The Myth Of White Privilege


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:


California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:

View attachment 483028
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

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In the United States of America today, there is only one group that has PRIVILEGE,

That group can do no wrong. Someone else is always to blame.

Everyone is expected to have sympathy for them.

And very soon they will be receiving checks because of what happened to their ancestors a long time ago.
.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:

View attachment 483028
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

View attachment 483032

In the United States of America today, there is only one group that has PRIVILEGE,

That group can do no wrong. Someone else is always to blame.

Everyone is expected to have sympathy for them.

And very soon they will be receiving checks because of what happened to their ancestors a long time ago.

And every Biden voter is down wit' it!

" Slavery reparations. During a June 10 “virtual town hall” hosted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Biden opened the door to reparations for slavery, saying, “If, in fact, there are ways to get direct payments for reparations, I want to see it. Why are we waiting around for the study? We can deal with this stuff.” Some might say that Biden, as is so often the case, said a lot without actually saying anything. Others might say that slavery reparations would make a good subject for a tangibilizing video."

"Fact-check: Do minority farmers receive a 'bonus' in the COVID-19 relief bill?
A Facebook post: “Minority farmers get big bonus, white ones get none,” because of Democrats.

Our ruling
A Facebook post claims: "Minority farmers get big bonus, white ones get none," because of Democrats.

The COVID-19 relief law signed by Biden and approved by Democratic majorities in Congress provides an estimated $5 billion for farmers from socially disadvantaged groups, such as racial minorities, that have been subjected to prejudice. It’s not simply a bonus.

The post is partially accurate but leaves out important details. We rate it Half True."

There's that white privilege for ya'.....
.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:

View attachment 483028
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

View attachment 483032
The thread premise is a lie.
6. "The website is a resource for K–12 teachers put together by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a notorious left-wing smear site and blacklist organization. An article on the website titled “What Is White Privilege Really?” explains the invisible powers of white privilege this way:

“It seems logical that a person should have the chance to prove themselves individually before they are judged. It’s supposedly an American ideal. But it’s a privilege often not granted to people of color—with dire consequences. For example, programs like New York City’s now-abandoned ‘Stop and Frisk’ policy target a disproportionate number of Black and Latinx [sic] people.” Horowitz

Stop and Frisk??? Racist......or simply logical police policy.

7.And now, this interesting fact which explains the policy.

In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000

Bay Ridge population.......70,000

No Biden voter has dared to offer an explanation.
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.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:

View attachment 483028
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

View attachment 483032
The thread premise is a lie.

"The thread premise is a lie."
Of course, no proof offered by C_Chamber Pot

And here we have a perfect example of my Rule #2
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Democrats.....they lie about everything.

Did everyone see this today???
Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.

"Valerie Jarrett blasted for suggesting Columbus police shot Ma'Khia Bryant to 'break up a knife fight'


"Knife fight" with only the attacker with a knife?????????

"There was no 'knife fight'. She was trying to stab another girl. This police officer saved that girl’s life," conservative writer A.G. Hamilton reacted. "The accountability here should be for Jarrett for portraying an officer saving a life while using clearly justifiable force as something worthy of outrage."

We're being pitted against each other and pitted against all institutions of authority."

Valerie Jarrett blasted for suggesting Columbus police shot Ma'Khia Bryant to 'break up a knife fight'
Former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett raised eyebrows on Wednesday over her condemnation of the fatal police-involved shooting of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.
I'm a 58 year old white male.

I grew up middle class on Long Island. Mom was a housewife (that's back before the whole "stay at home mom" thing) and Dad was a truck driver. I got my first job when I was 12; a paper route. I worked part time, off the books, in a window blinds store when I was 14. I got paid $5.00 a day, with a day being about four hours. I would do that three or four days a week.

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18. I didn't see a point in getting it before that because we were a one-car family, and I sure as Hell couldn't afford to buy one.

I hated school, and didn't even apply to college. I was working in a liquor store, for $3.10 an hour when I decided to join the military. My Dad was Navy, so that's the route I took. I was 18.

I worked my ass off in the military and retired after a successful career in 2001. I quickly moved to working in musical instrument retail (I'm a guitarist) and then on to working for a musical instrument manufacturer as an outside sales rep. I was good at it, and I was making a very comfortable living in pretty short order.

