The official 'Black Deaths Matter' Thread.

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Since I actually have lived in the black community and you're posting links, it would be wise for you to shut the fuck up.
I'll just keep documenting the daily misery of innocent Black people killed by drug gang violence. It is a cancer in our country that affects every American. And just like cancer, ignoring it makes it worse.
The Logistics of Transporting Drug Shipments

DTOs have well-established transportation networks and often transport illicit drug shipments directly to drug markets throughout the United States. Some DTOs relinquish control by distributing illicit drugs from stash locations to traffickers who purchase these drugs and then transport the shipments themselves to distribution areas. DTOs often hire independent drug transportation groups to transport drugs, insulating themselves from law enforcement investigations and compartmentalizing trafficking operations. These transporters are hired for the sole purpose of moving drug shipments, and they operate in cells that are separate from other DTO operations. As a result, seizures of illicit drugs from transporters often yield little or no information to law enforcement officials about other DTO members or DTO operations. For example, Colombian DTOs often employ Mexican traffickers whose successful transportation networks allow these DTOs to circumvent the problems caused by law enforcement disruption of their own transportation routes.

Drug shipments are typically stashed in ranches, warehouses, residences, and trailers near primary points of entry into the United States for consolidation, distribution, and subsequent transport to drug markets throughout the United States. To transport drugs, traffickers primarily use commercial trucks and privately owned and rental vehicles equipped with hidden compartments and natural voids in the vehicles. Additionally, bulk quantities of illicit drugs are sometimes commingled with legitimate goods in commercial trucks. Many drug traffickers use postal and package delivery services to transport illicit drugs within the United States and, to a much lesser extent, use couriers and cargo shipments on aircraft, buses, and trains.

Most of these things are NOT owned by blacks.
I'll just keep documenting the daily misery of innocent Black people killed by drug gang violence. It is a cancer in our country that affects every American. And just like cancer, ignoring it makes it worse.
You might waant to document the daily misery of white fetanyl users and deaths by various types of gun deaths. That's a bigger cancer and you choose to ignore it and watch it get worse to satisfy your racist esire to talk nasty about black people.
Drug trafficking is the most widespread and lucrative organized crime operation in the United States, accounting for nearly 40 percent of this country's organized crime activity and generating an annual income estimated to be as high as $110 billion. Large trafficking organizations dominate the illicit drug market. These groups include the "families" of America's La Cosa Nostra, as well as an array of more recently identified crime groups such as the Sicilian "Mafia," outlaw motorcycle gangs and groups based in the Nigerian and Colombian communities. While La Cosa Nostra has historically been involved in narcotics trafficking, newer organizations, in many ways quite different from La Cosa Nostra, now play a major role in the drug trade. Generally, these newer groups develop solely around drug trafficking operations and are activity-specific, dependent only on drug-related criminal activity for income. They tend to be more fluidly organized than La Cosa Nostra, and are not as self-contained but are marked by a degree of violence and corruption unsurpassed by any other criminal activity.

Organized crime groups involved in drug trafficking, however, share a central feature with other organized crime groups in that they consist of a core criminal group and a specialized criminal support designed to facilitate illicit activity. This "core/support" configuration is one this Commission has found to be common to all organized crime groups today.

Cocaine is ordinarily smuggled from South America to the United States for major trafficking organizations by American citizens acting as mercenary pilots. Recruits include ex-military, commercial and private pilots, and in some cases, unlicensed aviators. The speed, mobility and evasive capabilities of air transport have made it the preferred node of shipment among Colombian traffickers, and many have built airstrips either near their processing centers or along the coastlines to permit the fast direct export of cocaine. On Colombia's north coast alone, over 150 clandestine landing strips and three international airports facilitate smuggling activities.

Individual pilots are generally responsible for purchasing or leasing transportation vehicles and hiring flight crews. Obtaining a plane for purchase seldom presents any difficulty, since many aircraft are regularly advertised for sale in a number of trade periodicals. One popular journal, Trade-a-Plane, is published three times each month and advertises thousands of aircraft available for sale in each issue. Planes are also available for purchase at numerous government auctions of seized properties. These events often allow traffickers to repurchase aircraft, which they were previously forced to forfeit.

