The new political cycle



The new political cycle.

Republicans are in power. Tax cuts for the wealthy. No work on America's infrastructure. Jobs moved to China. Failed economic policies that bring down the economy. Foreign adventurism that destabilized huge parts of the world. Huge deficits are created. GOP works to abolish minimum wage and workers benefits and void regulations regarding safety and the environment. The GOP works to end Medicare, Social Security and other safety nets. Budgets cut everywhere that helps Americans. Like the CDC and embassy safety. They use reconciliation multiple times leaving Democrats with no way to stop GOP disastrous policies.

Americans vote in Democrats to "fix" GOP disastrous policies. The economy picks up. The flow of jobs moving overseas is lessoned. Companies saved. The deficit drops. Health Care reform has lowered the deficit. Millions more Americans have health care.

and the entire time, Republicans attempt to block everything.

They block:

Health care, safety and environmental protections, they complain that Democrats aren't cleaning up GOP mess fast enough, they undermine everything that would help the country and then blame the Democrats for "not working with the GOP", the party that created the mess to begin with. Republicans not only block jobs bills, but they promote such failed policies as tax cuts for the rich under names like "jobs for the American Middle Class" and then complain Democrats won't pass GOP jobs bills.

Republicans do such a good job of blaming all their blockage and disastrous policies on the Democrats, America votes Republicans back into office to pick up where they left off. A perfect example is Republicans saying they will cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, benefits costing less than 60 billion if Obama didn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy that cost the nation nearly a trillion dollars. So when Obama extended the Bush Tax Cuts to protect millions of American, Republicans called him weak and a "flip flopper". They had a GOP "win-win". Either money for the wealthy or screw over millions of Americans.

The media won't report it because they say it makes them look "biased" and Americans are more interested in Kim Kardashion's butt than knowing what's actually going on.

Republicans voted back into office and the cycle starts all over again.
WOW... didn't know how powerful GOP was!
I find the "media won't report" very interesting... especially when you read this ...
1,160 (85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller
You'd think they wanted a Democrat agenda the way the MSM donated money!
Poor, RDerp! Six years of Barry in power and everything is going to shit so badly that even a true believer like Deanie is running out of ways to blame it on Bush! Now it's all part of a "cycle"!

The truth is that the eight years of Barack Obama will be looked back upon as an example of what happens when you elect someone without properly subjecting them to intense scrutiny in the election process. You end up with someone totally unqualified to do the job that they hold...someone who thinks "leading from behind" and "don't do stupid stuff" are Presidential.
Deany: either as nutty as a Batman Villain or paid by the Koch Brothers to post her to make Progs look like idiots. There is no third choice
I don't even think Deanie's heart is in it anymore! The typical RDerp posts are becoming less and less frequent and lack passion. At this point it's just going through the motions...
The new political cycle.

Republicans are in power. Tax cuts for the wealthy. No work on America's infrastructure. Jobs moved to China. Failed economic policies that bring down the economy. Foreign adventurism that destabilized huge parts of the world. Huge deficits are created. GOP works to abolish minimum wage and workers benefits and void regulations regarding safety and the environment. The GOP works to end Medicare, Social Security and other safety nets. Budgets cut everywhere that helps Americans. Like the CDC and embassy safety. They use reconciliation multiple times leaving Democrats with no way to stop GOP disastrous policies.

Americans vote in Democrats to "fix" GOP disastrous policies. The economy picks up. The flow of jobs moving overseas is lessoned. Companies saved. The deficit drops. Health Care reform has lowered the deficit. Millions more Americans have health care.

and the entire time, Republicans attempt to block everything.

They block:

Health care, safety and environmental protections, they complain that Democrats aren't cleaning up GOP mess fast enough, they undermine everything that would help the country and then blame the Democrats for "not working with the GOP", the party that created the mess to begin with. Republicans not only block jobs bills, but they promote such failed policies as tax cuts for the rich under names like "jobs for the American Middle Class" and then complain Democrats won't pass GOP jobs bills.