I started my first company in 2003. It took a couple of years, but it became pretty successful. I started my second company in 2005. I almost closed the doors half a dozen times. It was tough. But it's where my passion was. It's what I loved and, frankly, I didn't have much else goin' on. We finally got things on track and, in 2008, we finished the year in the black for the first time. We have grown every year since then, and right now the company has an annual budget of around $25 million.

The idea that someone would expect me to apologize for being a successful white man disgusts me. Nothing was handed to me, and I can't think of any instance in which my being white opened up too many doors, if any. I had to kick open many doors, but no one was making it easy on me because I'm white.

I certainly know people who, when we were kids, had everything handed to them. My buddy Mike, who I've been friends with since we were 5 years old, had a father who was a dentist with a very successful practice. I was wearing $3 pairs of sneakers from Sneaker Circus while Mike was sportin' $26 Puma Clydes. He had Levis and I had whatever Sears had as a house brand. I never saw it as "white privilege" (that really wasn't a thing), I just saw it as him having a Dad who made more than mine. Come to think of it, a dear friend of mine, Arthur, was wearing Adidas and Levis back then, too.

Arthur's as black as a moonless night.

Don't expect me to feel bad about my success. Don't expect me to show you deference because you're white, and don't expect me to treat you poorly because you're black. It's real simple: Don't be an asshole and we'll get along just fine.

But, if you think I should, for some reason, feel bad about my success because I'm white, or attribute it, even a little bit, to the fact that I'm white and not black, well, you can just suck my dick...
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I'm a 58 year old white male.

I grew up middle class on Long Island. Mom was a housewife (that's back before the whole "stay at home mom" thing) and Dad was a truck driver. I got my first job when I was 12; a paper route. I worked part time, off the books, in a window blinds store when I was 14. I got paid $5.00 a day, with a day being about four hours. I would do that three or four days a week.

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18. I didn't see a point in getting it before that because we were a one-car family, and I sure as Hell couldn't afford to buy one.

I hated school, and didn't even apply to college. I was working in a liquor store, for $3.10 an hour when I decided to join the military. My Dad was Navy, so that's the route I took. I was 18.

I worked my ass off in the military and retired after a successful career in 2001. I quickly moved to working in musical instrument retail (I'm a guitarist) and then on to working for a musical instrument manufacturer as an outside sales rep. I was good at it, and I was making a very comfortable living in pretty short order.

I started my first company in 2003. It took a couple of years, but it became pretty successful. I started my second company in 2005. I almost closed the doors half a dozen times. It was tough. But it's where my passion was. It's what I loved and, frankly, I didn't have much else goin' on. We finally got things on track and, in 2008, we finished the year in the black for the first time. We have grown every year since then, and right now the company has an annual budget of around $25 million.

The idea that someone would expect me to apologize for being a successful white man disgusts me. Nothing was handed to me, and I can't think of any instance in which my being white opened up too many doors, if any. I had to kick open many doors, but no one was making it easy on me because I'm white.

I certainly know people who, when we were kids, had everything handed to them. My buddy Mike, who I've been friends with since we were 5 years old, had a father who was a dentist with a very successful practice. I was wearing $3 pairs of sneakers from Sneaker Circus while Mike was sportin' $26 Puma Clydes. He had Levis and I had whatever Sears had as a house brand. I never saw it as "white privilege" (that really wasn't a thing), I just saw it as him having a Dad who made more than mine. Come to think of it, a dear friend of mine, Arthur, was wearing Adidas and Levis back then, too.

Arthur's as black as a moonless night.

Don't expect me to feel bad about my success. Don't expect me to show you deference because you're white, and don't expect me to treat you poorly because you're black. It's real simple: Don't be an asshole and we'll get along just fine.

But, if you think I should, for some reason, feel bad about my success because I'm white, or attribute it, even a little bit, to the fact that I'm white and not black, well, you can just suck my dick...

To whom is this post directed?
I'm a 58 year old white male.

I grew up middle class on Long Island. Mom was a housewife (that's back before the whole "stay at home mom" thing) and Dad was a truck driver. I got my first job when I was 12; a paper route. I worked part time, off the books, in a window blinds store when I was 14. I got paid $5.00 a day, with a day being about four hours. I would do that three or four days a week.

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18. I didn't see a point in getting it before that because we were a one-car family, and I sure as Hell couldn't afford to buy one.