Because traffickers attempt to ship the largest possible quantities of cocaine to the widest range of destinations in the United States, the aircraft selected for smuggling generally represent the optimum balance between range and cargo capacity. The most popular of these are conventional light twin engine planes, such as the Piper Aztec, Piper Navajo and the Cessna 400 series. Most such planes can transport about a ton of cocaine over a range of about 1,800 miles and can stay airborne for 11 and one hours with standard fuel systems. Larger airplanes such as DC-3 aircraft are common on shuttle flights between the United States and various transshipment points; the fastest aircraft are always preferred when available.

There aren't any blacks in LaCostra Nostra. And there aren't that many blacks who own big ass cargo planes. But keep on pretending that those drugs just magically show up in black communities by magic.
IM2 Ah so you finally admit there is a rampant drug problem in the Inner Cities fueled by outside organizations. Exactly what I have been saying! !We are making progress here!
No, what I am saying is that whites are shipping drugs into these communities. That's the problem.
No, what I am saying is that whites are shipping drugs into these communities. That's the problem.
You have no way of knowing all of the actors involved with illegal drug shipments into the Inner Cities. Besides that fact, it is irrelevant WHAT COLOR they are. They are fucking up our country and the HHS, the FBI, the CIA does absolutely NOTHING about it. That is because there is no political benefit for them to do so.
You have no way of knowing all of the actors involved with illegal drug shipments into the Inner Cities. Besides that fact, it is irrelevant WHAT COLOR they are. They are fucking up our country and the HHS, the FBI, the CIA does absolutely NOTHING about it. That is because there is no political benefit for them to do so.
It is relevant and that's that's part of the problem. Whites like you are too busy looking for reason to excuse your behavior then try projecting your shit on everybody else. You just want to spew your racism, you don't give a fucbk about the blacks whose lives you arr using, nor do you have the fortitude to stand up to whites who bring the drugs into this country. You're a fucking coward. White men like you are scared of anyone you think has power so you beat up on thhe poor in thhhe hoods with your racism and then vote in whites like yourself who arr too scared to do what it takes to end the problem.

Like everything else, the root cause of this problem is white racism and I am not just talking about white organized crime brining drugs into black communities. I'm talking about racist white bankers who refuse to invest in ideas from inner city entrepreneurs. Let that sink in idiot, because I bet you don't have the first clue of what I mean.
IM2 I care about Americans who have been under attack for over half a century. Americans who have been losing their babies like Serenity Broughton to drug fueled violence. That should not be happening in America. You are more concerned about painting me a Racist or the skin color of the people who are transporting the drugs into the inner cities. Who gives a shit? Let's find out who they are, shut them down and put them in jail. My guess is as good as yours but I think it is a coalition of the drug cartels, China and The Mafia.
IM2 I care about Americans who have been under attack for over half a century. Americans who have been losing their babies like Serenity Broughton to drug fueled violence. That should not be happening in America. You are more concerned about painting me a Racist or the skin color of the people who are transporting the drugs into the inner cities. Who gives a shit? Let's find out who they are, shut them down and put them in jail. My guess is as good as yours but I think it is a coalition of the drug cartels, China and The Mafia.

No you aren't. I'm concerned about people who have been consistently under attack for 402 years. Again your narrow focus allows you to miss the big picture and that's because the big picture implicates whites. I am not painting you, you're painting yourself and you're more interested in condemning a race than understanding holistically what has created that situation. You guess is not as good as mine. I know what the problem is and you don't.
It is relevant and that's that's part of the problem. Whites like you are too busy looking for reason to excuse your behavior then try projecting your shit on everybody else. You just want to spew your racism, you don't give a fucbk about the blacks whose lives you arr using, nor do you have the fortitude to stand up to whites who bring the drugs into this country. You're a fucking coward. White men like you are scared of anyone you think has power so you beat up on thhe poor in thhhe hoods with your racism and then vote in whites like yourself who arr too scared to do what it takes to end the problem.

