The new Star Trek is kind of impressive

It just pisses me off that all the episodes are locked behind a paywall.
Is that the new CBS Star Trek?

The commercials for it left me with no desire to see it at all.

I'm a huge fan of the original series, but not one of the spinoffs has ever impressed me.
This one is cannon and takes place 10 years before Kirk
its cannon?....the Klingons sure as hell were not cannon....or the uniforms...and some of the tech exhibited....
I know but they insist it is.
It just pisses me off that all the episodes are locked behind a paywall.
Is that the new CBS Star Trek?

The commercials for it left me with no desire to see it at all.

I'm a huge fan of the original series, but not one of the spinoffs has ever impressed me.
This one is cannon and takes place 10 years before Kirk
its cannon?....the Klingons sure as hell were not cannon....or the uniforms...and some of the tech exhibited....
I know but they insist it is.
who is they?....
It just pisses me off that all the episodes are locked behind a paywall.
Is that the new CBS Star Trek?

The commercials for it left me with no desire to see it at all.

I'm a huge fan of the original series, but not one of the spinoffs has ever impressed me.
This one is cannon and takes place 10 years before Kirk
its cannon?....the Klingons sure as hell were not cannon....or the uniforms...and some of the tech exhibited....
I know but they insist it is.
who is they?....
The directors & producers.
Is that the new CBS Star Trek?

The commercials for it left me with no desire to see it at all.

I'm a huge fan of the original series, but not one of the spinoffs has ever impressed me.
This one is cannon and takes place 10 years before Kirk
its cannon?....the Klingons sure as hell were not cannon....or the uniforms...and some of the tech exhibited....
I know but they insist it is.
who is they?....
The directors & producers.
well obviously they have little to no knowledge of the history of the would think they would have learned after the way the TV show Enterprise was fucked up.....
This one is cannon and takes place 10 years before Kirk
its cannon?....the Klingons sure as hell were not cannon....or the uniforms...and some of the tech exhibited....
I know but they insist it is.
who is they?....
The directors & producers.
well obviously they have little to no knowledge of the history of the would think they would have learned after the way the TV show Enterprise was fucked up.....
I think they're in a tough spot. They want to cater to the traditional Trek audience but need to make it modern enough to create a new generation of fans.
its cannon?....the Klingons sure as hell were not cannon....or the uniforms...and some of the tech exhibited....
I know but they insist it is.
who is they?....
The directors & producers.
well obviously they have little to no knowledge of the history of the would think they would have learned after the way the TV show Enterprise was fucked up.....
I think they're in a tough spot. They want to cater to the traditional Trek audience but need to make it modern enough to create a new generation of fans.
then they should have picked the time period of the last 3 series or beyond them....i was just at a star trek page....lots of traditional fans bitching about how out of place it was for the period they picked.....they hate the so called Klingons.....
I know but they insist it is.
who is they?....
The directors & producers.
well obviously they have little to no knowledge of the history of the would think they would have learned after the way the TV show Enterprise was fucked up.....
I think they're in a tough spot. They want to cater to the traditional Trek audience but need to make it modern enough to create a new generation of fans.
then they should have picked the time period of the last 3 series or beyond them....i was just at a star trek page....lots of traditional fans bitching about how out of place it was for the period they picked.....they hate the so called Klingons.....
Established franchises ALWAYS have people that hate on new versions of old products. Doesn't matter if it's books, movies or games. Haters are the most vocal while everyone else is enjoying it and can't be bothered to vocalize.
I am a Star Trek fan. A huge fan. And I like the show based on what I've seen. Is it perfect? Of course not. Is it enjoyable & fresh? Hell yes.

If you would like to see for yourself find Free Movies Online #2048 in the Microsoft store and watch it for yourself. If you like it, subscribe, if you don't forget it and move on.
It appeared from the previews to be more unrealistic 'ovarian badassery'. Not a fan of the 110lb female, shit stomper genre. One would expect the Star Trek franchise would take the higher (intellectual) road but...Are my preconceptions true?

I mean, for the record...give me Kirk shooting through the galaxy, fist fighting Klingons and banging every blue skinned bimbette he comes across. I dont wanna see another clip haired, testodyke in a pantsuit...but that's just me. In short, I want phasers on kill and tits...any hope?
It appeared from the previews to be more unrealistic 'ovarian badassery'. Not a fan of the 110lb female, shit stomper genre. One would expect the Star Trek franchise would take the higher (intellectual) road but...Are my preconceptions true?

I mean, for the record...give me Kirk shooting through the galaxy, fist fighting Klingons and banging every blue skinned bimbette he comes across. I dont wanna see another clip haired, testodyke in a pantsuit...but that's just me. In short, I want phasers on kill and tits...any hope?
I just listed an app you can download for free and you can see for yourself. Keep in mind the first two episodes are not the actual crew. Just the bait to pull in a new generation.
I only watched the first episode but will watch the second tonight.
From what I have seen my guess this first season is about conflict/war with the Klingons.