I hated school, and didn't even apply to college. I was working in a liquor store, for $3.10 an hour when I decided to join the military. My Dad was Navy, so that's the route I took. I was 18.

I worked my ass off in the military and retired after a successful career in 2001. I quickly moved to working in musical instrument retail (I'm a guitarist) and then on to working for a musical instrument manufacturer as an outside sales rep. I was good at it, and I was making a very comfortable living in pretty short order.

I started my first company in 2003. It took a couple of years, but it became pretty successful. I started my second company in 2005. I almost closed the doors half a dozen times. It was tough. But it's where my passion was. It's what I loved and, frankly, I didn't have much else goin' on. We finally got things on track and, in 2008, we finished the year in the black for the first time. We have grown every year since then, and right now the company has an annual budget of around $25 million.

The idea that someone would expect me to apologize for being a successful white man disgusts me. Nothing was handed to me, and I can't think of any instance in which my being white opened up too many doors, if any. I had to kick open many doors, but no one was making it easy on me because I'm white.

I certainly know people who, when we were kids, had everything handed to them. My buddy Mike, who I've been friends with since we were 5 years old, had a father who was a dentist with a very successful practice. I was wearing $3 pairs of sneakers from Sneaker Circus while Mike was sportin' $26 Puma Clydes. He had Levis and I had whatever Sears had as a house brand. I never saw it as "white privilege" (that really wasn't a thing), I just saw it as him having a Dad who made more than mine. Come to think of it, a dear friend of mine, Arthur, was wearing Adidas and Levis back then, too.

Arthur's as black as a moonless night.

Don't expect me to feel bad about my success. Don't expect me to show you deference because you're white, and don't expect me to treat you poorly because you're black. It's real simple: Don't be an asshole and we'll get along just fine.

But, if you think I should, for some reason, feel bad about my success because I'm white, or attribute it, even a little bit, to the fact that I'm white and not black, well, you can just suck my dick...

To whom is this post directed?

To anyone who might be ignorant enough to believe that "white privilege" is a valid thing...
I'm a 58 year old white male.

I grew up middle class on Long Island. Mom was a housewife (that's back before the whole "stay at home mom" thing) and Dad was a truck driver. I got my first job when I was 12; a paper route. I worked part time, off the books, in a window blinds store when I was 14. I got paid $5.00 a day, with a day being about four hours. I would do that three or four days a week.

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18. I didn't see a point in getting it before that because we were a one-car family, and I sure as Hell couldn't afford to buy one.

I hated school, and didn't even apply to college. I was working in a liquor store, for $3.10 an hour when I decided to join the military. My Dad was Navy, so that's the route I took. I was 18.

I worked my ass off in the military and retired after a successful career in 2001. I quickly moved to working in musical instrument retail (I'm a guitarist) and then on to working for a musical instrument manufacturer as an outside sales rep. I was good at it, and I was making a very comfortable living in pretty short order.

I started my first company in 2003. It took a couple of years, but it became pretty successful. I started my second company in 2005. I almost closed the doors half a dozen times. It was tough. But it's where my passion was. It's what I loved and, frankly, I didn't have much else goin' on. We finally got things on track and, in 2008, we finished the year in the black for the first time. We have grown every year since then, and right now the company has an annual budget of around $25 million.

The idea that someone would expect me to apologize for being a successful white man disgusts me. Nothing was handed to me, and I can't think of any instance in which my being white opened up too many doors, if any. I had to kick open many doors, but no one was making it easy on me because I'm white.

I certainly know people who, when we were kids, had everything handed to them. My buddy Mike, who I've been friends with since we were 5 years old, had a father who was a dentist with a very successful practice. I was wearing $3 pairs of sneakers from Sneaker Circus while Mike was sportin' $26 Puma Clydes. He had Levis and I had whatever Sears had as a house brand. I never saw it as "white privilege" (that really wasn't a thing), I just saw it as him having a Dad who made more than mine. Come to think of it, a dear friend of mine, Arthur, was wearing Adidas and Levis back then, too.

Arthur's as black as a moonless night.

Don't expect me to feel bad about my success. Don't expect me to show you deference because you're white, and don't expect me to treat you poorly because you're black. It's real simple: Don't be an asshole and we'll get along just fine.

But, if you think I should, for some reason, feel bad about my success because I'm white, or attribute it, even a little bit, to the fact that I'm white and not black, well, you can just suck my dick...

To whom is this post directed?

