The Obama Administration Is Doing A Bang-Up Job With This Terrorist Attack

Had Obama not invaded Pocky-stan would we even have been the subject of this attack?

Obama reckless murder of Pocky-Staany civilians and Jihadists only breeds more Jihadists and finally

Where is bin Laden?

Frank, with all seriousness, you need to measure your remarks. Each time you post you provide more evidence that you're nothing more than a stupid clown whose only contribution to this MB is to echo the bull shit of the right wing propagandists.
Soon others will believe you're as stupid as I believe you are.

Wussamatta LeftWing talking points aren't so funny when directed at your Messiah?

wahhh wahhh


[ame=]YouTube - LEAVE BARACK ALONE![/ame]
The CEO doesn't get credit when the salesman lands the account....

the CEO gets the credit when the team produces profits and blame when they don't.

"producing profits" (or causing losses) is more of a big picture thing...

An incident of landing a contract is the immediate action, which is why I worded my analogy as I did...

yes it is. and obama's big picture has been far more effective than bush's. you can acknowledge that or not.
the CEO gets the credit when the team produces profits and blame when they don't.

"producing profits" (or causing losses) is more of a big picture thing...

An incident of landing a contract is the immediate action, which is why I worded my analogy as I did...

yes it is. and obama's big picture has been far more effective than bush's. you can acknowledge that or not.

Big picture with regards to terrorist attacks or as overall leader?
Obama IS one of my heroes.

Along with my dad, Malcolm-X, MLK, Marcus Garvey and many others.

I'm not afraid to say it, and quite proud of it actually.


The MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami IS one of my heroes ..... also.

I am especially impressed with the fact that his Daddy was a COMMIE and a falling down Drunk. Mommy was also a Commie (with a strong sexual predilection for people of colour and repeated outbursts expressing her hatred for people of her own race). Even her grandfather was an off the wall COMMIE.

MARXIST Obami Salami is ALSO my Hero along with Malcom X, Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Ahmadinejad, Khomeini, Charlie Manson, etc .....and of course, Obami Salami's cousin ODINGA, known throughout Africa as "Africa's Stalin". ODINGA, this outstanding relative that OUR hero (Obami Salami) visited shortly before his Presidential Campaign, is the RAPIST and MURDERERING leader of the ruling (at that time, at least) "Orange Democratic Party" of Kenya. OUR hero, Obami Salami was photo-oped at, at least, one of the POS ODINGA's rallies. Later, OUR hero was photo-oped smiling, arm in arm with this POS and his COMMIE relatives at their home.

And, there are MORE reasons why The MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is MY hero. After all Obami Salami was a star employee of ACORN the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE indicted and convicted in around 13 states across America.

What is ESPECIALLY endearing about OUR MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami is that he is/was friends with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL and MANIACAL COMMIE TERRORIST Bill Ayers (whom he met at ACORN)......and, from whose home OUR hero, Obami Salami kicked off his Senatorial career.

OMG, I just can't stop my adoration of OUR hero, Obami Salami.....I simply must point out my TOTAL RESPECT for OUR Hero's meteoric rise thru the most NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT MAFIOSO and COMMIE laden Chicago Political Machine where NO ONE.....not even the lowliest political position of dog catcher can be elected without the blessing of this PRESTIGIOUS POLITICAL ORGANIZATION.....side note: there are rumours that Rahm Emanuel is resigning his present Obami Salami Adm post as Chief of Staff....and will be taking over that Wonderful Political Chicago Organization next year.

One can't continue to extol OUR Hero Obami Salami without mentioning his TWENTY YEAR tenure in the CATHEDRAL OF HATE run by the Black Racist whackjob "GODDAMN AMERICA" WRIGHT, whom, OUR hero labeled as (his own hallowed words): " Pastor, friend and mentor". And, BTW, the PSYCHO "Goddamn America" Wright's self-acknowledged "idol" is the MOST NOTORIOUS Anti-Semite, and WHITEY-hater in American History, the other notable Black Racist Nutso: Louis Farrakhan of the "Nation of Islam". Yep, these two Black Racist whackjobs (Wright and Farrakhan) took a trip to Libya's TERRORIST Ghaddafi ostensibly a congratulating seance shortly after Ghaddafi masterminded the TERRORIST Lockerbe Airplane disaster.....and were warned NOT to take the trip because at that time Ghaddafi was declared an enemy of America.

HOW THE FUCK wouldn't ANYONE want THE MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami as HIS PERSONAL HERO ?!?!?

And to use the wise MarcATL's words:'I'm not afraid to say it, and quite proud of it actually."
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Not a mere 52 hours ago this took place, whilst the man was enjoying some fun time and about a few hundred or so of his media associates and the perp is already caught.

