The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

Yes, because to my memory he only pointed out the hypocrisy and inherent racism of the left for questioning Obama's blackness, but where's the quote? What did he say exactly?
September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American. I guess that's splitting hairs, I don't -- it's just all these little things, everything seems upside-down today in this country.

Rush is hardly alone in his assessment about barry's "authentic American blackness" so fucking what~

Morgan Freeman: Obama Not 'First Black President'

The Academy Award-winning actor pointed to the commander in chief's mixed-race heritage as evidence "America's first black president hasn't arisen yet."

Oddly, apparent doubts about the president’s racial identification now are being raised not by his critics but by one of his strongest supporters: Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman. He told a surprised NPR interviewer this week that the United States has yet to see its "first black president."

I would imagine he means a Black from two Black parents. Obama is considered Black because a person from a mixed marriage is thought of that way. Obama is also white, but if you saw a man who looked like Obama, would you think he was Black?
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September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American. I guess that's splitting hairs, I don't -- it's just all these little things, everything seems upside-down today in this country.

Rush is hardly alone in his assessment about barry's "authentic American blackness" so fucking what~

Morgan Freeman: Obama Not 'First Black President'

The Academy Award-winning actor pointed to the commander in chief's mixed-race heritage as evidence "America's first black president hasn't arisen yet."

Oddly, apparent doubts about the president’s racial identification now are being raised not by his critics but by one of his strongest supporters: Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman. He told a surprised NPR interviewer this week that the United States has yet to see its "first black president."

I would imagine he means a Black from two Black parents. Obama is considered Black because a person from a mixed marriage is thought of that way. Obama is also white, but if you saw a man who looked like Obama, would you think he was Black?

Just another incompetent leader with a conga line of failures. He just happens to have someone in his family tree that 'jumped the fence'. Color is not the issue, criminal intent is.

Think about it, he has ruled like a Foreign Elitist who has a disdain for America. He has ruled like a Foreigner, because he is a Foreigner...


'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

His Agent told the truth. It was no 'innocent mistake' or an Evil Right Wing Plot. She simply stated the truth. It is what it is.

Yes, Literary Agents are considered a positive form of birth certification in this country

In fact, I bring my Literary Agent any time I have to prove how old I am

His Agent told the truth. It was no 'innocent mistake' or an Evil Right Wing Plot. She simply stated the truth. It is what it is.

Yes, Literary Agents are considered a positive form of birth certification in this country

In fact, I bring my Literary Agent any time I have to prove how old I am

Do you think that obama saw it before they published it? Of course he did. Why didn't he "correct" it?
His Agent told the truth. It was no 'innocent mistake' or an Evil Right Wing Plot. She simply stated the truth. It is what it is.

Yes, Literary Agents are considered a positive form of birth certification in this country

In fact, I bring my Literary Agent any time I have to prove how old I am

Do you think that obama saw it before they published it? Of course he did. Why didn't he "correct" it?

I doubt it
Yes, Literary Agents are considered a positive form of birth certification in this country

In fact, I bring my Literary Agent any time I have to prove how old I am

Do you think that obama saw it before they published it? Of course he did. Why didn't he "correct" it?

I doubt it

So, a publisher is going to release something that you wrote and you would not want to review it before he released it???????? really? Something with your name, picture, and a short biography--and you would not review it before release? Come on.

Face it RW, Obama is a fraud and a liar---and a terrible president.
september 22, 2008
rush: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white democrats won't vote for obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. do you know he has not one shred of african-american blood? He doesn't have any african -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. he's arab. you know, he's from africa. he's from arab parts of africa. he's not -- his father was -- he's not african-american. The last thing that he is is african-american. I guess that's splitting hairs, i don't -- it's just all these little things, everything seems upside-down today in this country.

rush is hardly alone in his assessment about barry's "authentic american blackness" so fucking what~

morgan freeman: Obama not 'first black president'

the academy award-winning actor pointed to the commander in chief's mixed-race heritage as evidence "america's first black president hasn't arisen yet."

oddly, apparent doubts about the president’s racial identification now are being raised not by his critics but by one of his strongest supporters: Academy award-winning actor morgan freeman. He told a surprised npr interviewer this week that the united states has yet to see its "first black president."

i would imagine he means a black from two black parents. Obama is considered black because a person from a mixed marriage is thought of that way. Obama is also white, but if you saw a man who looked like obama, would you think he was black?

