Republican House Members Slavish Devotion to Trump


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This should all serve as a very evident warning that what happened in Nazi Germany can easily happen here. These people are even more fanatical about attacking those members in their own party who are not "devoted" enough to Donald Trump and travel the country denouncing them (see Matt Gaetz in Wyoming today, see a brand new freshman Congressman from North Carolina who has just taken office, and see Marjorie Batshit Crazy Taylor)

These people, a majority of House Republicans, furthered the lie from Trump that the election was "stolen" (the "stab in the back" that Hitler accused the Jews of after WWI) and there is no need to swear a formal oath to Donald Trump, the fervor of these House Republicans to swear allegiance to a former President is self evident.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. A majority of Republicans are ignorant of history.
This should all serve as a very evident warning that what happened in Nazi Germany can easily happen here. These people are even more fanatical about attacking those members in their own party who are not "devoted" enough to Donald Trump and travel the country denouncing them (see Matt Gaetz in Wyoming today, see a brand new freshman Congressman from North Carolina who has just taken office, and see Marjorie Batshit Crazy Taylor)

These people, a majority of House Republicans, furthered the lie from Trump that the election was "stolen" (the "stab in the back" that Hitler accused the Jews of after WWI) and there is no need to swear a formal oath to Donald Trump, the fervor of these House Republicans to swear allegiance to a former President is self evident.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. A majority of Republicans are ignorant of history.
There was some independence...but it's disturbing how little there was.
This should all serve as a very evident warning that what happened in Nazi Germany can easily happen here. These people are even more fanatical about attacking those members in their own party who are not "devoted" enough to Donald Trump and travel the country denouncing them (see Matt Gaetz in Wyoming today, see a brand new freshman Congressman from North Carolina who has just taken office, and see Marjorie Batshit Crazy Taylor)

These people, a majority of House Republicans, furthered the lie from Trump that the election was "stolen" (the "stab in the back" that Hitler accused the Jews of after WWI) and there is no need to swear a formal oath to Donald Trump, the fervor of these House Republicans to swear allegiance to a former President is self evident.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. A majority of Republicans are ignorant of history.
There was some independence...but it's disturbing how little there was.

Keep yer eyes peeled!

It’s not so much Trump as it is his rabid, cult-like followers.

Indeed, there are likely a significant number of Republican officeholders who want to openly denounce Trump but lack the courage, honesty, and integrity to do so.

To do the right thing and denounce Trump would mean the end of one’s political career.
I disagree. Are you of the opinion that were Trump to have never been elected President (or simply ceased to exist) that they would have transferred their adoration to a different object of affection who also causes their brains to cease functioning properly?

The only people that I'm aware of that have this kind of sway are people like Charles Manson and Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker who I just saw a documentary on and they talked about his "groupies".

That is outside of Jim Jones, et al.
Soon THEY will be in the MAJORITY!!!


It’s not so much Trump as it is his rabid, cult-like followers.

Indeed, there are likely a significant number of Republican officeholders who want to openly denounce Trump but lack the courage, honesty, and integrity to do so.

To do the right thing and denounce Trump would mean the end of one’s political career.
I disagree. Are you of the opinion that were Trump to have never been elected President (or simply ceased to exist) that they would have transferred their adoration to a different object of affection who also causes their brains to cease functioning properly?

The only people that I'm aware of that have this kind of sway are people like Charles Manson and Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker who I just saw a documentary on and they talked about his "groupies".

That is outside of Jim Jones, et al.
Jim Jones was a DemoKKKrat.......Dems haven't learnt ANYTHING from their own history!!


In short? He was one of YOURS!!!!

It’s not so much Trump as it is his rabid, cult-like followers.

Indeed, there are likely a significant number of Republican officeholders who want to openly denounce Trump but lack the courage, honesty, and integrity to do so.

To do the right thing and denounce Trump would mean the end of one’s political career.

There is a local Republican whose district is not far from the one I live in, Adam Kinzinger, who has admitted that his vote for impeachment could be "terminal" to his political career. Young guy, up and comer, military veteran, smart, well spoken, and since he voted for impeachment, his time in Congress could be coming to an end.

However, and I hope he knows this, doing the right thing will last the rest of his life, and remain after he is gone. If he is voted out of office, I hope he runs for Governor of Illinois. The guy has the 'it' factor, and his loyalty to the Constitution first was never in doubt.
This should all serve as a very evident warning that what happened in Nazi Germany can easily happen here. These people are even more fanatical about attacking those members in their own party who are not "devoted" enough to Donald Trump and travel the country denouncing them (see Matt Gaetz in Wyoming today, see a brand new freshman Congressman from North Carolina who has just taken office, and see Marjorie Batshit Crazy Taylor)