That statement is unclear. Citizen-slaves feel better when they know that someone who has challenged society has been identified, caught is going to be unjustly punished.

That is utterly malevolent and insane. The Truth is that society is far greater threat, and is responsible for the oppression and suffering of the citizen-slaves.

Not only is he already caught, but due to the Administration's wise and thoughtful moves they were able to learn about others in Pakistan and also apprehend them as well.
I take it that refers to immoral and malevolent use of torture by your utterly illegitimate and deranged society. Perhaps you mean otherwise, but that is unclear.

Another fail by your brain to comprehend Truth. You dont even grasp the Truth that it is YOUR own society that is guilty and responsible for your oppression. It is utterly deranged to just blindly presume that there is any legitimacy or Truth in any of the above situations - and indeed these acts are murder acts perpetrated by the most deranged and lie-based society on earth : america.

A man of the wrong action.
What is the point of taking action if it does not represent Truth and is illegitimate?

He did it with the Pirates, he did it with the Underwear Bomber and he's doing it now with the Times Square bomber. So not only will the economy improve under Obama's AdministrationS but he will actually do a LOT in the area of curbing the National AND Global fight against terror.

Society utterly deranged and genocidally destructive. Anything that strengthens this process is illegitimate.
The idea that there is a "fight against terror" is utterly insane. The Forbidden Truth is that so-called terrorist is actually a tortured victim-creation of society, and deserves to have compensation paid to him, and the society including the president falling to its collective knees to ask to be forgiven.

America is the greatest instigator of murder and terror in the world, and it inflicts the most terror, the worst form of terrrorism possible on its own citizen-slaves : to break them and render them in terror on nothing more than simple Truth.

And ALL the Right has is foolish, nonsensical and childish talking points.
Talking point? One has to talk to make a point and have a discussion. You seem to advocate taking action first, then thinking.

Is this Seer Travis Psycho for real ??????

The Obamarrhoids like MarcATL, Jillian, the one who self-acknowledged servicing the Liberal Psycho Jerry Rubins, and is Charlie Manson's fan, by extension, etc..... are wierd enough. But this Seer Travis is BEYOND WIERD......Methinks this Seer Travis is a displaced disoriented alien from OUTER SPACE.

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I don't know who's the bigger RW NUTJOB guatama or Seer Travis.

I know one thing though...they are both HIGHLY entertaining.

I LOVE reading you guys' kookie and nutty posts.

Please...keep 'em coming.

I don't know who's the bigger RW NUTJOB guatama or Seer Travis.

I know one thing though...they are both HIGHLY entertaining.

I LOVE reading you guys' kookie and nutty posts.

Please...keep 'em coming.


The ironic part is this post is more obnoxious than anything they've said in this thread.
I don't know who's the bigger RW NUTJOB guatama or Seer Travis.

I know one thing though...they are both HIGHLY entertaining.

I LOVE reading you guys' kookie and nutty posts.

Please...keep 'em coming.



I'm sure you ENJOYED the exposure of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami's exposure as OUR Hero as much as I did.

I guarantee Obamarrhoidal morons like you, and JILLIAN, the servicer of the LIBERAL PSYCHO Jerry Rubin will choke on your own puke in the coming elections.
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I'm sure you ENJOYED the exposure of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami's exposure as OUR Hero as much as I did.

I guarantee Obamarrhoidal morons like you, and JILLIAN, the servicer of the LIBERAL PSYCHO Jerry Rubin will choke on your own puke in the coming elections.

actually, nutbar, jerry rubin died in 1994. so not only are you a liar and insane, you're also ignorant and disrespectful of the dead.

You will pardon me if I don't have much confidence in our former Gov. to keep this nation safe from harm as the head of homeland security when she could not even secure the Arizona border much less do any better than last in the nation in education. As for the Administration itself, I see no useful purpose in the application of civilian authority ( i.e. police matter) in what is clearly a military matter. While it is prudent to try and understand the ways of other nations, walking on egg-shells each time you address such matters as US interests is not a prudent thing to do. The Administration(s) tactic of going after the Taliban where they live is to be applauded and I for one think it is a good move on their part. While I tend to disagree with the President on many issues, I have always been taught that the man in the office is to be respected as my President regardless, and one can disagree with the office holder and still respect the office. I have come to believe over the years that, especially in Afghanistan if one to were just look at the history of the region they would soon understand that the heartbeat of not one single American, or allied soldier is worth a single rock in that nation. If we were to leave tomorrow Afghanistan would return to it's tribal ways and all the efforts and billions spent and lives lost would amount to nothing. If it is our policy to strrike at the heart of the Taliban and Al-Queda then use US Navy Aviation and USAF Aviation as well as US Military ground units in a directed manner, do so in a manner that leaves NO DOUBT as to your willingness and who the victor is. Once done, leave!! Our economy as many have seen is a train wreck, and with the billions spent and blood spilled each year on that worthless dirt known as Afghanistan it's about time we left them to their own devices.
I don't know who's the bigger RW NUTJOB guatama or Seer Travis.

