The "Myth" of the scary black Muslim

There is no myth..........

obama is the same ineffectual black liberation theologist, community organizing, marxist, international apologist he always was...................

with friends in low places
1st post
Tell the Christians in Africa and the middle east that Muslims aren't scary.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Coptic Christians slaughtered in Egypt as the world looks away
Micah Halpern
"TWELVE Christian were murdered in Egypt. Two hundred and thirty-two people wounded. The death toll will surely rise as victims succumb to their injuries. And that's just in the past few days. In the same time period, more Christians were killed in Egypt at the hands of Muslims than people killed in Syria or in Libya as a result of protests, riots and resistance"
But there is something especially rancid about the never-ending efforts to turn Obama into a stranger, an alien, a Manchurian Candidate with a diabolical hidden agenda.

Thus did the Rev. Franklin Graham assert Tuesday on MSNBC not only that Muslims regard Obama as “a son of Islam” (because his father was Muslim), but also that “under President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems to be more concerned about them than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries.” Thus is a legitimate concern about the persecution of Christians transformed into a slander.

This is one of the easiest unproven allegations that many on the right continue to use. *Person* seems more interested in *blank* than *blank*.

Rev Graham is a liar, he doesnt know what anyone is MORE concerned with unless he asked them and so is anyone that uses that bullshit
5th post
Where did Reverend Graham misspeak? He was asked a question as a theologian and answered appropriately. Under Islam Obama is regarded as Muslim to Muslims.

His father was Muslim and consequently so would be Obama under the law. It's truth.

Why are you concerned about just such a basic cornerstone of Islam?

Obama has said he has come to Christ. What's the big deal? He is proudly proclaiming his Christianity these days even saying he is attempting to base his economic policies on the Bible.

Oh and you might want to edit yourself. You repeat yourself here.

"It’s simply astonishing that a man in his fourth year as our president continues to be the object of the most extraordinary paranoid fantasies.***********

Whatever our president is, he is never allowed to be a garden-variety American who plays basketball and golf, has a remarkably old-fashioned family life, and, in the manner we regularly recommend to our kids, got ahead by getting a good education.

It’s simply astonishing that a man in his fourth year as our president continues to be the object of the most extraordinary paranoid fantasies.*************

Now to your OP. He's not black. He's biracial and I for one despair that more don't revel in his wonderous mother who I admire.

He's not Muslim although in Islam he would be regarded as such because his father was Muslim.

And I have no idea how to respond to "scary". I don't find him frightening at all.

I don't get your thread rdean.

So what? Most Republicans regard Obama as a "******". We know that to be true. Most don't even hide that fact. Only the ones that pretend to be reasonable.

Where's your proof?!?!?!

"I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years"

~Lyndon Baine Johnson
Democrat President~

That's a "hearsay" quote from a "conservative" journalist. It's not on tape. It was never recorded. We all know how "honest" conservatives are. Look at Fox.

The truth is, Republicans LOVE that quote. It gives them the chance to say "******" over and over and over and over again. Conservatives fled the Democratic Party just to get away from the blacks. The Republican Party, where those conservatives ended up, is STILL 90% white and based in the confederate south. How many "pictures" do you need?
Then convince your friends on the left to stop playing race games and start treating people as individuals insted of lumping them into a group based on skin color and making an assumption that all people are the same because of their color.

Who said all people are the same. The truth is, Republicans are 90% white, mostly Christian and vote in a block in congress. The majority believe the same things. That Obama is a Muslim and "magical creation" is a real science.

The color breakdown, I dont know

Everything else you posted is a lie from a notorious Liar.

According to Gallup, 90% of the Republican Party is white and mostly Christian. The majority of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim and 25% believe he is the anti Christ. The majority of Republicans, according to every poll on earth, believes in magical creation and they believe science is a "faith", evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Hello! Knock Knock, where am I wrong? And while you're at it, "PROVE IT!"
Notice how Rdumbass and Truthdon'tmatter flee when called out on their ridiculous bullshit.

Typical liberals!

I have a real job. Yours is just getting out of that old sleeping bag on the living room floor of your mother's double wide and turning on the computer.

I once used that line and someone said, "There is nothing wrong with living in my mother's trailer". Hilarious.
Tell the Christians in Africa and the middle east that Muslims aren't scary.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Coptic Christians slaughtered in Egypt as the world looks away
Micah Halpern
"TWELVE Christian were murdered in Egypt. Two hundred and thirty-two people wounded. The death toll will surely rise as victims succumb to their injuries. And that's just in the past few days. In the same time period, more Christians were killed in Egypt at the hands of Muslims than people killed in Syria or in Libya as a result of protests, riots and resistance"

Curious. Why did Bush stand by and watch the Christians in Iraq get slaughtered and chased out of a country they lived in before there were even Muslims? Where was the Right Wing then? Salivating over oil? Those Christians were the "wrong color"? The population went from a million and a half to less than 200 thousand. Where are they now? Did American Christians welcome them here?