To anyone who might be ignorant enough to believe that "white privilege" is a valid thing...
Most Republicans are always on their hind feet on these never ending attacks. Being civil is not going to do it. They tried to their detriment and to their voters. We need many people elected like Maxine waters as an example. Make the Congress look like a reality show. A three ring circus. One party has grabbed the narrative even when Repubs win.
I'm a 58 year old white male.

I grew up middle class on Long Island. Mom was a housewife (that's back before the whole "stay at home mom" thing) and Dad was a truck driver. I got my first job when I was 12; a paper route. I worked part time, off the books, in a window blinds store when I was 14. I got paid $5.00 a day, with a day being about four hours. I would do that three or four days a week.

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18. I didn't see a point in getting it before that because we were a one-car family, and I sure as Hell couldn't afford to buy one.

I hated school, and didn't even apply to college. I was working in a liquor store, for $3.10 an hour when I decided to join the military. My Dad was Navy, so that's the route I took. I was 18.

I worked my ass off in the military and retired after a successful career in 2001. I quickly moved to working in musical instrument retail (I'm a guitarist) and then on to working for a musical instrument manufacturer as an outside sales rep. I was good at it, and I was making a very comfortable living in pretty short order.

I started my first company in 2003. It took a couple of years, but it became pretty successful. I started my second company in 2005. I almost closed the doors half a dozen times. It was tough. But it's where my passion was. It's what I loved and, frankly, I didn't have much else goin' on. We finally got things on track and, in 2008, we finished the year in the black for the first time. We have grown every year since then, and right now the company has an annual budget of around $25 million.

The idea that someone would expect me to apologize for being a successful white man disgusts me. Nothing was handed to me, and I can't think of any instance in which my being white opened up too many doors, if any. I had to kick open many doors, but no one was making it easy on me because I'm white.

I certainly know people who, when we were kids, had everything handed to them. My buddy Mike, who I've been friends with since we were 5 years old, had a father who was a dentist with a very successful practice. I was wearing $3 pairs of sneakers from Sneaker Circus while Mike was sportin' $26 Puma Clydes. He had Levis and I had whatever Sears had as a house brand. I never saw it as "white privilege" (that really wasn't a thing), I just saw it as him having a Dad who made more than mine. Come to think of it, a dear friend of mine, Arthur, was wearing Adidas and Levis back then, too.

Arthur's as black as a moonless night.

Don't expect me to feel bad about my success. Don't expect me to show you deference because you're white, and don't expect me to treat you poorly because you're black. It's real simple: Don't be an asshole and we'll get along just fine.

But, if you think I should, for some reason, feel bad about my success because I'm white, or attribute it, even a little bit, to the fact that I'm white and not black, well, you can just suck my dick...

To whom is this post directed?

To anyone who might be ignorant enough to believe that "white privilege" is a valid thing...
Most Republicans are always on their hind feet on these never ending attacks. Being civil is not going to do it. They tried to their detriment and to their voters. We need many people elected like Maxine waters as an example. Make the Congress look like a reality show. A three ring circus. One party has grabbed the narrative even when Repubs win.

I have no idea what you're trying to convey here.

My post has nothing to do with Republicans or Maxine Waters...
8. The Left needs to keep the idea of racism front and center, and toward this end, they hide very fact that weighs against a belief that racism is behind policies like ‘Stop and Frisk.’

The racial categories obscure from view all the actions of individuals that might account for the disproportionate number of blacks and Hispanics affected by “Stop and Frisk.” For example, 97 percent of the homicides in New York are committed by blacks and Hispanics.
Heather Mac Donald, “Distorting the Truth about Crime and Race,” City Journal, May 14, 2010,

While blacks constitute only 23 percent of the population, they commit 70 percent of the armed robberies. By contrast, whites commit only 4 percent of robberies.
Heather Mac Donald, The War on Cops: How the Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe

87.5 per- cent of the homicide victims of blacks and Hispanics are other blacks and Hispanics.
James P. O’Neill, “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City (January 1–December 31, 2018),” Welcome to | City of New York as-sets/nypd/down-loads/pdf/analy-sis_and_ning/year-end-2018- forcement-report.pdfport.pdf

Higgins: Enough of the lying – just look at the data. There’s no epidemic of racist police officers killing black Americans.

