The one thing I will always hate Trump for is destroying my dating life


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
When his administration ended the personals section on craigslist, my dating numbers suffered because that's how I met all my women. Tinder is more like a casino app, sometimes its a hit or a miss. So I never know when I am going to go on my next date which irritates the shit out of me
When his administration ended the personals section on craigslist, my dating numbers suffered because that's how I met all my women. Tinder is more like a casino app, sometimes its a hit or a miss. So I never know when I am going to go on my next date which irritates the shit out of me
I know your trying to be funny, but com'on, animals don't get Covid, so whats the problem??
I'll bet Xi'den and its ilk are good with fucking anything from border collies to headless barbie dolls, so there will be more scoring opportunities in your future with this stolen election.

Do you like dogs?

No mongo
The Trump administration ended the personal section on Craigslist?!
This strikes me as funny, because why would ANY administration other than the one at Craigslist give a rats ass about something this trivial? Was it the ads for "fuckable goats" that got them in hot water?
The Trump administration ended the personal section on Craigslist?!
This strikes me as funny, because why would ANY administration other than the one at Craigslist give a rats ass about something this trivial? Was it the ads for "fuckable goats" that got them in hot water?

Yes in April of 2017
When his administration ended the personals section on craigslist, my dating numbers suffered because that's how I met all my women. Tinder is more like a casino app, sometimes its a hit or a miss. So I never know when I am going to go on my next date which irritates the shit out of me
When his administration ended the personals section on craigslist, my dating numbers suffered because that's how I met all my women. Tinder is more like a casino app, sometimes its a hit or a miss. So I never know when I am going to go on my next date which irritates the shit out of me
I know your trying to be funny, but com'on, animals don't get Covid, so whats the problem??
tigerred59 commenting on an fbj post. . . I have seen it all now. . . :heehee:

I'll bet Xi'den and its ilk are good with fucking anything from border collies to headless barbie dolls, so there will be more scoring opportunities in your future with this stolen election.

Do you like dogs?
is that a sin?
The Trump administration ended the personal section on Craigslist?!
This strikes me as funny, because why would ANY administration other than the one at Craigslist give a rats ass about something this trivial? Was it the ads for "fuckable goats" that got them in hot water?

So you were getting your sex from sex traffickers?
I guess you have different values than I do. I would only date to find a real wife. A honest to G-d, someone who actually loves me, and I love back, that would spend her life with me. Someone safe, that I could trust to stay with me, and put up with all my stupidity.

I would never waste my time with people who are not going to stay. Have no interest in a long term relationship, who would ditch me the moment someone better comes along.

Now.... maybe my experiences with Craigslist people, and maybe the experiences I have heard from people who used Craigslist are wrong..... that is possible....

But nearly everything surrounding the craigslist people, showed me that none of them were there for a long term relationship. These were people who couldn't care less about you, but just wanted to waste your time.

That's not a real relationship. That's just you being used for a cheap thrill for someone else, and ditched.

How do you really expect to get fulfilled life, from someone who isn't there for the long term? How?

Do you not even want someone who really cares about you? You actually want people who use you, and ditch you? That's what you want out of life?

Because I've met those people... honestly I've met them in their 50s, and they are lonely, and isolated. Is that really what you want?

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