The Oregon shooter killed 10, and Obama just killed 19

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Granny says all these mass shootings is evidence the end times is here...

Oregon aftermath: America needs God
Friday, October 2, 2015 | Thursday's massacre of students at an Oregon community college has drawn comments from some noted Christians, one of whom sees "obvious hypocrisy" in President Obama's reaction to the tragedy.
Authorities investigating the deadly mass shooting at Umpqua Community College say they have found a number of firearms at the gunman's apartment. Police say the shooter singled out Christians during his rampage, one report saying he shot those individuals in the head, but shot others of a different or no faith in the legs. Meanwhile, social media profiles linked to the shooter who killed nine people before he himself died suggest he was fascinated by the IRA, was frustrated by traditional organized religion, and had tracked other mass shootings.


Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church-Dallas see the tragedy as "evidence of the fact that we live in a culture that devalues life." "Look, any society that would allow for the harvesting of the body parts of aborted babies has such a disregard for life that that devaluing of life seeps into every part of society and every citizen of society – including this deranged gunman," he tells OneNewsNow. "I think this is evidence of a larger problem – and that is the failure to see all life as sacred."

The pastor says secularists deserve part of the blame because of the decades-old effort to remove God and biblical principles from the public arena. He also points out what he sees as "the obvious hypocrisy" coming from the White House. "Had those victims been Muslims, I will guarantee you President Obama would have been lecturing us on the culture of hatred toward Muslims," says Pastor Jeffress. "But when it comes to Christians being slaughtered in the Middle East or in Oregon, there is a deafening silence from the Oval Office." Gary Bauer, founder of the Campaign for Working Families, concurs: "If, God forbid, that had been happening, it would have been a major part of Obama's remarks – and today everybody from Ben Carson to anyone else who has been warning about the dangers of radical Islam would be getting blamed for the shootings in Oregon."

The spiritual take-away

See also:

Victims of the Umpqua Community College shooting


Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey says 'fellow Christians' should arm themselves
October 03, 2015 Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey responded to the mass shooting at an Oregon community college in a Facebook post Friday saying that “fellow Christians” should consider getting a handgun carry permit to protect themselves.
In his Facebook posting, Ramsey, who is also speaker of the Tennessee senate, said the recent spate of mass shootings around the nation is “truly troubling.”


The Blountville Republican said, "whether the perpetrators are motivated by aggressive secularism, jihadist extremism or racial supremacy, their targets remain the same: Christians and defenders of the West." "I would encourage my fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit," Ramsey wrote. "I have always believed that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. Our enemies are armed. We must do likewise."

Ramsey provided a link on how to obtain a handgun permit in Tennessee at the end of his posting. The Tennessean reported that Ramsey also posted a link to a New York Post article with the headline “Oregon gunman singled out Christian during rampage.” He also seemed to group other mass shootings with Thursday’s Oregon shooting.

5th post
Survivors speak about shooting...

Oregon Shooting Survivors Give Details, Nation Reacts
Sunday, October 04, 2015 - Social media is full of debate over gun control in the wake of the mass killing at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. However, Pastor and author T.D. Jakes tweeted, "We continue to pray for those families and friends who have lost loved ones in Oregon."
Searching for "#prayforOregon" will show prayer after prayer for the victims and their families. Many people commented on social media about the importance of honoring the victims for their bravery before the gunman. Others talked about how they admired many of the victims for not denying their faith in front of the gunman. Meanwhile, survivors and their families tell more about what happend at UCC that day when Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer went to campus with a flap jacket full of guns and ammunition. One survivor told reporters Harper-Mercer, opened fire after telling them to crawl across the classroom floor. He then shot one girl after saying he would spare her if she begged for her life that according to relatives of students in the classroom.
Harper-Mercer spared a student and gave the "lucky one" something to deliver to authorities, according to the mother of a student who witnessed Thursday's rampage. An unidentified source with local authorties says they do have a manifesto from Harper-Mercer but the Douglas County Sheriff's office won't confirm it. Several students who were in the classroom and survived confirmed to their families that Harper-Mercer did give an envelope to someone and call them the "lucky one." Officers say the gunman killed himself as officers arrived at the scene.
Pastor Randy Scroggins, whose 18-year-old daughter Lacey escaped without physical injuries, said she told him that the gunman called to a student, saying: "'Don't worry, you're the one who is going to survive.'" Harper-Mercer then told the student that inside the shooter's backpack was "all the information that you'll need, give it to the police," Scroggins said, citing the account by his daughter. Lacey Scroggins also spoke about students being ordered to crawl to the middle of the room before being shot. Scroggins said his daughter survived because she was lying on the floor and partially covered by the body and blood of a fellow student. The gunman thought Lacey Scroggins was dead as well, stepped over her and shot someone else.

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