The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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(More of how Jews were treated well and lived in peace with Muslims before the Mandate for Palestine)

In the same year Rabbi Perachia, a deputy of the Portuguese Jews at Jerusalem, who was commissioned to receive the charitable alms for the poor Jews of Jerusalem, died at Erbil, and was buried with all the honours belonging to his sacred office. The night following the burial the Musselmans tore the body out of the grave, cut off a hand, and threw the remains into an open ditch, without even a covering. The Jews repaired to the burial ground, and filled up the empty grave; that was all they ventured to do. The daily occurrence of such oppression has crushed them to such a degree, and the fear of still greater misfortune is so great, that they submit to anything without a murmur...

(full article online)

From the New York Times, July 24, 1948:

The Palestine National Olympic Committee had been a member in good standing since 1933, and it represented the Jewish National Home even though it had athletes of all religions. Obviously the only thing that changed was the name. Just as obviously, the IOC used a technical excuse to avoid a walkout by the Arabs - so, then as now, Israel pays the price.

( Another reason why it was time for Jews to rebuild their sovereign Nation on their Ancient homeland )

Continuing on with my summary of portions of the book, "Eight years in Asia and Africa from 1846-1855" by Jewish explorer Israel Joseph Benjamin, this was what he had to say about the Jews of Shiraz, Persia, present-day Iran:
Shiraz. — Deplorable condition of the Jews.
Only about twenty years since, nearly 3000 Jews lived in this once magnificent and flourishing city. By persecutions, oppressions and odium of all kinds more than 2500 of them were compelled to go over to the Mussulman sect of Ali. Although outwardly apostate, a great number of these families still preserve in their hearts the faith of their fathers, and even find means of having their children circumcised in secret. Nine synagogues in the town testify to the former greatness of the Jewish community ; now unfortunately, they are almost all laid waste.

Benjamin then goes on to describe how the Jewish women manage to remain true to their religion even after being forced to convert, and then describes how one of the Jewish leaders in the town was tortured mercilessly when he refused to convert.

He ends off with another story:
Shiraz continued to be viciously antisemitic in the decades after this. Wikipedia summarizes: "There has been a significant Jewish population in Iran for 2,500 years. Pogroms have not been unknown. In 1892, several Jews were murdered in Shiraz. Twenty Jews were murdered and three synagogues were burned down in 1897. Pogroms, forced conversion and expulsion swept Zarqon, Lar, Jahrom, Darab, Nobendigan, Sarvestan and Kazerun.Jamshid Sedaghat, a historian in Shiraz, has said attacks happened annually during the late 19th century, finally ending as a result of pressure from Europe. The last of these occurred in 1910" - which was a blood libel that resulted in the murder of 12 Jews and the entire Jewish quarter devastated.

(full article online)

In that same issue of the B'nai Brith Messenger was this article on antisemitism by Dr. Trude Weiss-Rosmarin, a German Jewish immigrant who founded the Jewish Spectator magazine. Her essay on antisemitism could have been written today.

You Can't Argue With Bigots


Can anti-Semitism be fought with reason ? No , says Dr . Rosmarin. The only defense is in reforging the armor of Judaism.

IF JEWISH history has proved anything ; surely it is the impossibility of fighting anti-Semitism with reason . The hatred of Jews is a primitive antagonism that sprouts from the aboriginal fear of the different , the nonconforming . Jew-hatred has never needed logical justification for enlisting followers . The triumphs of antisemitic agitators prove that the slogan "kill the Jews" is all that is needed to rally the masses . Those who would fight antisemitism with reason meet their most formidable obstacle in the nonsensical , illogical and contradictory charges they are expected to disprove . Simultaneously , antisemites charge Jews with being Communists and capitalists, internationalists and rabid Jewish nationalists , diabolically imaginative and utterly uncreative . There is no trait and its very opposite which have not been ascribed to| the same Jew . Where , then , is refutation to start , and what should be refuted ? Is there even a possibility of debating with Jew-haters ?

The question arises whether some of the resources expended on fighting anti-Semitism should not be diverted to efforts to compensate for the psychological effects of the hatred , by strengthening the spiritual stamina of our people , so that we may be able better to withstand the corroding impact of antisemitism . This theory does not imply resignation and submission to our enemies . Rather , we must insist on our constitutional rights and fight individuals and movements that would infringe upon them . The resources used to convince our enemies of the absurdity of their anti-Semitism are spent in vain, for as three thousand years of Jewish history has verified , there is no possibility of achieving this goal . The eradication of antisemitism is a dream beyond the realm of possibility , as long as the Jews live as a minority , distinct and different , scattered among nations . In the words of Theodore Herzl , the nations in whose midst Jews live are all either overtly or secretly antisemitic .