And for the record I love number one. She was a badass in the Walking Dead so I expect no less here.
You mean to tell me after Episode 1, I have to PAY to see the others elsewhere? Shows you how much I pay attention. As far as Orville, the first episode was painful to watch because IMO, they haven't figured out if they should be funny funny or serious. I only saw a little bit of 2. Let's hope they find their footing fast.
Hi malnila.
I refuse to watch Orville because I cannot stand seth mcfarlane. All I see is this round face that looks like it was smacked with a frying pan, ala cartoons from warner bros. :lol:
Plus, he's a dick.
Hey back atcha. I'm not a total fan of Seth McFarlane but I don't dislike him either. I just thought Orville had some promise and I'm hoping it still does. There isn't much "new" to see nowadays and especially a sci fi-type show. And btw, now I can't get that visual out of my head of being hit in the face with a frying pan. :eusa_doh:
It just pisses me off that all the episodes are locked behind a paywall.
I think they'll end up dropping that and putting it on broadcast CBS. There's too much money sunk into it to let it die on CBS All Access.

I subscribed to it for a few months, through my Roku, and wasn't impressed. Mainly because it wasn't commercial-free. If I'm paying $6 per month I don't want any commercials.

Plus, almost anything you could find on it was also available on Netflix or Hulu, both of which I already subscribe to.
who is they?....
The directors & producers.
well obviously they have little to no knowledge of the history of the would think they would have learned after the way the TV show Enterprise was fucked up.....
I think they're in a tough spot. They want to cater to the traditional Trek audience but need to make it modern enough to create a new generation of fans.
then they should have picked the time period of the last 3 series or beyond them....i was just at a star trek page....lots of traditional fans bitching about how out of place it was for the period they picked.....they hate the so called Klingons.....
Established franchises ALWAYS have people that hate on new versions of old products. Doesn't matter if it's books, movies or games. Haters are the most vocal while everyone else is enjoying it and can't be bothered to vocalize.
I am a Star Trek fan. A huge fan. And I like the show based on what I've seen. Is it perfect? Of course not. Is it enjoyable & fresh? Hell yes.

If you would like to see for yourself find Free Movies Online #2048 in the Microsoft store and watch it for yourself. If you like it, subscribe, if you don't forget it and move on.
When the FUCK did you start being so sensible?
It appeared from the previews to be more unrealistic 'ovarian badassery'. Not a fan of the 110lb female, shit stomper genre. One would expect the Star Trek franchise would take the higher (intellectual) road but...Are my preconceptions true?

I mean, for the record...give me Kirk shooting through the galaxy, fist fighting Klingons and banging every blue skinned bimbette he comes across. I dont wanna see another clip haired, testodyke in a pantsuit...but that's just me. In short, I want phasers on kill and tits...any hope?

Here's the lady captain overpowering a giant Klingon warrior, bringing him to his knees. But, he stabs her and kills her, while on his knees. Her female first officer, the one with a man's name, has just defeated another Klingon with her bare hands, but using a rock for the kill. The two women slaughter all the Klingons in the room.


It was hard to get a screenshot because the annoying style the show is filmed. The camera is either too close or is being blocked by something, with rapid-fire scene cutting.
It appeared from the previews to be more unrealistic 'ovarian badassery'. Not a fan of the 110lb female, shit stomper genre. One would expect the Star Trek franchise would take the higher (intellectual) road but...Are my preconceptions true?

I mean, for the record...give me Kirk shooting through the galaxy, fist fighting Klingons and banging every blue skinned bimbette he comes across. I dont wanna see another clip haired, testodyke in a pantsuit...but that's just me. In short, I want phasers on kill and tits...any hope?

Here's the lady captain overpowering a giant Klingon warrior, bringing him to his knees. But, he stabs her and kills her, while on his knees. Her female first officer, the one with a man's name, has just defeated another Klingon with her bare hands, but using a rock for the kill. The two women slaughter all the Klingons in the room.

View attachment 151569

It was hard to get a screenshot because the annoying style the show is filmed. The camera is either too close or is being blocked by something, with rapid-fire scene cutting.
Spoilers are not cool. I've seen it but others may not have yet. And yes, they shot all the Klingons with their phasers.
I find it silly that people can suspend disbelief when Kirk fights a man in a lizard suit. That's ok & even admired as a great scene from old star treks. But in the newer shows with fantastic visuals & choreographed fights that same disbelief is put on the back burner & replaced by demands for realism.

That scenario above is a perfect example of what I spoke about earlier with regard to holding new shows to a different standard than it's predecessor.
The original Trek was a great show but it was campy as fuck and had terrible visuals with laughable fight scenes.
Spoilers are not cool. I've seen it but others may not have yet. And yes, they shot all the Klingons with their phasers.

Yes, in spite of the few seconds it takes to teleport in, they still managed to take the Klingons in the room by complete surprise.

I find it silly that people can suspend disbelief when Kirk fights a man in a lizard suit.

Kirk's fight wasn't pushing any sort of Political Agenda. Besides, we know nothing about how good at fighting lizard people are, so why is so unbelievable that Kirk bested one? The lizard man was slow, inexperienced, dumb, etc. Oh, and Kirk's size! On the other hand 110lb women taking down trained warriors three times their size is about pushing a libtard Political Agenda, and is much more difficult to "suspend disbelief."

But in the newer shows with fantastic visuals & choreographed fights that same disbelief is put on the back burner & replaced by demands for realism.

As special effects technology improves, we should expect more realism.

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