The ONLY reason MOST Obama voters voted for Obama...

The ONLY reason MOST Obama voters voted for Obama...

Cuz he looks like one of those lawn jockeys when he stands in front of the white house. It's really a hoot!

Did you 'cum", showing your racist mindset? A lawn jockey never looked "presidential". The President looks that every day, sparky.

Did you post not knowing to whom you are addressing? :lol:

My remark was certainly not dumber or more dissrespectful than the OP.
The ONLY reason MOST Obama voters voted for Obama...

Cuz he looks like one of those lawn jockeys when he stands in front of the white house. It's really a hoot!

Did you 'cum", showing your racist mindset? A lawn jockey never looked "presidential". The President looks that every day, sparky.

Did you post not knowing to whom you are addressing? :lol:

My remark was certainly not dumber or more dissrespectful than the OP.

Poet is a moron who claims to be an artist except that he can't tell the difference between sarcasm and real thought.

I call that a bullshit artist :eek:
As our country is presently arranged, we really only ever have two viable choices for president: the democrat or the republican. For me, the issue has hardly EVER been the individual candidate, but rather the platforms, goals, and aspirations of the two parties. I have been a democrat all my life. My father was a lawyer and a democratic politician in Illinois back in the days of Adlai Stevenson. I can remember watching a round screen black and white TV with my mom and dad when Adlai was re-nominated at the democratic convention in Chicago. My parents raised me to believe in the ideals of the democratic party, and as I have grown up and older, I have never found any reason to stop believing in those ideals. I would have voted for Barack Obama regardless of his color, simply because he held the standard of the party to which I loyally belong. If the democratic party started turning its back on the ideals and beliefs that they have held, I would consider voting for someone else, but then, that would also require that the republican party simultaneously start turning its back on its platform and beliefs, which I do NOT support. As long as the democratic party more closely conforms to the goals of progressive liberalism, its candidate will continue to get my vote, regardless of his or her race.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1. The war ended on Bush's timeline.
2. His promises to ease the pain failed.
3. Nothing refreshing about the last 5 years. NOTHING
4. Superficial nonsense
5. Personal opinion

So he was elected on basically nothing substantial.

Thanks for playing

1. Bush screwed the pooch on Iraq
2. Obama stopped a Depression
3. Obamacare, major swing in Gay Rights,
4. Charisma wins elections....always has
5. McCain/Palin is still scary and the voters in 2008 showed how scary they were
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1. The war ended on Bush's timeline.
2. His promises to ease the pain failed.
3. Nothing refreshing about the last 5 years. NOTHING
4. Superficial nonsense
5. Personal opinion

So he was elected on basically nothing substantial.

Thanks for playing

1. Bush screwed the pooch on Iraq
2. Obama stopped a Depression
3. Obamacare, major swing in Gay Rights,
4. Charisma wins elections....always has
5. McCain/Palin is still scary and the voters in 2008 showed how scary they were

1. Agreed
2. Obama prolonged a recession
3. Obamacare is a mess and his swing on gay marriage was all about money
4. Sadly true
5. Still opinion
Those of us who had obviously more information about Obama had SEVERAL reasons for not voting for him.
So millions of apparently "intelligent" voters should have had the same information we had so why did they still vote for Obama?

For example those of us that voted against Obama AND NOT for McCain by the way did so because we knew this about Obama:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

And his actions also showed those of us that didn't vote that Obama was totally inexperienced in the Senate.
These are the 5 bills of 137 that he sponsored that became law. Those of us that opposed took these 5 bills and examples of his competency.
1)Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005
2)To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
3)Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history
4)Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'.
5)A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,
These are the Obama's sole Congressional contributions before he became President.
List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given ALL these actions and activities that intelligent people would say.."WOA!!" Let's think a minute about him!
Why would these supposedly intelligent voters KNOWING all of the above STILL vote for Obama?

The majority of them that did vote for him in spite of the lack of experience, knowledge and in spite of what he said and his actions.
WHY? If they knew the above about Obama but they still KNOWING he favored higher gas,utility,putting people out of work they voted?

Because the only reason they had was they didn't want to have people think the ONLY reason they voted against was because he was black!
That is these people that knew Obama was a trickster, was inexperienced, voted because they just didn't want to be considered "racist"!

That's it! There is no conceivable reason for voting for Obama as everything he told us he wanted to happen is happening!
We have utilities closing, gas prices highest ever, skyrocketing utilities and now the highest number of people on food stamps, highest unemployment, and highest number of people on SS disability! Everything Obama told us has happened.

So why if all those destructive events have occurred... why did these people vote other then they didn't want to think themselves as "RACIST"!

And the corporate political parties gave us as an alternative...................................?
Another whinny fucking thread about the President?

