What our founding fathers established in the late 18th century was considered very liberal — giving people freedom to determine and pursue their own goals, uninhibited and unaided by the government.
Yes, the flight from monarchism to any form of representational government was an example of radical liberalism.
From their own experience, they knew that the more the people demanded from government, the more the government would have to control the people.
They knew nothing of the sort.
They learned from monarchies and feudal systems that kept people in poverty in order to make those people rely on the pittance that the kingdom supplied just to keep them alive and working for the monarchy.
They knew that totalitarianism is a bad form of government, that's for damned sure.
The so-called “liberal” ideas our founding fathers proposed — ideas like unrestricted free trade,
Total revisionist bullshit. The first thing the founding fathers did was imposed TARIFFS
small government, and political and economic freedom for its citizens — are the foundation on which the U.S. was created.
Except for Slaves, women, and people without property. More right right mythology here, folks.
Those ideas are the very reasons the U.S. has gone from fledgling country to dominant world power in 200 short years.
A Nonsensical appeal to patriotism which has zero meaning
Those ideas are the reason many consider the U.S. to be the best damn country in the world.
Only if they especially stupid enough to think what has been proposed thus far has any relationship to reality....which it doesn't.
But with freedom comes risk. In a free society, you are in the driver’s seat of your life. You create your own circumstances, and whether that’s rags or riches, you are ultimately responsible for yourself.
REally? Then why bother having a government at all? Moron ALERT!
No one else is.
Contrast that with a communist or socialist state like the former USSR, or China or Cuba. In a socialist state:
- You are guaranteed a job (although you have no say in what that job is)
- You are guaranteed a paycheck (although government takes 75% automatically for taxes)
- You are guaranteed food to eat (although it’s never fresh and may be rationed at any time)
- You are guaranteed a roof over your head (although you’ll be sharing it with 6 other families)
Every good myth deserves to be compared to another equally simplistic and stupid collection of myths.. That's what really stupid people seem to think passes as intellectualy discourse, I suppose
Socialism allows you to “outsource responsibility” in your life to the government.
Socialism is the collectivization of the means of production.
Sounds nice, until you consider the consequences.
Typical...start out with as specious presupposition, then spin blther by the bale based on it.
Yes, you will be able to eat and provide a roof over your head, but you will never have a chance to progress in life because Uncle Sam will take away nearly everything you earn to pay for the next guy’s medical/housing/retirement. You will be at the mercy of the government, who may or may not be interested in you in your time of need. You will have no control over your own life.
Wah wah! wah! I might have to pay taxes! Fucking idiot.
This leads to the paradox of modern-day liberal philosophy. Liberals claim to seek freedom from government controls over social issues in their lives:
- Less interference in our personal lives — “Don’t tread on me!”
- Less restrictions on abortion — “We want the right to choose [life or death for our unborn children]“
- Less restrictions on marriage — “We want gay marriage”
- Less restrictions on drugs — “We want marijuana legalized”
Liberalism believes that the government should interfer only in situations where failing to do so causes harm to the commomweal, dipshit.
At the same time, they are asking the same government that imposes “shackles” on their personal lives to provide them with unlimited services:
- More control of the medical system — “We want free health care”
Something must be done.
More control over jobs and wages — “We want a high minimum wage and salary caps for the rich”
Salary caps on the rich? Nonsense...truly progressive taxation makes sense though...
we ought to try it.
More control over retirement — “We want Social Security”
A system that works well as long as the society is a going concern.
More control over landlords and housing — “We want rent control”
No liberal I know is demanding rent control.
More social safety nets — “We want welfare for the poor”
Yes, we do. Help people get out of poverty or pay the much higher price of poverty's outcomes.
More control over education — “We want better public education”
God damned right we do. You don't?
More control over the environment — “We want a green society”
And you don't?
How can the same group of people that so distrusts our government ask that same government to provide cradle-to-grave care?
The same way the people who claim they love freedom suck the dick of the most fasistic social system in a free society...the military.
Like the conservatives, liberals understand that some pure freedom (like not having a military) isn't possible if one wants to have a nation.
Don’t they know the consequences of asking for everything from the government? Have they studied history?
Yes we have. Which is why you discover that most historians are accused of being liberals by those morons who haven't really studied history, but who like to call self delusiding myths like this author believes are history
Have they considered other countries that have gone down this dangerous path? The party that seeks these programs needs — requires — people to be in poverty in order to control them!
A lot of words....no content
When I was 16, I got my first car and demanded my freedom from my parents. I argued against a curfew and scoffed when my folks told me who I could or could not hang out with. But out of the same breath, I expected for them to feed me and provide a place to live rent-free. I fully expected them to pay my bills while I ran around being a carefree teenager.
These days I laugh about how immature I was back then. But it’s not so funny when 50% of our country — grown men and women — behave the same way toward the government!
True liberalism is freedom from the shackles of a “nanny-state” government that controls who can progress to wealth or who can start/run a business or travel freely through the country. As stated before, our founding fathers were very liberal in their time. But oh, how the world has changed…
You wouldn't know true liberalism if it has given you and you family decent life for generation...which it did, you ungrateful idiot.
The modern Democratic party has hijacked the liberalism of our government and taken it to an extreme where current social trends and collectivist views define the party platform.
The Democratic party is no more liberal than the current Republican party is conservative. Only an idiot can't understand that.
They’re fighting in the name of “the common good” to enact the same socialist policies our founding fathers worked so hard to prevent.
Serious academic debate about the economics of socialism ended nearly 100 years ago. How many times are we going to try to make socialism work before we realize it can’t?
How many times are you going to have to have socialism explained to you before you can understand what it is?
You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Either you want more government (regulation, interference, control) or less government (freedom, privatization, risk).
Make up your minds, people. There is no in-between.
Hobsian nonsense...typical of idiots who know no history and who don't understand dick about political science, either.