The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move to the center


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move back to the center to recapture the white vote and recapture the male vote. If the Democrats continue their leftward trend, they will continue to shed whites of all education levels, and men of all races.

Also, this contempt of rural conservatives and Southerners have to end. These are people who were loyal Democrats for decades, and the Democrats turned on them, not the other way around.

Also, Democrats need to tell its anti-Christian haters to STFU. Christians are still a majority in this country. It is stupid beyond belief to kow-tow to Muslims, who are a tiny minority, and aggravate Christians.

Also, stop giving Republicans the gun issue and the flag issue. Gun-grabbing and flag burning just gives Republicans free votes, it's like shooting fish in the barrel to get votes when Democrats are anti-gun and anti-flag.
Well that, and stop nominating pathological liars like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. They need to find decent people like Gabby Giffords, Mike O'Malley, and Ron Wyden.
The Democrats used to have lots of good middle-of-the-road people, but they aged out and now who's left who isn't a strident leftist?

Moderates need to toss out lunatics like Nancy Pelosi and take the Democratic Party to the center where it used to be before the unfortunate nomination of George McGovern.

You have lost almost all power at the federal and state level, so please believe that if you keep doing what you are doing now, the Democratic Party will simply go extinct.
History tells us there is no survival for a party on the extreme left, like the democrats....

Well that, and stop nominating pathological liars like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. They need to find decent people like Gabby Giffords, Mike O'Malley, and Ron Wyden.
Mike O'Malley? I dont know that name, which actually means little for the purpose of this conversation. I just wanted to make sure you didnt mean Martin, because if you did, he is without doubt one of the biggest liars that this countries political body has ever seen. but if you did mean Mike, I cant say anything bad about him since I have no idea who he is.
History tells us there is no survival for a party on the extreme left, like the democrats....

View attachment 98791

Facism and Communism are literally political opposites. They have nothing in common. You have to put them at opposite ends of each other.
Only in the minds of idiot progressives who laughably believe that because Hiter turned on Stalin, fascism is the "opposite" of communism. :lmao:
The only way the Democratic Party will survive is to move back to the center to recapture the white vote and recapture the male vote. If the Democrats continue their leftward trend, they will continue to shed whites of all education levels, and men of all races.

Also, this contempt of rural conservatives and Southerners have to end. These are people who were loyal Democrats for decades, and the Democrats turned on them, not the other way around.

Also, Democrats need to tell its anti-Christian haters to STFU. Christians are still a majority in this country. It is stupid beyond belief to kow-tow to Muslims, who are a tiny minority, and aggravate Christians.

Also, stop giving Republicans the gun issue and the flag issue. Gun-grabbing and flag burning just gives Republicans free votes, it's like shooting fish in the barrel to get votes when Democrats are anti-gun and anti-flag.

No, the only way the Democratic Party survives is to embrace fully the progressive principles of the Progressive Movement and move away from the corporatists like Clinton.
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
It is spelled "fascism", not "facism".

Your supposed differences between fascism and communism are also entirely theoretical.
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
I just showed you the way....yell up from your parents basement and have your mommy help you....snowflake...
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
I just showed you the way....yell up from your parents basement and have your mommy help you....snowflake...
I take offense.
Im moving back to my moms basement Monday morning.
The Nazis and the Communists waved red flags, stirred up nations towards hatred and war, and murdered millions of people in concentration camps. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of big distinction between these two evil political parties is looking for something that isn't there.
Facism is where the people exist for the work for the "mother country" and for it's greatness.

Communism is where the nation-state exist for the people....There are no rulers or leaders (in theory) and everyone is equal, and everything is shared equally (again in theory).

There is absolutely no political way Facism can be Communist, and no way Communism can be Facist.
I just showed you the way....yell up from your parents basement and have your mommy help you....snowflake...
I take offense.
Im moving back to my moms basement Monday morning.
Not funny, I actually am.
Well that, and stop nominating pathological liars like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. They need to find decent people like Gabby Giffords, Mike O'Malley, and Ron Wyden.
Giffords is an anti gun nut,You mean Martin O'Malley? He is a progressive cuckold. They need to get people like Joe Manchin to run..they have damn near run him out of the democrat party.

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