The Palestinians are also to blame


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
If the Palestinians had truly wanted to be liberated from the metastasizing occupation and establish a Palestinian state before it is too late, they should have aspired to a swift separation.

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Now the article linked is an opinion page, so it needs to be taken as such.
The status quo is their best opportunity for their cause, identifying their cause could explain their actions.
Anyone who is familiar with the situation in the West Bank – the location of the roads, the communities, the outposts, the industrial and agricultural areas in both the Israeli and the Palestinian sectors – understands with growing clarity that a binational state is inevitable. Yet well-intentioned men of peace – who, with a word, are ready to uproot 300,000 Jewish...

That is all those of us who are not subscribers can get off your link, The Zionist Gov should of thought of that before their building.

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