The real reaosn most voted for President Obama is because he wasn't a typical lying POS Republican.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1) when 6 years earlier, just about everyone including most elected Democrats supported US involvement in Iraq. Somehow, that perception changed. Democrats told us that our servicemen were mistreating prisoners, bombing civilian targets and the "surge" wasn't working. The Media took up that rhetoric and pretty soon, low information voters bought into it.
2)The economy was just fine when Pelosi and Reid took over Congress. They told us every chance they got that 4.5% unemployment was horrible, the economy was tanking and Bush was boosting gas prices to pay off cronies in "Big Oil"
The press ate it up as people like McCain spoke of the danger in the real estate market but was poo pooed by Liberals. So, when as predicted, real estate and the banks supporting the market collapsed, the Press was only too happy to blame Bush. Yup, we had a tanking economy but the collapse could have been prevented if there were rational leadership in Congress.
3) obama offered "change" but avoided telling us what he would fuck up.
4) Yes, I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
Who cares if he has any qualifications to lead the country? He's BLACK!
5) And obama/biden wasn't? The last 4 years only show me that I wasn't sufficiently terrified.
The ONLY reason MOST Obama voters voted for Obama...

Cuz he looks like one of those lawn jockeys when he stands in front of the white house. It's really a hoot!

Did you 'cum", showing your racist mindset? A lawn jockey never looked "presidential". The President looks that every day, sparky.

Did you post not knowing to whom you are addressing? :lol:

My remark was certainly not dumber or more dissrespectful than the OP.
He has a habit of mis-characterizing people here.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1) when 6 years earlier, just about everyone including most elected Democrats supported US involvement in Iraq.

bullshit. a majority of elected democrats in congress voted AGAINST the use of force resolution. And I knew TONS of people who NEVER supported US involvement in Iraq. Only frightened sheeple - like you apparently - who bought the WMD lie AND the Iraq-AQ connection lie supported that stupid stupid war.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1) when 6 years earlier, just about everyone including most elected Democrats supported US involvement in Iraq. Somehow, that perception changed. Democrats told us that our servicemen were mistreating prisoners, bombing civilian targets and the "surge" wasn't working. The Media took up that rhetoric and pretty soon, low information voters bought into it.
2)The economy was just fine when Pelosi and Reid took over Congress. They told us every chance they got that 4.5% unemployment was horrible, the economy was tanking and Bush was boosting gas prices to pay off cronies in "Big Oil"
The press ate it up as people like McCain spoke of the danger in the real estate market but was poo pooed by Liberals. So, when as predicted, real estate and the banks supporting the market collapsed, the Press was only too happy to blame Bush. Yup, we had a tanking economy but the collapse could have been prevented if there were rational leadership in Congress.
3) obama offered "change" but avoided telling us what he would fuck up.
4) Yes, I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
Who cares if he has any qualifications to lead the country? He's BLACK!
5) And obama/biden wasn't? The last 4 years only show me that I wasn't sufficiently terrified.

147 Democrats in Congress voted against the resolution giving the President the green light. 111 voted for giving it to him.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1) when 6 years earlier, just about everyone including most elected Democrats supported US involvement in Iraq. Somehow, that perception changed. Democrats told us that our servicemen were mistreating prisoners, bombing civilian targets and the "surge" wasn't working. The Media took up that rhetoric and pretty soon, low information voters bought into it.
2)The economy was just fine when Pelosi and Reid took over Congress. They told us every chance they got that 4.5% unemployment was horrible, the economy was tanking and Bush was boosting gas prices to pay off cronies in "Big Oil"
The press ate it up as people like McCain spoke of the danger in the real estate market but was poo pooed by Liberals. So, when as predicted, real estate and the banks supporting the market collapsed, the Press was only too happy to blame Bush. Yup, we had a tanking economy but the collapse could have been prevented if there were rational leadership in Congress.
3) obama offered "change" but avoided telling us what he would fuck up.
4) Yes, I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
Who cares if he has any qualifications to lead the country? He's BLACK!
5) And obama/biden wasn't? The last 4 years only show me that I wasn't sufficiently terrified.

After 9-11, America put its trust in George Bush. We empowered him to do whatever it takes to get those fucking terrorists. George Bush betrayed that trust. He abused his power to trump up a WMD threat that did not exist. He also botched his invasion and occupation costing thousands of lives

His party paid the price. It comes with being the decider

Hillary Clinton voted to support the invasion, Barack Obama publicaly opposed it......Guess who got elected?
Last edited:
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

1) when 6 years earlier, just about everyone including most elected Democrats supported US involvement in Iraq. Somehow, that perception changed. Democrats told us that our servicemen were mistreating prisoners, bombing civilian targets and the "surge" wasn't working. The Media took up that rhetoric and pretty soon, low information voters bought into it.
2)The economy was just fine when Pelosi and Reid took over Congress. They told us every chance they got that 4.5% unemployment was horrible, the economy was tanking and Bush was boosting gas prices to pay off cronies in "Big Oil"
The press ate it up as people like McCain spoke of the danger in the real estate market but was poo pooed by Liberals. So, when as predicted, real estate and the banks supporting the market collapsed, the Press was only too happy to blame Bush. Yup, we had a tanking economy but the collapse could have been prevented if there were rational leadership in Congress.
3) obama offered "change" but avoided telling us what he would fuck up.
4) Yes, I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
Who cares if he has any qualifications to lead the country? He's BLACK!
5) And obama/biden wasn't? The last 4 years only show me that I wasn't sufficiently terrified.