The Jews of history took antisemitism in their stride . They were sufficiently realistic to recognize the impossibility of outrooting it with the spades of reason and enlightenment , they investigated what lay beyond antisemitism. The Jew of the past was virtually immune to the psychological ravages of antisemitism . Medieval chronicles report of Jewish martyrs who died for Judaism , but there is no mention of Jews who choose death because they were Jews , as did Stefan Zweig and other Jewish intellectuals of our time . The Jew of the ghetto found Judaism satisfying and a compensation for the sufferings he had to endure for its sake .

But the modern Jew who no longer fulfills himself in Judaism , nervously concentrates all his efforts on fighting anti-Semitism , or he tries to escape from the Jewish community .

Although it sounds paradoxical , it is true that the survival of Judaism and the Jewish people was never threatened by anti-people , their philosophy and way and expulsions were tragedies for those directly affected and a heavy drain on the resources of the Jewish people as a whole , but they did not weaken nor even touch the core of the Jewish people , their philosophy and way of life , because those bases of Judaism always were beyond antisemitism . There is no power that can remake antisemites . Even in free America we are all but helpless before the politer forms of antisemitism . There is little we can do to turn anti-Semites Into philo-semites . Rather , we must arm ourselves so that their sting will not poison us . Instead of being concerned primarily with the negative of antisemitism , its prevention , treatment and cure , Jews should concentrate on the positive aspects of Jewishness , the eternal verities of our existence and survival . An observer of the contemporary American-Jewish scene easily could be led to believe that Judaism is a fight against rather than an effort for .

Jewish self-hatred has been popularized recently in our literature . But little is done to prevent and cure it . In the essay Hatzi Nechamah ( A Half-Consolation ) written in 1893 , Ahad HaAm . the Zionist philosopher , offered a novel and correct analysis of the impact of anti-Semitism on Jewish psychology by pointing out that if an accusation is hurled long enough at a person who is completely innocent , the victim ultimately may doubt his guiltlessness and be swayed to agree with his accusers . Jews constantly plagued by antisemitism eventually may reach the point where hatred by the majority will raise doubts of tha justice of their own cause and the merit of their people and their culture .

This state of mind Ahad HaAm . diagnosed correctly as the real threat of anti-Semitism . Its grave peril lies in its propensities for breeding Jewish self-hatred .

History attests that while the success of the fight against antisemitism is never commensurate with the effort , prophylactic measures against the spread of Jewish self-hatred are highly effective . These steps include the strengthening of Jewish self-respect and of psychological resistance by teaching what Judaism really represents . That the Jew who is ignorant of the Jewish legacy and the meaning of Judaism is singularly vulnerable to Jewish self-hate is evident , for this type of Jew has nothing to compensate for the hurt of anti-Semitism . The intelligent and effective attack on anti-Semitism should be concentrated primarily on strengthening the inner Jewish bulwark . It is here that defense is needed most .

Not anti-Semitism . but what lies beyond it in the Jewish sphere , is the challenge of the hour , the emergency which must be met if our people is to survive in creative vigor

(full article online)

( More witness proof as to why Jews needed to re construct their nation on their Ancient Homeland )

Continuing on my excerpts from Eight years in Asia and Africa from 1846-1855 by Jewish explorer Israel Joseph Benjamin, the author summarizes the plight of the Jews of Persia, not withstanding that some of them were very successful in business.