Like everything else, the root cause of this problem is white racism and I am not just talking about white organized crime brining drugs into black communities. I'm talking about racist white bankers who refuse to invest in ideas from inner city entrepreneurs. Let that sink in idiot, because I bet you don't have the first clue of what I mean.
It doesn't matter what color traffickers are. They are criminals. But you will be happy to know there is a simple and easy solution to criminals selling drugs in your community- DON'T BUY THEM. No market and the criminals will go elsewhere. Don't blame White people because Black people break the law and buy and use drugs. Nobody is holding Black people down and stuffing coke up their noses, crack pipes into their mouths or needles into their arms.
I'll just keep documenting the daily misery of innocent Black people killed by drug gang violence. It is a cancer in our country that affects every American. And just like cancer, ignoring it makes it worse.
Kiled by whites supremacists
It doesn't matter what color traffickers are. They are criminals. But you will be happy to know there is a simple and easy solution to criminals selling drugs in your community- DON'T BUY THEM. No market and the criminals will go elsewhere. Don't blame White people because Black people break the law and buy and use drugs. Nobody is holding Black people down and stuffing coke up their noses, crack pipes into their mouths or needles into their arms.
Most drug users are not black. Most of the drugs are in suburban areas.

Meth and heroin are drugs that black people rarely use or sell today. Most of the users and sellers are white or non black.

Yet more black people r in jaill. Waco has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. So what do the white supremacists do ? Change possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

All over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this





These white folks got K&A looking like skid row.

The system of white supremacy gives them gives them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles those trifling cave beasts discard on the ground.

Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell


They have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction.


Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

They go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


They’re making martyrs out of white drug users when we steady getting killed. Drugs don't stick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when Black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke.
Most drug users are not black. Most of the drugs are in suburban areas.

Meth and heroin are drugs that black people rarely use or sell today. Most of the users and sellers are white or non black.

Yet more black people r in jaill. Waco has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. So what do the white supremacists do ? Change possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor.

All over the USA white people are drugged out on meth like this

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View attachment 542753

These white folks got K&A looking like skid row.

The system of white supremacy gives them gives them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles those trifling cave beasts discard on the ground.

Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell


They have a system to go easy on them like Clinton in this opiod crisis. They have Methodone Clinics to help them manage their addiction.


Wonder if he's ever spoken on the CIA's trade of Cocaine 4 Weapons in Nicaragua '90's ? Or Nixon's overt racist drug war that he co-opted ?

They go so soft on white drug users that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


Look at the story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir). You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


They’re making martyrs out of white drug users when we steady getting killed. Drugs don't stick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when Black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke.
Then why are you complaining about White drug importers flooding Black neighborhoods with drugs? You can't have it both ways. Either there is a demand for illegal drugs in Black neighborhoods that criminals of whatever color are filling, or there isn't and Black neighborhoods are drug free except for a little grass.
No you aren't. I'm concerned about people who have been consistently under attack for 402 years. Again your narrow focus allows you to miss the big picture and that's because the big picture implicates whites. I am not painting you, you're painting yourself and you're more interested in condemning a race than understanding holistically what has created that situation. You guess is not as good as mine. I know what the problem is and you don't.
You desperately cling to your hatred of White people and therefore me because that is fundamental to your belief system. You know darn well you agree with me about the problem facing the Inner City but that scared you so now you are back to your old saw of "400 years of White oppression". The truth will set you free but you keep yourself chained.
And you address problems concerning Black women in particular that I have read very little if anything about.

Mike, in my opinion, countless American women of all ethnic backgrounds are responsible for ignoring or abandoning their maternal responsibility to raise a smiling, happy baby maturing into a reasonably well-adjusted teen and adult citizen embracing EMPATHY, Compassion and Respect for their neighbors.

Unfortunately, as you know, feminism and flawed social assistance policies created in the 1960s encouraged girls and women to build fatherless families.

Sadly, kids and teens of African descent were the first to suffer as a result of these flawed policies.

Some surveys report Empathy on the decline in USA:

Fatherless Child Sharing Tears & PAIN:

I know what goes on in the black community. You don't.

Hi, IM2. Can we agree if you truly know what's going on in what you refer to as the black community, you should have no problem whatsoever explaining to your readers why American children and teens of African descent SUFFER our nation's highest rates of potential life scarring child neglect, abuse, abandonment and maltreatment.


☮️♥️ EndHate2021


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Three men arrested in the murder of 8 year old PJ Evans, whom I posted about over a month ago. Apparently they just opened fire on a group of people in the middle of an apartment complex and one of their bullets killed PJ as he was playing video games in his apartment. Let's hope Landover Md. doesn't have a retarded DA like Kim Foxx who will let them go because of the "mutual combat" law.

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