The only solution to terrorism


Jul 15, 2008

Hint: As long as our government is financing terrorism, they are not trying to stop terrorism!


"The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), created by Soviet Bloc intelligence services during the 1960s, has remained to this day the largest terrorist group in the world and the center of the international terror network run by the Soviet Russian KGB/SVR secret police.

"From its very beginning, the PLO received the bulk of its funding from the United States... today, the PLO receives the staggering sum of well over $1.5 billion per year, over $1 billion of that from American taxpayers. The money is being used to pay for missiles, bombs, guns, ammunition, paramilitary training, and the other expenses of terrorism and extending a tight grip of repression over palestinian Arabs.

"Without such funding, the PLO would quickly lose its ability to wage war against the United States, Israel, and other countries throughout the world. The U.S. Congress has repeatedly tried to block funding for the PLO since the 1990s, but each President, Democrat and Republican alike, has fought hard to maintain that flow of money. That means it’s up to every American to get involved in defeating the pro-PLO agenda of the President and the State Department...."

See for full information about the urgent and critical campaign to stop U.S. funding of the PLO.

If you are waiting for someone else to take care of the problem, you are waiting in vain.

What can you do right now to get volunteers who will participate?
Hey, you got the right idea- stop funding terrorism!

Here's a few other examples of terrorist activities:

1) Funding Contra Terrorists in Nicaragua in the 1980s
2) Toppling democratically elected government in Chile in 1973 for state terrorist regime
3) Toppling democratically elected government in Guatemala in 1954 for state terrorist regime
4) Toppling democratically elected government in Iran in 1953 for state terrorist regime
5) Forming and funding the Taliban in the 1980s
6) Fully backing terrorist Iraqi regime in the 1980s
7) Fully backing racist and genocidal South African Regime up to 1994
8) Harbording Cuban terrorists for years

Someone give this man a medal! With all that support and funding of terrorism, how can the US ever stop terrorism? It might be hard, but the American people can stop it someday.

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