1) Throughout Persia the Jews are obliged to live in a part of the town separated from the other inhabitants; for they are considered aa unclean creatures, who bring contamination with their intercourse and presence.
2) They have no right to carry on trade in stuff goods,
3) Even in the streets of their own quarter of the town they are not allowed to keep any open shop. —They may only sell there spices and drugs or carry on the trade of a jeweler, in which they have attained great perfection.
4) Under this pretext of their being unclean they are treated with the greatest severity, and should they enter a street inhabited by Mussulmans, they are pelted by the boys and mob with stones and dirt.
5) For the same reason they are forbidden to go out when it rains; for it is said the rain would wash dirt off them, which would sully the feet of the Mussulmans.
6) If a Jew is recognized as such in the streets, he is subjected to the greatest insults. The passers by-spit in his face, and sometimes beat him so unmercifully, that he falls to the ground, and is obliged to be carried home.
7) If a Persian kills a Jew, and the family of the deceased can bring forward two Mussulmans as witnesses to the fact, the murderer is punished by a fine of 12 tumauns (600 piastres) ; but if two such witnesses cannot be produced, the crime remains unpunished, oven though it has been publicly committed, and is well known.
9) If a Jew enters a shop to buy anything, he is forbidden to inspect the goods, but must stand at a respectful distance and ask the price. Should his hand incautiously touch the goods, he must take them at any price the seller chooses to ask for them.
10) Sometimes the Persians intrude into the dwellings of the Jews and take possession of whatever pleases them. Should the owner make the least opposition in defence of his property, he incurs the danger of atoning for it with his life.
15) Daily and hourly new suspicions ore raised against the Jews, in order to obtain excuses for fresh extortions; the desire of gain is always the chief incitement to fanaticism.
As we've seen, the entire book is a damning rebuttal to the Muslim claim that Jews lived in peace among them before Zionism. No, Muslim antisemitism has always been systemic.

(full article online)

Continuing with my excerpts of the journeys of Israel Joseph Benjamin he wrote about in "Eight years in Asia and Africa from 1846-1855," here are some of his observations about Jewish life in Tripoli and Tunis, what is now Libya and Tunisia.

In all the above mentioned villages the houses are most wretched. In the apartments, mats of palm twigs are spread over the bare floor, and upon these the inhabitants repose ; carpets are nowhere to be seen. Their dress is dirty; it consists of a fez bound round with a kerchief, a garment reaching to the knees, and trousers of the same length. They continue to wear the same articles of clothing until they drop into rags ; on Saturday, however, they change their linen. ... Their holiday attire is but seldom washed; their every day clothes never, it can easily therefore be imagined that they are very dirty.
I took a suitable opportunity to make inquiries of some of my fellow-worshippers, how it was that so little importance was attached to either cleanliness of person or of dress; for besides -the disagreeable impression their uncleanliness made on every one, they were moreover acting against the law, as the Bible in several places gives directions respecting the cleansing and washing of apparel. In answer to this, I was told that it was caused by fear of the Arabs, who, if they saw them different would imagine they were rich, and plunder them daily. This excuse seemed plausible.
[In Djerba, Tunisia], The synagogue has no windows, as is the case with all synagogues in all places in Tripoli. I was informed that this arrangement had been made, in order that the Arabs should be prevented from throwing fire into the building from the outside.
Abuse of Jews in Arab and Muslim countries is relayed in a matter-of-fact manner throughout the book, as if this is the most normal thing in the world.

(full article online)


Many of the wounded could have been saved.

Apparently, information about the unprovoked and bestial murder spree against the Jewish residents of Hevron, perpetrated by the Arab neighbors with whom they had had friendly relations for decades, on Shabbat, the 18th of Av (August 1929) including the relocated Slabodka Yeshiva, had reached Jerusalem on the fateful day itself.

Mr. Harbater, a wealthy American who lived in the Kiryat Moshe section of Jerusalem at the time, had a son learning in Hevron. He begged the British to start a convoy toward Hevron in order to stop the carnage and to save the critically wounded. He offered to pay for the expenses involved in arranging such a convoy. The British refused. 67 people died.

(full article online)


Just like TInmore and many others, brainwashed revisionist history which turns the "Indigenous Arabs" into victims of the vile "Foreign Europeans" turned Jews.

Neither Tinmore, nor this young man can show any proof of a Palestinian People before the Mandate for Palestine (where all were Palestinians during that Mandate)

They never will.
RE: The NEWER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
SUBTOPIC: Similarities developed over differences
⁜→ rylah, et al,

Sure, that's your problem...

And you think the Hashemite colonization of Jordan
is acceptable as long as Arab-Muslim supremacy is kept?

Last week I was on the Nature Stone porch appreciating a few Canadian Whiskeys with a couple of friends. We were celebrating Lammas (Harvest Eve) July 31st (First Harvest). In some cultures (and particularly Landowners), it is celebrated as the "Feast of the First Fruits." And the ancient Israelite crop harvests (Deuteronomy 8:8) approximately at the same time. Many major cultures had, one time or another, celebrated or performed ceremonies pertaining to the Planting and Harvest Seasons for their crops. The Egyptians also have a ceremony and blessing with prayers to the God of the Nile in mid-August.