These people, a majority of House Republicans, furthered the lie from Trump that the election was "stolen" (the "stab in the back" that Hitler accused the Jews of after WWI) and there is no need to swear a formal oath to Donald Trump, the fervor of these House Republicans to swear allegiance to a former President is self evident.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. A majority of Republicans are ignorant of history.
Trump was a great f'ing president---he's earned our respect and loyality---despite the dems and communist chinese bashing him all the time with their made up BS. AS america quickly goes downhill under Biden----the communist propaganda media's lies aren't going to stop people for missing and realize how great Trump was.
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This should all serve as a very evident warning that what happened in Nazi Germany can easily happen here. These people are even more fanatical about attacking those members in their own party who are not "devoted" enough to Donald Trump and travel the country denouncing them (see Matt Gaetz in Wyoming today, see a brand new freshman Congressman from North Carolina who has just taken office, and see Marjorie Batshit Crazy Taylor)

These people, a majority of House Republicans, furthered the lie from Trump that the election was "stolen" (the "stab in the back" that Hitler accused the Jews of after WWI) and there is no need to swear a formal oath to Donald Trump, the fervor of these House Republicans to swear allegiance to a former President is self evident.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. A majority of Republicans are ignorant of history.
I went down an interesting rabbit hole tonight. I even learned a term I did not know.

You remember that house member that retired, right? Justin Amash?

Do you know who replaced him?

"To all of the Groypers angry at me:"

Followers of Nick Fuentes began to be known as Groypers beginning in 2019. In September 2019, Ashley St. Clair, a "brand ambassador" for the conservative student group Turning Point USA, was photographed at an event featuring several allegedly white nationalist and alt-right figures, including Fuentes, Jacob Wohl, and Anthime Gionet, better known as "Baked Alaska". After Right Wing Watch brought the photographs to Turning Point USA's attention, the organization issued a statement declaring that it had severed ties with St. Clair, and condemning white nationalism as "abhorrent and un-American".[20][21] At the 2019 Politicon convention, Fuentes tried to access several of the Turning Point USA events featuring its founder Charlie Kirk, including a line to take photos with Kirk and Kirk's debate with Kyle Kulinski of The Young Turks. Security repeatedly barred him from being allowed anywhere near Kirk, with Fuentes accusing Kirk of deliberately suppressing him in order to avoid a confrontation, as Fuentes had grown critical of Kirk's positions, which he believes are too weak.[15]

It seems, the Fuentes guy is the epicenter of the trouble of the more, how shall we say, more unsavory parts that the Trump faction does not approve of.

. . . and it appears, they may have been getting funding, in bitcoin. . . from France? Of all places? wtf?!

Fuentes was among the far-right individuals and groups who participated in the rallies that led up to 2021 storming of the United States Capitol.[21][16] His DLive channel was subsequently suspended permanently for "inciting violent and illegal activities."[33][17] He was also among a group of far-right activists and groups who received large donations in bitcoin from a French donor on December 8. Fuentes received 13.5 bitcoin (approximately $250,000), which was by far the largest share. The donor also posted an apparent suicide note, according to Blockchain analysis group Chainalysis, although the donor's status has not been confirmed.[34][35][36][37] The FBI is launching an investigation as to whether any of this money went toward the financing of illegal acts, such as the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.[38]

Just light reading. . . if anyone is interested in the footnotes, we all know how biased the wiki is. . . but I thought this was all interesting.

This should all serve as a very evident warning that what happened in Nazi Germany can easily happen here. These people are even more fanatical about attacking those members in their own party who are not "devoted" enough to Donald Trump and travel the country denouncing them (see Matt Gaetz in Wyoming today, see a brand new freshman Congressman from North Carolina who has just taken office, and see Marjorie Batshit Crazy Taylor)

These people, a majority of House Republicans, furthered the lie from Trump that the election was "stolen" (the "stab in the back" that Hitler accused the Jews of after WWI) and there is no need to swear a formal oath to Donald Trump, the fervor of these House Republicans to swear allegiance to a former President is self evident.

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. A majority of Republicans are ignorant of history.
Project much, tutti frutti? :laughing0301:
It’s not so much Trump as it is his rabid, cult-like followers.

Indeed, there are likely a significant number of Republican officeholders who want to openly denounce Trump but lack the courage, honesty, and integrity to do so.

To do the right thing and denounce Trump would mean the end of one’s political career.
Jan 6 gave Republicans the opportunity to rid themselves of their “Trump Problem” once and for all.

Rather than stand up to him, they cowered before him and gave him more influence
It’s not so much Trump as it is his rabid, cult-like followers.

Indeed, there are likely a significant number of Republican officeholders who want to openly denounce Trump but lack the courage, honesty, and integrity to do so.

To do the right thing and denounce Trump would mean the end of one’s political career.
Jan 6 gave Republicans the opportunity to rid themselves of their “Trump Problem” once and for all.

Rather than stand up to him, they cowered before him and gave him more influence

As pathetic and spineless as Republicans have been, it would appear that the crazies have taken firm control of the GOP House, while the Senate has faced its own insurrection, but it has not allowed the opportunistic douchebags like Hawley and Cruz to win out over the moderates which appear to still be in control.

As dangerous as these people are, it is their poorly informed and educated base that continues to get worked into a foaming and frothing lather by rightwing media propagandists, who have them believing every ridiculous conspiracy theory, including those regarding "election fraud", because they are too unsophisticated to know right from wrong. This forum provides ample evidence, and this is the greatest threat to democracy, moving forward.

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