump and his aides violated every rule of information security. After blaming Democrats for runaway spending, Republicans in Congress increased the national debt in Trump’s four years by nearly 40 percent.

Kevin McCarthy has found a new way to repeat this cycle: by abusing the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. A week ago, he barred the committee’s former Democratic chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, from continuing to serve on the panel. McCarthy claimed that Schiff had disqualified himself by making unsubstantiated allegations against Trump. In Schiff’s place, McCarthy appointed a new chairman, Republican Rep. Mike Turner.

How has Turner, an Ohioan now in his eleventh term in the House, begun his chairmanship? By making unsubstantiated allegations against President Joe Biden. If McCarthy were serious about his stated reasons for removing Schiff—that it’s about principle, not party—he would now remove Turner as well. But of course, he won’t.

Unqualified in what way? And don't give me that potential witness bullshit...They were never going to be called to testify....Dog and pony show.
They were called to give testimony, nitwit. Both refused to comply with subpoenas.


One of the hallmarks of today’s Republican party is its serial hypocrisy. After accusing Hillary Clinton of mishandling classified material, Donald Trump and his aides violated every rule of information security. After blaming Democrats for runaway spending, Republicans in Congress increased the national debt in Trump’s four years by nearly 40 percent.

Kevin McCarthy has found a new way to repeat this cycle: by abusing the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. A week ago, he barred the committee’s former Democratic chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, from continuing to serve on the panel. McCarthy claimed that Schiff had disqualified himself by making unsubstantiated allegations against Trump. In Schiff’s place, McCarthy appointed a new chairman, Republican Rep. Mike Turner.

How has Turner, an Ohioan now in his eleventh term in the House, begun his chairmanship? By making unsubstantiated allegations against President Joe Biden. If McCarthy were serious about his stated reasons for removing Schiff—that it’s about principle, not party—he would now remove Turner as well. But of course, he won’t.

So Shiff talked shit about Trump, and he has been replaced by a guy that talks shit about Biden and this upsets you? What did you think was gonna happen?
Tucker coined the phrase and it always made perfect sense to me but we saw it unfold right before our eyes. How can voters find such a level of anger, unprofessionalism and ghetto behavior attractive….Shouldn’t we expect more from the people running our nation?

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The Clearest Case of Trump’s Corruption in the Mueller Report

Together, the Trump Tower meeting, the cover-up, and the threats expose Trump’s complete corruption. His campaign met with Russians to seek the Russian government’s help in the election. The campaign never informed the FBI of Moscow’s overture, and the president tried to conceal it. When the emails became public—proving that Trump’s son had lied about not arranging any meetings with Russians, and that Trump had lied in his initial statement about the June 2016 meeting—Trump tried to halt the investigation. That’s attempted collusion and obstruction, even if it’s never prosecuted. And it’s all in Mueller’s report.
The Clearest Case of Trump’s Corruption in the Mueller Report

The Mueller report leaves no doubt that if not for the OLC prohibition against indicting a sitting prez Mueller would have charged trump with obstruction of justice.

We could play dueling links all day. We KNOW that Hillary had a hand in this story.
For real. What does Canada even produce? Maple syrup maybe? Lumber? I can't think of anything else....

When you set out to trash someone you know nothing about, perhaps you should take the time to learn something about them first, and then you wouldn't make a complete fool of yourself by putting your abject ignorance and tupid

DragonLady surely covers the "angry woman" faction

Once again, when you can't attack the posts, you attack the poster. Calling out lies, hypocrisy, and hate speech is hardly "angry", but when I do it I get called names, and told that Canada has problems too.

Yes, we do, and we have competent governance leaders who actually work at solving our problems. You government is stripping people of rights they like, and refuses to curtain those the public routinely votes in favour of - like abortion or sensible gun control. You haven't solved the problem of racial discrimination, and police violence against minorities. Or who and how to vote.

You're re-litigating everything that was settled in the 1960's and 1970's and trying to turn back the clock. And now you have a Congress that's doing NOTHING about any of it while you call one another names.

And you call me "angry". I have guaranteed income for life, indexed to inflation. There are no abortion laws in Canada, and our economy is one of the fastest growing in the world.

We are the #1 best nation in the world to live in. We have sane leadership which addresses problems when they arise. Not perfect, but working at better, most of the time. The problems ahead that the Globe and Mail set out just might be because 7 of our 10 Provinces have Conservative governments. The federal government is Liberal.

Our politicians take responsibility when they screw up, and if they don't, they're not going to get re-elected. They work for us, and they don't ever forget that, because if they do, they're gone. Just ask Brian Mulroney what happens to fuckup Prime Ministers who gave us NAFTA. His party doesn't even exist any more. We ended it right after NAFTA sent all of our "branch jobs" home to the USA.
We could play dueling links all day. We KNOW that Hillary had a hand in this story.

You KNOW nothing because it never happened. Republicans have KNOWN Hillary Clinton is a liar and a criminal all of her life, and yet she's never been charged with anything, she's never taken the 5th, none of her staff have ever been prosecuted for anything. Every investigation has concluded she didn't even commit crime, yet you still KNOW that Hillary is a criminal.

Either Hillary is the smartest criminal who ever lived, having survived 25+ investigations with no evidence against her ever having been found, or she was smart enough not to go around committing crimes, when everything she ever did was being investigated and Republicans would have locked her up for jaywalking.

Donald Trump isn't that smart. He committed all of his crimes in broad daylight and then bragged about doing it. And you think he's NOT a criminal. You live in upside down land.
That was a total excuse....Did Jordan or Banks testify? No....It was a political play to keep dissent out of the approved narrative...Plain and simple.

Piglosi doctored her committee just like she doctored the Trump video. Leftism cannot survive with facts.
Piglosi doctored her committee just like she doctored the Trump video. Leftism cannot survive with facts.
Man, you got that right.....And what we are seeing now, is that those on the left when caught in bad acts, immediately try and turn the narrative as though it was republicans or Trump's fault....totally dishonest....
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Canada “produces” a shit-ton of worthless purple-haired F’d in the head stoner leftists and that’s about it.
They couldn’t produce shit if the U.S. military didn’t run cover for the nation full of woke emotional nutless pussies.
You KNOW nothing because it never happened. Republicans have KNOWN Hillary Clinton is a liar and a criminal all of her life, and yet she's never been charged with anything, she's never taken the 5th, none of her staff have ever been prosecuted for anything. Every investigation has concluded she didn't even commit crime, yet you still KNOW that Hillary is a criminal.

Either Hillary is the smartest criminal who ever lived, having survived 25+ investigations with no evidence against her ever having been found, or she was smart enough not to go around committing crimes, when everything she ever did was being investigated and Republicans would have locked her up for jaywalking.

Donald Trump isn't that smart. He committed all of his crimes in broad daylight and then bragged about doing it. And you think he's NOT a criminal. You live in upside down land.
And yet Trump is the most investigated man in HISTORY. What are his crimes?

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