The oldest countries in the world are now dictatorial regimes


Active Member
Nov 28, 2022
Era = BC
Regime : Communism.

Era: BC
Regime: Sexism, violence against women, lethal religious stampedes of stupid people and a caste system.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq etc...
Era: BC
Regime: Islamic theocracy / honor culture.

Era: Early middle ages.
Regime: Anti violence police state, democratically elected top heavy government..
National leadership appointed by the monarch.

Era: BC
Regime: Roman Catholic theocracy.

Era: BC
Regime: Communism

Era: BC
Regime: Personal ownership of a nation.
Yes, freedom is an unusual human state.
One that demands great effort and sacrifice to achieve and maintain.
It can never exist where faux tuff guys do nothing more than chat about how tuff they are and what they will or wont do.
No, it requires REAL men, REAL Tough Guys (and women) to fight for and achieve freedom. Often it involves the ultimate sacrifice.

People living in the modern USA are clueless and have totally forgotten history and are therefore doomed to repeat it.
Era = BC
Regime : Communism.

Era: BC
Regime: Sexism, violence against women, lethal religious stampedes of stupid people and a caste system.

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq etc...
Era: BC
Regime: Islamic theocracy / honor culture.

Era: Early middle ages.
Regime: Anti violence police state, democratically elected top heavy government..
National leadership appointed by the monarch.

Era: BC
Regime: Roman Catholic theocracy.

Era: BC
Regime: Communism

Era: BC
Regime: Personal ownership of a nation.
The fact of the matter is, the oldest government and state, i.e. nation-state, on the planet, the one that has existed, in its continuous form, unbroken, and unreformed in its present form, is. . .

"Country" as in the Westphalian sovereignty way we think of it? Is synonymous with the term, "nation-state."

The oldest one? IS?


All of those that you have listed? Are nations of people, they have nothing to do with their current governments.

Thus? If you really understand what you are talking about? You will find, that truly, the oldest country on Earth, IS, the USA.
Era = BC
Regime : Communism. ETC ETC
OP shows the dangers of arbitrary generalisations and cherry picking imho,

The more so when no reasoned conclusion is hinted at , just an inferred indication of the OPs presumed preference .
The Western Hemisphere has no history longer than several centuries ago except for natives while other parts of the world have thousands and thousands of years of accumulated customs and ways of living. Whether good or not so good. Many empires.
The Western Hemisphere has no history longer than several centuries ago except for natives while other parts of the world have thousands and thousands of years of accumulated customs and ways of living. Whether good or not so good. Many empires.
“Except for“???????
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