The reason I mention this is only to keep in mind the the five of us from different descents, came from ancesters that celebrated the same things for much the same reason. Well, except for my cousin who is Wiccan. But no one holds that against her because she is so very good looking and everyone wants to dance with her.


So, let's remember, this is the time of the year when we should put our differences aside and celebrate something in common.


Most Respectfully,
In 1921, prominent lawyer and former ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau Sr., wrote an article describing why Zionism is foolishness and a Jewish state is simply impossible.

Here are some excerpts, reported in the Bnai Brith Messenger, August 5, 1921.

It is interesting in retrospect that while Morgenthau spends a lot of further space describing how successful Jews have been in the West, he still has a diaspora mentality that indicates that Jews are only successful because the gentiles allow it. It certainly doesn't occur to him that Jews can fight for their rights in Palestine - because the Muslims will never allow it. To him, it is perfectly natural that Muslims should bar Jews from their holiest spots.He says (in a section I didn't excerpt) that Zionism would prompt antisemitism in the same Western nations that he claims Jews have achieved equal rights - but if Jews truly had equal rights, they wouldn't be worried about being attacked by the majority gentiles.

Morgenthau (and other anti-Zionist Jews of the era) were really concerned about the possibility that a Jewish state would threaten their own financial and political gains by turning Americans against Jews. But they created more seemingly scientific arguments to buttress their opinions, about how the land of Israel could not support more than a million people, how agriculture and industry is impossible.

When you read an expert opinion, it is very often as based on incorrect assumptions and wishful thinking as that of Henry Morgenthau.

Of course, this is also a reminder of Ben Gurion's quote: "In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles."

(full article online)

UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, is a major obstacle to peace between Israel and its neighbors. UNRWA was formed in 1949 to help Arabs who fled and left Israel, assimilate into surrounding Arab states. Instead, it has prolonged the Israeli-Palestinian dispute by refusing to help refugees integrate into their host countries, and has perpetuated the false hope of a Palestinian “right of return.”

As others have pointed out, “less than 5% of five million people deemed ‘Palestinian refugees’ [by UNRWA] meet the criteria for this status.” And UNRWA has admitted to cooperating with Hamas.

Nonetheless, President Biden has resumed funding to UNRWA, in spite of its ongoing cooperation with terrorist groups.

My four grandparents were driven out of Palestine in the 1920s by Arab terrorism.

This week, as I was flipping through the various Olympic channels, my eye caught the blue and white stripes of...
During that time, Arab pogroms were precipitated by Haj Amin al-Husseini, who claimed that Jews were going to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque. My mom’s parents, and my dad’s parents, fell victim to Arab violence and murderous mobs in their home city of Jerusalem. As penniless Jewish Palestinian refugees, they were forced to flee, and sought safety and security in New York.

My mom’s mother, Sarah, remembered how her father, Chaim Hirsch Eisenbach, saved the life of a rabbi at the Western Wall by shielding his bloodied body from Arab attackers. Violent mobs roamed the alleyways of Jerusalem, responding to exhortations of local imams to drive the Jews from the land.

Sarah married Shimon, who traced his ancestry back to the Shlah Ha’Kadosh, the scion of the Horowitz and Gotlieb families. These families lived in Jerusalem long before 95% of the Arab Bedouins and fellahin immigrated from Syria, Egypt, and Arabia.

My mom’s parents lived in the Sheikh Jarakh neighborhood of Jerusalem, and were often terrified by Arab mobs and attackers. Similarly, my wife and her family were driven out of Sheikh Jarrah in 1948, when the Jordanian Army occupied parts of Jerusalem.

My dad’s family, the Rivlins and Reichmans, lived in Palestine for centuries, primarily in Safad and Jerusalem. My grandfather was the grandson of Joseph Rivlin, who founded 11 Jerusalem neighborhoods, including Meah Shearim and Nahlat Shivah (“the settlement of seven”). In 1869, he and six friends joined together to build a community outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Joseph Rivlin’s grandfather Hillel came from Vilna in 1809. His first cousin, the Gaon of Vilna, encouraged his students to come to Israel. They joined ancient Jewish communities in Safad, Tiberias and Jerusalem. Hillel’s descendants became leaders of the Ashkenazi Jewish community in Israel.

