The New York Times Retracts the Sicknick Story


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Weeks after spreading lies and more of their fake news they finally retract, quietly.

In a quiet but stunning correction, the New York Times backed away from its original report that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed by a Trump supporter wielding a fire extinguisher during the January 6 melee at the Capitol building. Shortly after American Greatness published my column Friday that showed how the Times gradually was backpedaling on its January 8 bombshell, the paper posted this caveat:

UPDATE: New information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police.

The paper continued to revise its story within the body of the original January 8 story: “Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.”

What’s missing, however, is how the Times first described what happened to Sicknick. “Mr. Sicknick, 42, an officer for the Capitol Police, died on Thursday from brain injuries he sustained after Trump loyalists who overtook the complex struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher, according to two law enforcement officials.”

The account of Sicknick’s death was reported as fact, not speculation or rumor. Further, it appears that the anonymous sources were not law enforcement officials but people “close” to the police department—which means they could have been anyone from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to inveterate liar U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to the Democratic mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser.

Not only was the Times’ untrue story about Sicknick’s death accepted as fact by every news media organization from the Wall Street Journal to the Washington Post, political pundits on the NeverTrump Right also regurgitated the narrative that Sicknick was “murdered” as did lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.


So the 5 deaths were
an unarmed Pro Democracy activist shot dead unarmed by the State.
A cop (Trump supporter) who died of a stroke.
An elderly bus driver who died of a heart attack after dropping off Trump supporters.
A Trump supporter who was shot from the roof of the Capitol.
I have to admit the fifth is unknown to me.
Fair to say that all five were Trump supporters.
Well, that lets the rioters off the hook, doesn't it? What a coincidence that he suffers a totally unrelated medical crisis immediately after battling physically with protestors--but it could have happened. He would have had the same outcome if he'd been home watching tv, right? I think we've been hearing this for days, actually. There is no bruising or fractures that would indicate blunt force trauma with a fire extinguisher. I'll wait for the full medical examiner's report. I've read enough of Patricia Cornwall's novels to know it's best to wait.
The account of Sicknick’s death was reported as fact, not speculation or rumor.

What's a little more FAKE NEWS and lies among the queens of false information?

The number just keeps growing. Now we are told 7 people died at the revolt. Of the 7, we know one was an unarmed female vet shot dead by capitol police. Supposedly 2-3 died of natural health issues from the stress of being in the crowd. And this guy died of something the day after. I also heard that another cop for some reason later committed suicide.

Meantime the whole impeachment case was based on images NO ONE SAW the day of the event! Pictures later revealed taken deep inside the building. For the most part, all Trump and others saw during the event were images like this, the REAL Trump supporters.

How much more about the "insurrection" was not true. While the violent riot at the capitol was wrong, I doubt anyone really expected to be able to overthrow the government.

Funny Joe that among all the images shown at the hearing, that no one showed any of the pictures of the REAL rally goers, happy, friendly, peaceful, pushing baby strollers.
Well, that lets the rioters off the hook, doesn't it? What a coincidence that he suffers a totally unrelated medical crisis immediately after battling physically with protestors--but it could have happened. He would have had the same outcome if he'd been home watching tv, right? I think we've been hearing this for days, actually. There is no bruising or fractures that would indicate blunt force trauma with a fire extinguisher. I'll wait for the full medical examiner's report. I've read enough of Patricia Cornwall's novels to know it's best to wait.
Yeah yeah yeah. It “could have happened”. But it didn’t. Making the story a lie, as usual for the Slimes.
Well, that lets the rioters off the hook, doesn't it? What a coincidence that he suffers a totally unrelated medical crisis immediately after battling physically with protestors--but it could have happened. He would have had the same outcome if he'd been home watching tv, right? I think we've been hearing this for days, actually. There is no bruising or fractures that would indicate blunt force trauma with a fire extinguisher. I'll wait for the full medical examiner's report. I've read enough of Patricia Cornwall's novels to know it's best to wait.
I do agree, it's best to wait; however, I do think it does make a difference. Is it really correct to classify this as an insurrection? Where's the firepower? If the intention of these rioters were to overthrow the government, I would expect that they would be armed with guns, not fire extinguishers.
The story is still on their website. No retraction.
Yeah. They have no risk of being deplatformed.Ever.
So, why should they?
So the 5 deaths were
an unarmed Pro Democracy activist shot dead unarmed by the State.
A cop (Trump supporter) who died of a stroke.
An elderly bus driver who died of a heart attack after dropping off Trump supporters.
A Trump supporter who was shot from the roof of the Capitol.
I have to admit the fifth is unknown to me.
Fair to say that all five were Trump supporters.
Where did you get all that information?
I heard,
One woman was crushed in the crowd,
One guy gave himself a heart attack by tazing his balls repeatedly while stealing a picture of Tip O'Neill,
Someone died falling off the scaffolding they were climbing,
The police officer died the next day of a massive blood clot,
A. Babbitt was shot by police as she attempted to enter the House environs through a broken window
So the 5 deaths were
an unarmed Pro Democracy activist shot dead unarmed by the State.
A cop (Trump supporter) who died of a stroke.
An elderly bus driver who died of a heart attack after dropping off Trump supporters.
A Trump supporter who was shot from the roof of the Capitol.
I have to admit the fifth is unknown to me.
Fair to say that all five were Trump supporters.

Sure is a far cry from the carnage of 2020 carried out by the 'mostly peaceful' democrats:

The story is still on their website. No retraction.
Yeah. They have no risk of being deplatformed.Ever.
So, why should they?
They reported the blobbers murdering a cop. No need to retract.

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