Do you think that obama saw it before they published it? Of course he did. Why didn't he "correct" it?

I doubt it

So, a publisher is going to release something that you wrote and you would not want to review it before he released it???????? really? Something with your name, picture, and a short biography--and you would not review it before release? Come on.

Face it RW, Obama is a fraud and a liar---and a terrible president.

Interviewer: Barack Obama is a funny name, where did you get it?
Obama: It's Kenyan
Interviewer writes: Obama was born in Kenya

His Agent told the truth. It was no 'innocent mistake' or an Evil Right Wing Plot. She simply stated the truth. It is what it is.

Yes, Literary Agents are considered a positive form of birth certification in this country

In fact, I bring my Literary Agent any time I have to prove how old I am

Don't blame the literary agent, I'm positive Obama lied to him. It isn't the publishing company's fault Obama fabricated huge portions of his own autobiography. He is a damn lair through and through.

Going back and listening to his bullshit speeches about privacy, transparency, openness and just insult and denigrate Bush--Obama has no shame. A pure hypocrite.
I doubt it

So, a publisher is going to release something that you wrote and you would not want to review it before he released it???????? really? Something with your name, picture, and a short biography--and you would not review it before release? Come on.

Face it RW, Obama is a fraud and a liar---and a terrible president.

Interviewer: Barack Obama is a funny name, where did you get it?
Obama: It's Kenyan
Interviewer writes: Obama was born in Kenya

Is that how all those fabrications made it into his autobiography?

His Agent told the truth. It was no 'innocent mistake' or an Evil Right Wing Plot. She simply stated the truth. It is what it is.

Yes, Literary Agents are considered a positive form of birth certification in this country

In fact, I bring my Literary Agent any time I have to prove how old I am

She simply told the truth as she knew it. But i understand you'll never accept that. You're All-In on that Dear Leader-Worship stuff.
OK, JED. Now the rest of the story. How did he pay for it? Columbia and Harvard are very expensive schools.

How is that even your business?

the same way Bush's military record was your business, or Sarah Palin's kids were your business.

we have the right to know everything about people that we put in charge of our country and our lives.

Why has obama paid lawyers to keep YOU and ME from seeing those records? what is in them that he is afraid to release?
Still waiting for one (just one) of you pseudo-intellectual left wing communists to explain how it is that the Department Head of Columbia, the tenured Doctor Henry Graff, who would have approved Barry Obama's Degree, has stated on NUMEROUS OCCASIONS that he "never met" this man; Never had him in ONE class, and NEVER approved matriculation for this man - How can it be that (while Barry apparently HAS a degree) - A noted Professor (Dr Graff) who ran the Department for 46 years - says "hogwash"?

Or is it (like the lemmings that you are) you just don't care any longer?

You want us to explain to you why Dr Graff is a lying sack of shit and/or a delusional old coot? Sorry, I but don't speak nut-job.
Still waiting for one (just one) of you pseudo-intellectual left wing communists to explain how it is that the Department Head of Columbia, the tenured Doctor Henry Graff, who would have approved Barry Obama's Degree, has stated on NUMEROUS OCCASIONS that he "never met" this man; Never had him in ONE class, and NEVER approved matriculation for this man - How can it be that (while Barry apparently HAS a degree) - A noted Professor (Dr Graff) who ran the Department for 46 years - says "hogwash"?

Or is it (like the lemmings that you are) you just don't care any longer?

You want us to explain to you why Dr Graff is a lying sack of shit and/or a delusional old coot? Sorry, I but don't speak nut-job.

Why yes, yes I do. Explain why the Professor Emeritus of Columbia is a lying sack of shit and/or a delusional old coot.

I'm DYING to hear this horseshit. Give it your best shot, skippy.

Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.

Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

More: : Obama's 'Sealed' Records

I was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981. I met him in 1979, when we were freshmen at Occidental College (Oxy) in Los Angeles and our dorm rooms were directly opposite each other.

More: Barack Obama ’83, My Columbia College Roommate | Alumni Corner | Columbia College Today

Birthers claim that no one from Barack Obama's past has come forward saying they knew him. Who were his roommates? No one remembers him in class. No professors remember him. People knew him under different names. He went to college as a foreign student, Barry Soretoro. He never wrote anything. No one has pictures. He never really went to college.

Like everything else Birther, this meme is easily debunked.

California: Occidental College

New York: Columbia University

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Through High School

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: New York, Chicago and Harvard

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