The only true problem Europeans ( non-vaccinated) shall care about


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC

forget anything, the only true problem is how to survive through the time of Corona fascism.
Anyone vaccinated will die within few years, so those folks shall relax and go to another threads.
I'm talking to the non-jabbed minority.
In 2025 will die more as 70% europeans.

You can imagine yourselves how Europa will looks like:
A see of blood run by gangsters, no state exist anymore.

Run and forget anything, leave the fascist and dying continent.

Dr. Gut: Corona Police State Switzerland

Switzerland is becoming a police state - with noisy forcibly recruited free auxiliary police officers, formerly known as landlords, service employees, fitness club operators, etc.
There are no two opinions about the massive expansion of the Covid certificate requirement: Health Minister Alain Berset recently still called it "bizarre" in person. And in a letter to the heads of parliament, the entire Federal Council literally states that a certificate for "magistrate persons" - i.e. the government itself - and parliamentarians violates "constitutional rights".
This actually says it all.
Do politicians still believe what they sell to the people?
But because the half-life of official truths is getting shorter and shorter in the course of the Corona mania, the same applies to these statements: What does the Federal Council care about yesterday's gossip? Trust, one of the highest goods in politics, has degenerated into a junk commodity. It is quite possible that the politicians in the Federal Palace themselves have long since stopped believing what they are selling to the people.
"Uncertified" people - shuddering!
One important aspect has remained under-lit in the debate so far: The fact that the state is forcibly recruiting innkeepers, fitness club operators and other entrepreneurs and their staff to be auxiliary police officers without being asked - and is even threatening them with fines, even with the closure of the business, should they dare to allow completely normal, "uncertified" people - what a ghastly term! - as customers.
This degradation of entire industries to auxiliary police officers of the Corona police state is doubly and triply damaging to business. First, the exercise of coercive measures against one's own customers absorbs enormous resources; second, it is carried out free of charge as drudgery; and third, it excludes an incalculable group of potential customers.
Destruction of livelihoods
In this order, common sense, the rule of law, all proportionality and an as yet undetermined number of human, entrepreneurial and economic livelihoods fall by the wayside.

What else can be said? Spontaneously, I can only think of the bitter sentence - loosely based on Heinrich Heine: When I think of Switzerland at night, I am deprived of sleep.





forget anything, the only true problem is how to survive through the time of Corona fascism.
Anyone vaccinated will die within few years, so those folks shall relax and go to another threads.
I'm talking to the non-jabbed minority.
In 2025 will die more as 70% europeans.

You can imagine yourselves how Europa will looks like:
A see of blood run by gangsters, no state exist anymore.

Run and forget anything, leave the fascist and dying continent.

Dr. Gut: Corona Police State Switzerland

Switzerland is becoming a police state - with noisy forcibly recruited free auxiliary police officers, formerly known as landlords, service employees, fitness club operators, etc.
There are no two opinions about the massive expansion of the Covid certificate requirement: Health Minister Alain Berset recently still called it "bizarre" in person. And in a letter to the heads of parliament, the entire Federal Council literally states that a certificate for "magistrate persons" - i.e. the government itself - and parliamentarians violates "constitutional rights".
This actually says it all.
Do politicians still believe what they sell to the people?
But because the half-life of official truths is getting shorter and shorter in the course of the Corona mania, the same applies to these statements: What does the Federal Council care about yesterday's gossip? Trust, one of the highest goods in politics, has degenerated into a junk commodity. It is quite possible that the politicians in the Federal Palace themselves have long since stopped believing what they are selling to the people.
"Uncertified" people - shuddering!
One important aspect has remained under-lit in the debate so far: The fact that the state is forcibly recruiting innkeepers, fitness club operators and other entrepreneurs and their staff to be auxiliary police officers without being asked - and is even threatening them with fines, even with the closure of the business, should they dare to allow completely normal, "uncertified" people - what a ghastly term! - as customers.
This degradation of entire industries to auxiliary police officers of the Corona police state is doubly and triply damaging to business. First, the exercise of coercive measures against one's own customers absorbs enormous resources; second, it is carried out free of charge as drudgery; and third, it excludes an incalculable group of potential customers.
Destruction of livelihoods
In this order, common sense, the rule of law, all proportionality and an as yet undetermined number of human, entrepreneurial and economic livelihoods fall by the wayside.

What else can be said? Spontaneously, I can only think of the bitter sentence - loosely based on Heinrich Heine: When I think of Switzerland at night, I am deprived of sleep.




This is a hard read

the writer is trying much to hard to be clever instead of just humbly presenting the facts and letting outrage grow normally
This is a hard read

the writer is trying much to hard to be clever instead of just humbly presenting the facts and letting outrage grow normally

The truth is always hard to read.

The truth is always hard to read.
Maybe something was lost in the translation from german

but clearly explaining the facts before launching into the editorial phase is backwards unless you are preaching to the choir
This is a hard read

the writer is trying much to hard to be clever instead of just humbly presenting the facts and letting outrage grow normally
I am pretty sure that is a side effect of Google Translate, or whatever was used. You should see the Asian languages. They read like the script from Lord of the Rings.

"is it he who decides to destroy this man with this disease of the covid?"

or something like that. Pretty epic shit.

forget anything, the only true problem is how to survive through the time of Corona fascism.
Anyone vaccinated will die within few years, so those folks shall relax and go to another threads.
I'm talking to the non-jabbed minority.
In 2025 will die more as 70% europeans.

You can imagine yourselves how Europa will looks like:
A see of blood run by gangsters, no state exist anymore.

Run and forget anything, leave the fascist and dying continent.

Dr. Gut: Corona Police State Switzerland

Switzerland is becoming a police state - with noisy forcibly recruited free auxiliary police officers, formerly known as landlords, service employees, fitness club operators, etc.
There are no two opinions about the massive expansion of the Covid certificate requirement: Health Minister Alain Berset recently still called it "bizarre" in person. And in a letter to the heads of parliament, the entire Federal Council literally states that a certificate for "magistrate persons" - i.e. the government itself - and parliamentarians violates "constitutional rights".
This actually says it all.
Do politicians still believe what they sell to the people?
But because the half-life of official truths is getting shorter and shorter in the course of the Corona mania, the same applies to these statements: What does the Federal Council care about yesterday's gossip? Trust, one of the highest goods in politics, has degenerated into a junk commodity. It is quite possible that the politicians in the Federal Palace themselves have long since stopped believing what they are selling to the people.
"Uncertified" people - shuddering!
One important aspect has remained under-lit in the debate so far: The fact that the state is forcibly recruiting innkeepers, fitness club operators and other entrepreneurs and their staff to be auxiliary police officers without being asked - and is even threatening them with fines, even with the closure of the business, should they dare to allow completely normal, "uncertified" people - what a ghastly term! - as customers.
This degradation of entire industries to auxiliary police officers of the Corona police state is doubly and triply damaging to business. First, the exercise of coercive measures against one's own customers absorbs enormous resources; second, it is carried out free of charge as drudgery; and third, it excludes an incalculable group of potential customers.
Destruction of livelihoods
In this order, common sense, the rule of law, all proportionality and an as yet undetermined number of human, entrepreneurial and economic livelihoods fall by the wayside.

What else can be said? Spontaneously, I can only think of the bitter sentence - loosely based on Heinrich Heine: When I think of Switzerland at night, I am deprived of sleep.




Yeap. Been saying this for months now. Covid is not about Covid. The virus serves the 'vaccine'.

You get that, you better start planning on an early exit.

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