Under UNRWA’s definition, many of my family members could be considered “refugees.” But they all built successful lives without UNRWA subsidies, and without being fed lies that they could one day return to Israel and reclaim houses and property that now belonged to others.

UNRWA is not helping solve the refugee problem; it is stirring up grievances, and prolonging Palestinian suffering.

(full article online)

UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, is a major obstacle to peace between Israel and its neighbors. UNRWA was formed in 1949 to help Arabs who fled and left Israel, assimilate into surrounding Arab states. Instead, it has prolonged the Israeli-Palestinian dispute by refusing to help refugees integrate into their host countries, and has perpetuated the false hope of a Palestinian “right of return.”

As others have pointed out, “less than 5% of five million people deemed ‘Palestinian refugees’ [by UNRWA] meet the criteria for this status.” And UNRWA has admitted to cooperating with Hamas.

Nonetheless, President Biden has resumed funding to UNRWA, in spite of its ongoing cooperation with terrorist groups.

My four grandparents were driven out of Palestine in the 1920s by Arab terrorism.

This week, as I was flipping through the various Olympic channels, my eye caught the blue and white stripes of...
During that time, Arab pogroms were precipitated by Haj Amin al-Husseini, who claimed that Jews were going to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque. My mom’s parents, and my dad’s parents, fell victim to Arab violence and murderous mobs in their home city of Jerusalem. As penniless Jewish Palestinian refugees, they were forced to flee, and sought safety and security in New York.

My mom’s mother, Sarah, remembered how her father, Chaim Hirsch Eisenbach, saved the life of a rabbi at the Western Wall by shielding his bloodied body from Arab attackers. Violent mobs roamed the alleyways of Jerusalem, responding to exhortations of local imams to drive the Jews from the land.

Sarah married Shimon, who traced his ancestry back to the Shlah Ha’Kadosh, the scion of the Horowitz and Gotlieb families. These families lived in Jerusalem long before 95% of the Arab Bedouins and fellahin immigrated from Syria, Egypt, and Arabia.

My mom’s parents lived in the Sheikh Jarakh neighborhood of Jerusalem, and were often terrified by Arab mobs and attackers. Similarly, my wife and her family were driven out of Sheikh Jarrah in 1948, when the Jordanian Army occupied parts of Jerusalem.

My dad’s family, the Rivlins and Reichmans, lived in Palestine for centuries, primarily in Safad and Jerusalem. My grandfather was the grandson of Joseph Rivlin, who founded 11 Jerusalem neighborhoods, including Meah Shearim and Nahlat Shivah (“the settlement of seven”). In 1869, he and six friends joined together to build a community outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Joseph Rivlin’s grandfather Hillel came from Vilna in 1809. His first cousin, the Gaon of Vilna, encouraged his students to come to Israel. They joined ancient Jewish communities in Safad, Tiberias and Jerusalem. Hillel’s descendants became leaders of the Ashkenazi Jewish community in Israel.

Under UNRWA’s definition, many of my family members could be considered “refugees.” But they all built successful lives without UNRWA subsidies, and without being fed lies that they could one day return to Israel and reclaim houses and property that now belonged to others.

UNRWA is not helping solve the refugee problem; it is stirring up grievances, and prolonging Palestinian suffering.

(full article online)

UNRWA is an aid agency only. It has no authority to seek a solution to the problem. That agency is the UNCCP. The UNCCP is the agency charged to find solutions. That agency must be revitalized.
(Another pogrom which shows why Israel needed to be re constructed )

The Constantine riot of 1934, which erupted between 3 and 5 August, demonstrates how false accusations against the Jews of North Arica could escalate rapidly into mob violence. The fact that the French forces of law and order were dilatory in quelling the violence shows that they were negligent, complicit, or silently approved of the disturbances. Article in Terre Promise (with thanks: Nelly)


The origins of this pogrom, as we have seen, are manifold. One thing is certain, it is necessary to dispel the myth according to which the atrocities against Jews committed in Arab countries were the consequence of Zionism: it was not Zionism that provoked Arab anti-Semitism, but rather the reverse: Arab anti-Semitism provoked Zionism.

Let us remind you that other pogroms took place in the region between 1900 and 1948: Casablanca in 1907, Fez in 1912, Iraq in 1941, Tripoli in 1945, Aden in 1946, and finally that of ‘Oujda in 1948.

And it cannot be repeated enough that the testimony of the Jews born in these countries has never been heard.

(full article online)

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