“Stop and Frisk” policy is realistically seen as a privilege for the black and Hispanic citizens who are the potential targets of lethal criminal behavior and were therefore favored for protection. From the vantage of the black and Hispanic victims of criminals carrying illegal weapons, the elimination of “Stop and Frisk” is actually racist.” Horowitz

Hmmmm.....maybe whites aren't the problem....Democrats/Progressives are.
9. The White Privilege Myth is just one part of the divisions and hatred methods that works so well for the Democrat.

.the Democrat template is division of the populace, keep everyone at each other's throats, and pick up the pieces.....the elections....afterwards.

Notice which party stands for unity, tranquility, brotherhood, and which stands for division, conflict, and never ending grievances.

There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not unity, not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.

Skin color neither makes one good, nor evil.
See how their view is simply one part of the collectivist doctrine of the Left.
.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:

View attachment 483028
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

View attachment 483032
The thread premise is a lie.
The "OP" has no clue what white privilege means.
.the Democrats lie about everything.

1.The fact is, Democrats lie about everything. The amusing part of this lie is that ‘whites’ are the Democrat’s bĂȘte noire. The term is French, literally, “black beast.” It is used colloquially to mean something that is hated.

2. Your children
white children
are being taught via the woke propaganda, that white people are evil, and oppress other shades. This, a government school lesson:

View attachment 483028
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools
California Parents Sue to Block ‘Inclusivity’ Instruction in Schools

California Parents Sue to Block ‘Creeping, Social Justice Warrior’ Instruction in Schools - California Globe

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

View attachment 483032
The thread premise is a lie.
The "OP" has no clue what white privilege means.

"The "OP" has no clue what white privilege means."

And this is why you should train yourself to read beyond the thread title.

Defined in the OP:

3. “This slanderous list imposed on schoolchildren is designed to incite feelings of envy, resentment, and outright hatred towards the targeted “oppressor” groups, regardless of what the individuals who compose them think or actually do in their lives. It is the antithesis of the principles enshrined in America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

According to the oppression curriculum, “white people privilege” is “unearned access to the resources that enhance one’s chances of getting what one needs to influence others in order to lead a safe, productive, fulfilling life.”
Horowitz, “The Enemy Within”

4. Along with the ‘white privilege’ lie, Democrats/Progressives use this one, ‘systemic racism,’ as applied to blacks
.but in reality the only such systemic racism is Affirmative Action, which works against white folks.

5. Anyone who can read knows that, since the Civil Rights Bill “it has been illegal in America for any social institution or authority to grant special rights or advantages or immunity to any particular person or group based on skin color—unless one is black or brown or the member of a “victim” group specifically designated to receive affirmative action bene- fits (a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment).

In short, “white privilege” is a fiction convenient to the Left, whose real agenda is to demonize white people and remove from all others responsibility for what they do or fail to accomplish in life. “White privilege” is not an analytic category; it is a weapon designed to cripple and destroy white people who get in the way of the leftist agenda.” Op. Cit.

In 1964, Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241). The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
Legal Highlight: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Department ...

10. “Most arguments offered by proponents of the “white skin privilege” doctrine depend on attributing all disparities between races to “systemic racism” rather than the habits, attitudes, and actions of individuals.

For example, the article tells us that “the ability to accumulate wealth has long been a white privilege—a privilege created by overt, systemic racism in both the public and private sectors.”

Typically, doesn’t actually identify any overt racist policies or acts (which are illegal under American laws). Nor does it examine any of the individual behaviors that lead to wealth accumulation. Its premise that the ability to accumulate wealth is a white privilege would be news to Oprah Winfrey, daughter of a sharecropper, raised in segregated Mississippi, whose net worth is $2.9 billion or to billionaire basketball player and TV host Shaquille O’Neal; billionaire icon Michael Jordan; centimillionaire Le- Bron James; hip-hop mogul, clothing magnate, and outsized celebrity Sean “P. Diddy” Combs; mega-millionaire entrepreneurs Tyler Perry, Robert Johnson, and Kanye West—or any of the many other blacks who have managed to accumulate tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in a single lifetime.

“Inherited wealth” is often invoked as an insuperable advantage—a privilege that allegedly whites alone can take advantage of.” Horowitz

Of course, a graph of family wealth by race destroys the ‘white privilege’ myth, as it is not whites who lead in wealth.


So once again, we find that Biden voters fail to use logic, facts or truth in their conclusions.

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