After 9-11, America put its trust in George Bush. We empowered him to do whatever it takes to get those fucking terrorists. George Bush betrayed that trust. He abused his power to trump up a WMD threat that did not exist. He also botched his invasion and occupation costing thousands of lives

His party paid the price. It comes with being the decider

Hillary Clinton voted to support the invasion, Barack Obama publicaly opposed it......Guess who got elected?

Soldiers paid the price you fucking loon.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Obviously, an overwhelming majority disagreed with your assessment. Obama rescued the economy, ended the war in Iraq and Republicans still looked scary

Wrong....the economy is still screwed, we still have just as many people out of work as there were when Bush left (probably more with all the people that just dropped out of site when they ran out of unemployment!), and Obama got us out of Iraq on BUSH'S time-line that was already set up and agreed on.
1) when 6 years earlier, just about everyone including most elected Democrats supported US involvement in Iraq. Somehow, that perception changed. Democrats told us that our servicemen were mistreating prisoners, bombing civilian targets and the "surge" wasn't working. The Media took up that rhetoric and pretty soon, low information voters bought into it.
2)The economy was just fine when Pelosi and Reid took over Congress. They told us every chance they got that 4.5% unemployment was horrible, the economy was tanking and Bush was boosting gas prices to pay off cronies in "Big Oil"
The press ate it up as people like McCain spoke of the danger in the real estate market but was poo pooed by Liberals. So, when as predicted, real estate and the banks supporting the market collapsed, the Press was only too happy to blame Bush. Yup, we had a tanking economy but the collapse could have been prevented if there were rational leadership in Congress.
3) obama offered "change" but avoided telling us what he would fuck up.
4) Yes, I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
Who cares if he has any qualifications to lead the country? He's BLACK!
5) And obama/biden wasn't? The last 4 years only show me that I wasn't sufficiently terrified.

After 9-11, America put its trust in George Bush. We empowered him to do whatever it takes to get those fucking terrorists. George Bush betrayed that trust. He abused his power to trump up a WMD threat that did not exist. He also botched his invasion and occupation costing thousands of lives

His party paid the price. It comes with being the decider

Hillary Clinton voted to support the invasion, Barack Obama publicaly opposed it......Guess who got elected?

Soldiers paid the price you fucking loon.

1000 civilians too
Mainly because lowlife cocksuckers doubled down on their spiritual leader, Junebug Bush in 2004. Here is something for low degraded scum who voted for Bush in 2004 to think about when they are looking at the degenerate in the mirror: "I elected Obama with my vote in 2004." Had the scum of the earth not re elected Bush, there sure as hell would not have been a President Barack Hussein Obama in 2009.

Now your Lord and Master can laugh like hell at the white trash of America.

Enjoy it, pal.
Bush set the stage for the election of Obama. He also doomed the chances for the election of Hillary

Oh, contraire. You underestimate the Clintons, as many have done, and are ignoring the lust for a female POTUS.

No we don't underestimate them.....we already know they were two of the biggest SCUMS to ever live in the White House. Next to what we have in there right now. And how in hell would she handle being President?? She couldn't handle her last job and ended up QUITTING! Gee, that reminds me of someone else the left always bashed for quitting her job....remember Sarah Palin? How did the left act when she stepped down? Oh ya....she's a QUITTER!!!

You people are such hypocrites!!!
And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Obviously, an overwhelming majority disagreed with your assessment. Obama rescued the economy, ended the war in Iraq and Republicans still looked scary

Wrong....the economy is still screwed, we still have just as many people out of work as there were when Bush left (probably more with all the people that just dropped out of site when they ran out of unemployment!), and Obama got us out of Iraq on BUSH'S time-line that was already set up and agreed on.

Sorry.....But Bush gets zero credit for Iraq

ZERO, nothing, nada, not one iota of credit

It was Bush's blunder of a decision that got us there. It was his poor execution that cost 5000 lives, eight years, $2 trillion (and growing) debt that will never be paid.

Bush wanted that war from the day he took office and he got it

The fact that Obama eventually ended it is no credit to Bush
Bush set the stage for the election of Obama. He also doomed the chances for the election of Hillary

Oh, contraire. You underestimate the Clintons, as many have done, and are ignoring the lust for a female POTUS.

No we don't underestimate them.....we already know they were two of the biggest SCUMS to ever live in the White House. Next to what we have in there right now. And how in hell would she handle being President?? She couldn't handle her last job and ended up QUITTING! Gee, that reminds me of someone else the left always bashed for quitting her job....remember Sarah Palin? How did the left act when she stepped down? Oh ya....she's a QUITTER!!!

You people are such hypocrites!!!

Leaving elected office to accept a higher position is not quitting. It is a promotion

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