the palestinians are without honor thus without freedom

Anyone who's against palestinian freedom is a communist.


HG, the truth hurts?


Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers have banned eight teenage students with scholarships to study in the U.S. from leaving the territory, a Palestinian rights group said Wednesday.

The move appeared to be part of an intensified Hamas campaign against independent groups that they view as a challenge to their rule and against activities that believe promote a Western lifestyle.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the eight students were granted AMIDEAST scholarships, a program that educates talented teenagers from the Middle East and North Africa for a year in the U.S. At the end of the year, students return to their home countries to finish their education. The students were granted scholarships based on their academic achievements.

In a statement, the rights group said Hamas' education minister rejected a travel request by the teenager's parents for "social and cultural reasons." It also accused Hamas of breaching the parents' right to educate their children as they choose.

Hamas would not confirm the order, much as it has in the past with similar orders travel bans on Gaza residents.

But the parents of 15-year-old Aboud Alshatari said their son was traveling to the border Wednesday when Hamas police turned him away, saying the Education Ministry refused to let him leave Gaza. Alshatari was slated to attend school in North Carolina.

The ban comes a day after a network of aid groups in Gaza criticized Hamas for forcing aid workers and employees of civil society groups to register with them before traveling for work outside the Gaza Strip. And last week, Hamas shut down the U.S.-financed International Medical Corps after it refused to submit to a Hamas audit.

The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007. Since then, Hamas has slowly imposed its radical interpretation of Islam on residents of the Gaza Strip — a world view that is even more stern than what traditionally religious conservative Gazan's follow.

Other Hamas crackdowns include trying to ban male barbers from cutting women's hair and forbidding women from smoking in public and outlawing scantly clad female mannequins.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad - ABC News
"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
Children killed since Sep. 2000
Israelis 125
Palestinians 1467

Remember These Children

The numbers speak for themselves. I work to eliminate these deaths. Others here excuse them.
You want to do something about them I agree that would be fantastic! so tell palestine to quit hideing behind them and quit sending rockets into civilian areas . That would end the killing of the children on both sides
lets hope that happens!

Do you expect that from the Palestinians while they are still occupied by Israel? End the occupation and the killing will stop.

Good you finally admit you are intentually killing civillians. acceptance is the first step in recovery.
As a matter of principle, I don't instruct filthy anti-Semites like you.
Through years of terrorist acts and cowardice the palestinian people have lost honor.
An honorable people are taken more seriously onthe world stage. They are more readily believed in cases of doubt. Their claims are more eagerly accepted. Regain honor and the world will respect you.
A short list of acts that caused dishonor to palestine.
1 harboring, assisting, condoneing, and celebrateing terrorists
2 engageing in armed conflict while hideing among a civilian population
3 engageing in armed conflict while not in recoized millitary uniforms
4 recruiting children to carry out terrorist acts
A short list of ways to regain honor.
1 exspell all terrorists and all who support them
2 denounce terrorist acts and have your leaders express that fealing to the world
3 form a uniformed army that is commited to fightting only other uniformed armys on suitable battlefields.
4 denounce the killing of civilians on all sides.
Notice I said nothing about submitting to Israelie rule. No one can tell the palestinian what to do with thier future. only some advice on how to get there. Good luck I will support an honorable Palestine.

1 They do not have terrorists in Palestine. Terrorist is an Israeli name calling thing.

2 Done that.

3 Not allowed under Oslo.

4 Hamas made an offer to Israel that both sides should stop killing civilians. Israel turned it down.

1hamas is a terrorist organivation.
2 a terrorist cannot denounce terror
3 you dont care about what the rest of the world says anyother time why now?
4 hamas has no honor thus can not be trusted or believed. you can not except an offer that means nothing.
As a matter of principle, I don't instruct filthy anti-Semites like you.

thats ok that is one site I never want to see anyway.

I don't imagine you see anything with your anti-Semitic head up your ass all the time.

what is with your obsession with your ass? Daddy make sneeky time vists to you in the middle of the night after he came home from a long day of sending rockets at civillians?
once again ekatard did your daddy make sneeky time visits to you in the middle of the night after comeing home from a long day of sending rockets at civillians?

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