The Non-Religious "Nones" ~ Are They Really Non-Religious?


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
People are walking away from organized religions in droves.

Exodus: Why Americans are Leaving Religion—and Why
They’re Unlikely to Come Back

Exodus: Why Americans are Leaving Religion—and Why They’re Unlikely to Come Back | PRRI

JAG Writes:
* God and "organized religion" are not the same thing.

* You don't know that they are without God and without the Lord Jesus
Just because they are walking away from organized religion, does not
automatically mean they are walking away from God and the Lord Jesus.

* The Holy Spirit has direct access to every human mind and heart 24/7/365
everywhere on the planet. You do not know what He does with that access
or how He uses it.

* Many Christian theologians have correctly said that people can experience
the Lord Jesus, in principle, without the actual content of the Bible.

* Think about that!

* In principle.

* You don't know that this, in principle, is not true.

* Think of water. A Small Stream leads eventually into a Huge River.

* The Small Stream is water just as the Huge River is water.

* The water is the truths of the Bible.

* The Huge River is ALL the Biblical truths.

* The Small Stream is only a small part of the ALL ie. "the light they do have."

*The Small Stream is not the "full light" of ALL the Bible.

* But if they obey "the :light they do have" -- then they would
also obey the "full light" if they had it.

* If they obey the "small part" they would also obey the "ALL",
the Huge River.

* The Holy Spirit can, therefore, save any human being anywhere
in the world because they have "in principle" obeyed the "light that
they did have" even thought they did not have "all the light" ie. did
not have the Huge River -- but only the Small Stream.

* In other words water is water whether it is a "Small Stream" or the
Huge River.

* The so-called "Nones" are not necessarily in the Camp Of The Non-religious.

* They may not fully understand the Bible, but that can mean no more than they
do not fully understand the Bible. Read that again.

* We have no knowledge of what takes place in the secret minds of human beings.

* We can't use polls to tell us about people's true spiritual condition.

* Polling is nothing more than a snapshot of the moment.

* Pew Research cannot predict the future 10 years hence . . or 20.

* Pew Research cannot know what is in the secret places of the human heart.

* Read this next point carefully:

* Billy Graham made an interesting statement:

"I think that everybody that loves or knows Christ, whether they are conscious
of it or not, they are members of the body of Christ ... [God] is calling people
out of the world for his name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or
the Buddhist world or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body
of Christ because they have been called by God. They may not know the name
of Jesus but they know in their hearts that they need something they do not
have, and they turn to the only light they have, and I think that they are
saved and they are going to be with us in heaven." "___Billy Graham
Billy Graham - Wikipedia

* I don't know that Billy is correct.
* I do not say that he is.
* Neither one of us can know.
* But I do know that God loves humanity.
* And that He is Merciful and Gracious.
* And that He has a Plan to save the Human Race.
* He will not allow His "Human Race Project" to be defeated.
*Those people that check the box None {the Nones} are not
automatically in the atheist-camp. If you read those Pew
Research Polls carefully they explain that the "Nones" are
NOT saying they are atheists ---rather they believe in some
kind of Higher Power

This below is typical of what the "Nones" actually believe:

Start quote.
"For all the (digital) ink spilled in the coverage of nones over the past
couple of years, there are some complexities in the data on nones
that are often missed in both public reporting and religious
handwringing about the “decline of religion in America.” First,
we should bear in mind that the majority of nones—nearly 70
percent in the 2012 Pew data—report that they believe in God,
a higher power or a transcendent life force of one sort or another.
A scant 3 percent
of the population identify as atheists, the
proportion of the unaffiliated that has grown the least since 2007."
End quote.
The Gospel According To the ‘Nones’: Reading Scripture without religion

* So nobody knows what is actually in the secret places of the minds
of the so-called "Nones."


Scot me up Beamy.
American Christianity has become so tainted by money and politics that it is practically unrecognizable as the faith I grew up with. Now it's just a big doomsday cult for angry hypocrites. As soon as the American right decided they had exclusive rights to Jesus they threw all his teachings in the trash and made him into nothing but a spokesperson for war and greed.
American Christianity has become so tainted by money and politics that it is practically unrecognizable as the faith I grew up with. Now it's just a big doomsday cult for angry hypocrites. As soon as the American right decided they had exclusive rights to Jesus they threw all his teachings in the trash and made him into nothing but a spokesperson for war and greed.
Another situation where an ideology suffers when it lacks honest self-introspection.

Anyway, I'd be far more interested to know how many who claim to be Christians to pollsters, really don't practice the religion at all.

I'm guessing that would be a pretty significant number.
There really is no such thing as "Christianity." There are Christianities. There are sects. A Southern Baptist Convention person is not a Quaker or a Methodist or an Episcopalian or a Catholic or an Orthodox.
There is a reason why Christ established a church. If that church is successfully dismantled, then that is a victory for not Christ but the other one. If people leaving church an masse then we now know whose work that is.
There is a reason why Christ established a church. If that church is successfully dismantled, then that is a victory for not Christ but the other one. If people leaving church an masse then we now know whose work that is.

Last I knew, it was a pope that invented god and christianity.

As to the OP, the answer "none" is in reply on a hospital intake form.

I'm none.

I scanned your interminably long OP and actually considered going back to read but then you quoted Billy Graham. He was and his son is a whore. They and others like them are the reason that so many people leave the christian church. I agree with occupied above and IMO, fundies are a disease.
There is a reason why Christ established a church. If that church is successfully dismantled, then that is a victory for not Christ but the other one. If people leaving church an masse then we now know whose work that is.

Last I knew, it was a pope that invented god and christianity.

As to the OP, the answer "none" is in reply on a hospital intake form.

I'm none.

I scanned your interminably long OP and actually considered going back to read but then you quoted Billy Graham. He was and his son is a whore. They and others like them are the reason that so many people leave the christian church. I agree with occupied above and IMO, fundies are a disease.
The pope did not invent the church, the church invented the pope.
Another situation where an ideology suffers when it lacks honest self-introspection.

Anyway, I'd be far more interested to know how many who claim to be Christians to pollsters, really don't practice the religion at all.

I'm guessing that would be a pretty significant number.

Just because someone doesn't leave their abode every Sunday morning to attend a mass or a sermon in their local church doesn't mean they aren't Christian at all. There are many reasons why someone might not want to go to church, but if they believe in Almighty God and the tenets of the faith, who is anyone to say they are just "claiming " to be Christian.

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