I know one thing though...they are both HIGHLY entertaining.

I LOVE reading you guys' kookie and nutty posts.

Please...keep 'em coming.


Well, you sure would be the expert on nutty posts. The premise of this thread is evidence of this!
Doing a good job would mean no attack takes place. Doing a good job would mean the adminstration actually did something. The NYPD was the lead for over half of the investigation. Were the agents involved in the investigation hired by the adminstration? About the only improvement this time was labeling the perp a terrorist.
Not a mere 52 hours ago this took place, whilst the man was enjoying some fun time and about a few hundred or so of his media associates and the perp is already caught.

Not only is he already caught, but due to the Administration's wise and thoughtful moves they were able to learn about others in Pakistan and also apprehend them as well.

Compare that to Bush's handling of similar situations. He promised to hunt Bin Laden to the ends of the earth, but stopped short of crossing the Pakistani border to get him. He promised from the beginning of this FIRST Administration that he would find and apprehend the man behind the worst Terrorist attack on American soil and he's come up short. Bush put on quite a Kabuki Theatre with the capture, mock trial and hanging of Hussein, but that SHOULD have already been done under Bush 41, so yet another FAIL by the Right.

Other than the communication talking points the Right can claim over some BS about the Left not wanting to call the events "Terrorist Attacks" the results are surely clear...Obama is no joke. And is a man of action.

He did it with the Pirates, he did it with the Underwear Bomber and he's doing it now with the Times Square bomber. So not only will the economy improve under Obama's AdministrationS but he will actually do a LOT in the area of curbing the National AND Global fight against terror.

And ALL the Right has is foolish, nonsensical and childish talking points.


They did a great job, the man was on a "no-fly list" and was found on board a plane ready to fly away.

I think our intelligence agencies got lucky on this one.

I'm sure you ENJOYED the exposure of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami's exposure as OUR Hero as much as I did.

I guarantee Obamarrhoidal morons like you, and JILLIAN, the servicer of the LIBERAL PSYCHO Jerry Rubin will choke on your own puke in the coming elections.

actually, nutbar, jerry rubin died in 1994. so not only are you a liar and insane, you're also ignorant and disrespectful of the dead.


In your post, a month or so ago, you spoke in glowing terms about Jerry Rubin, The LIBERAL PSYCHO. And, somewhere amidst your understandable Libtard adulation of a LIBERAL ICON, no doubt interspersed between multiple orgasms, you named dropped his name as one whom you serviced. And, it is a historical fact that he dropped his LIB arsed lawyer Kuntzsler and defended himself .....and lost.

In googling the info, I made clear (at that time) that this LIberal POS whom you gushed about proclaimed that CHARLIE MANSON was his (Jerry Rubin's) IDOL !!!! And, that he subsequently died.

In your next post you immediately began to back-pedal, trying to obfuscate your original stance, denouncing me as some kind of ignoramus who didn't know the lawful duties of a lawyer (which, of course I knew as well as you do), with some additional blah, blah, blah.

Thanks for informing me about the death of this Liberal POS.....something I already informed you about a month ago. And, pardon me for downgrading another Piece of Shit like Charlie Manson with whom you seem comfortable, and casting aspersions on your other LIBTARD PSYCHO IDOL, Jerry Rubin......... whose NOTORIETY I am more than conversant about ........ and whose death, contrary to your admonition, I joyfully welcome.

But, how does this Liberal Shithead Jerry Rubin's death in 1994 change the facts mentioned above ???

Charlie Manson's proxy Tate murders occurred in August, 1969.

Clever Obamarrhoidal-like dodge on your part to confuse the issue by IMPLYING that LIBERAL PSYCHO Jerry Rubin's death in 1994 predated Charlie Manson's proxy Tate murders in 1969 so that PSYCHO Jerry Rubin couldn't possibly have proclaimed Charlie Manson as his IDOL !!!

'Tis truly astonishing the lengths you are willing to go to make your disingenuous LIES.... you Obamarrhoidal trollop ...... in order to protect your non-existent credibility !!!!!!

A major win for the good guys and another pathetic performance by the terrorists.

53 hours and they got their man. Not too shabby

Terrorists are starting to show they have lost alot of their command structure, funding and training. This pathetic attempt along with the underwear bomber shows that we are starting to make inroads against terrorism. They are becoming more amateurist
The real adminstration test is coming on this one. Holder will have to convict this guy in a civilian court with a confession in one hand and piles of evidence in the other. Don't screw up.

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