You guys are so fucked up and awful. I don't know what kind of people you are. I really don't.
Tell the Christians in Africa and the middle east that Muslims aren't scary.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Coptic Christians slaughtered in Egypt as the world looks away
Micah Halpern
"TWELVE Christian were murdered in Egypt. Two hundred and thirty-two people wounded. The death toll will surely rise as victims succumb to their injuries. And that's just in the past few days. In the same time period, more Christians were killed in Egypt at the hands of Muslims than people killed in Syria or in Libya as a result of protests, riots and resistance"

Curious. Why did Bush stand by and watch the Christians in Iraq get slaughtered and chased out of a country they lived in before there were even Muslims? Where was the Right Wing then? Salivating over oil? Those Christians were the "wrong color"? The population went from a million and a half to less than 200 thousand. Where are they now? Did American Christians welcome them here?
You guys are so fucked up and awful. I don't know what kind of people you are. I really don't.

How many of them did you take in?
Tell the Christians in Africa and the middle east that Muslims aren't scary.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

Coptic Christians slaughtered in Egypt as the world looks away
Micah Halpern
"TWELVE Christian were murdered in Egypt. Two hundred and thirty-two people wounded. The death toll will surely rise as victims succumb to their injuries. And that's just in the past few days. In the same time period, more Christians were killed in Egypt at the hands of Muslims than people killed in Syria or in Libya as a result of protests, riots and resistance"

Curious. Why did Bush stand by and watch the Christians in Iraq get slaughtered and chased out of a country they lived in before there were even Muslims? Where was the Right Wing then? Salivating over oil? Those Christians were the "wrong color"? The population went from a million and a half to less than 200 thousand. Where are they now? Did American Christians welcome them here?
You guys are so fucked up and awful. I don't know what kind of people you are. I really don't.

How many of them did you take in?

How many did you take in? From all those that came to this country from Iraq? Oh, you say Bush didn't invite any to come here? You're saying that American Christians shit on those Iraqi Christians and turned their backs on them? You would be right. They didn't have any oil.
Notice how Rdumbass and Truthdon'tmatter flee when called out on their ridiculous bullshit.

Typical liberals!

Dean hasn't fared to well in a few of his last threads.....made statements he could not back up.....

I'm sure you have some examples, or at least one. :popcorn:

oh hear we go again....Dean playing the stupid guy again....ok ill do it again.....the Thread YOU started that said Republicans HATE Education and want to END it....the folks over in that thread are still waiting for you to come back over there and show us your wonderful Link on that one....and cutting the Education Budget does not mean your ending it like you say it said END IT so prove it....and then of course there was the famous Thread the GOP says Girl Scouts are Feminist Lesbians and Communist and yet no where in the article is the GOP even mentioned outside of describing the political Affiliation of the Jerk who the story was about.....but of course that means the whole party because one Far Right dipshit feels this way.....once again you said the GOP ....prove it.....they are still waiting there too.....your shit is wearing off Dean....even RightWinger said you post there is 2 examples........your turn Dean.....prove what you said or at least have the honesty to admit you make statements sometimes just to get people to come to your threads.....see now i got the Popcorn....:popcorn:.
Dean hasn't fared to well in a few of his last threads.....made statements he could not back up.....

I'm sure you have some examples, or at least one. :popcorn:

oh hear we go again....Dean playing the stupid guy again....ok ill do it again.....the Thread YOU started that said Republicans HATE Education and want to END it....the folks over in that thread are still waiting for you to come back over there and show us your wonderful Link on that one....and cutting the Education Budget does not mean your ending it like you say it said END IT so prove it....and then of course there was the famous Thread the GOP says Girl Scouts are Feminist Lesbians and Communist and yet no where in the article is the GOP even mentioned outside of describing the political Affiliation of the Jerk who the story was about.....but of course that means the whole party because one Far Right dipshit feels this way.....once again you said the GOP ....prove it.....they are still waiting there too.....your shit is wearing off Dean....even RightWinger said you post there is 2 examples........your turn Dean.....prove what you said or at least have the honesty to admit you make statements sometimes just to get people to come to your threads.....see now i got the Popcorn....:popcorn:.

:popcorn: sounds good. Think I'll go make some!
Dean hasn't fared to well in a few of his last threads.....made statements he could not back up.....

I'm sure you have some examples, or at least one. :popcorn:

oh hear we go again....Dean playing the stupid guy again....ok ill do it again.....the Thread YOU started that said Republicans HATE Education and want to END it....the folks over in that thread are still waiting for you to come back over there and show us your wonderful Link on that one....and cutting the Education Budget does not mean your ending it like you say it said END IT so prove it....and then of course there was the famous Thread the GOP says Girl Scouts are Feminist Lesbians and Communist and yet no where in the article is the GOP even mentioned outside of describing the political Affiliation of the Jerk who the story was about.....but of course that means the whole party because one Far Right dipshit feels this way.....once again you said the GOP ....prove it.....they are still waiting there too.....your shit is wearing off Dean....even RightWinger said you post there is 2 examples........your turn Dean.....prove what you said or at least have the honesty to admit you make statements sometimes just to get people to come to your threads.....see now i got the Popcorn....:popcorn:.

still no Dean.....:smoke:
Thus did the Rev. Franklin Graham assert Tuesday on MSNBC that Muslim's regard Obama as “a son of Islam” (because his father was Muslim)
Rev. Franklin Graham is full of you know what.

I never heard a Muslim person refer to Pres. Obama as "a son of Islam". :cuckoo:

Well likely mohammed, Carl Marx, and the neighborhood yard dogs are still bickering over who spawned the sperm that spawned Obama.

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