Republicans do such a good job of blaming all their blockage and disastrous policies on the Democrats, America votes Republicans back into office to pick up where they left off. A perfect example is Republicans saying they will cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, benefits costing less than 60 billion if Obama didn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy that cost the nation nearly a trillion dollars. So when Obama extended the Bush Tax Cuts to protect millions of American, Republicans called him weak and a "flip flopper". They had a GOP "win-win". Either money for the wealthy or screw over millions of Americans.

The media won't report it because they say it makes them look "biased" and Americans are more interested in Kim Kardashion's butt than knowing what's actually going on.

Republicans voted back into office and the cycle starts all over again.

Bet you are some kinda serious frick'n hit with the honeys at parties.

Just sayin'. :badgrin:
WOW... didn't know how powerful GOP was!
I find the "media won't report" very interesting... especially when you read this ...
1,160 (85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller
You'd think they wanted a Democrat agenda the way the MSM donated money!

Doesn't matter. Once, on one of those political round tables, a newsman said that if you report all the GOP nuttiness, people think you are biased.

Notice, you didn't deny anything I wrote. Is there a particular part you disagree with?
Democrats, currently in power:

Record welfare numbers
100 million unemployed
7 trillion added to debt
85 billion a month to wall street

Car companies saved.
Most troops out of the Iraq fiasco.
Millions of new jobs.
Bank loans paid back.
Bin Laden dead.

Record welfare numbers (Republicans let millions of jobs move to China from 2001 to 2008)
100 million unemployed ((Republicans watched over 40,000 factories close between 2001 to 2008)
7 trillion added to debt (Two GOP wars on credit and the Bush Tax Cuts which didn't create jobs)
85 billion a month to wall street (huh?)
And there was not one single Dem
WOW... didn't know how powerful GOP was!
I find the "media won't report" very interesting... especially when you read this ...
1,160 (85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller
You'd think they wanted a Democrat agenda the way the MSM donated money!

Doesn't matter. Once, on one of those political round tables, a newsman said that if you report all the GOP nuttiness, people think you are biased.

Notice, you didn't deny anything I wrote. Is there a particular part you disagree with?
Democrats, currently in power:

Record welfare numbers
100 million unemployed
7 trillion added to debt
85 billion a month to wall street

Car companies saved.
Most troops out of the Iraq fiasco.
Millions of new jobs.
Bank loans paid back.
Bin Laden dead.

Record welfare numbers (Republicans let millions of jobs move to China from 2001 to 2008)
100 million unemployed ((Republicans watched over 40,000 factories close between 2001 to 2008)
7 trillion added to debt (Two GOP wars on credit and the Bush Tax Cuts which didn't create jobs)
85 billion a month to wall street (huh?)
to be found at all the whole time

A question that has been asked and asked,yet you have never given a reply.

What tax bracket enjoyed the largest break from the Bush tax cuts,and yes they did create jobs regardless of what you try and push as truths. The country enjoyed the second longest economic expantion in our history.

The world doesn't operate in a Dean-o-Matic vacuum.
rdeany's been sniffing glue again.
WOW... didn't know how powerful GOP was!
I find the "media won't report" very interesting... especially when you read this ...
1,160 (85% of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller
You'd think they wanted a Democrat agenda the way the MSM donated money!

Doesn't matter. Once, on one of those political round tables, a newsman said that if you report all the GOP nuttiness, people think you are biased.

Notice, you didn't deny anything I wrote. Is there a particular part you disagree with?
Democrats, currently in power:

Record welfare numbers
100 million unemployed
7 trillion added to debt
85 billion a month to wall street

Car companies saved.
Most troops out of the Iraq fiasco.
Millions of new jobs.
Bank loans paid back.
Bin Laden dead.

Record welfare numbers (Republicans let millions of jobs move to China from 2001 to 2008)
100 million unemployed ((Republicans watched over 40,000 factories close between 2001 to 2008)
7 trillion added to debt (Two GOP wars on credit and the Bush Tax Cuts which didn't create jobs)
85 billion a month to wall street (huh?)

You've been parroting this nonsense for SIX YEARS, Deanie...and it's becoming increasingly apparent that even you are running out of steam when it comes to defending Obama.

I'm sorry but the reason that Democrats don't want to be seen on the same stage as Barry is that he's NOT a good President....something the American electorate have finally recognized after YEARS of biased reporting from the Main Stream Media that did it's best to make him look better than he was.

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