The Myth of the Robber Barons: A New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." Most of what they believe is pure horseshit. The fact is that many of the men maligned with this label made this country great. They grew the industries that produce the wealth we enjoy today. They became rich because they provided consumers with abundance, not because they "robbed" anyone. You can read the truth in the following book.

[ame=]The Myth of the Robber Barons: A New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America: Burton W. Folsom, Forrest McDonald: 9780963020314: Books[/ame]

The Myth of the Robber Barons describes the role of key entrepreneurs in the economic growth of the United States from 1850 to 1910. The entrepreneurs studied are Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, James J. Hill, Andrew Mellon, Charles Schwab, and the Scranton family. Most historians argue that these men, and others like them, were Robber Barons. The story, however, is more complicated.

The author, Burton Folsom, divides the entrepreneurs into two groups market entrepreneurs and political entrepreneurs. The market entrepreneurs, such as Hill, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller, succeeded by producing a quality product at a competitive price. The political entrepreneurs such as Edward Collins in steamships and in railroads the leaders of the Union Pacific Railroad were men who used the power of government to succeed. They tried to gain subsidies, or in some way use government to stop competitors. The market entrepreneurs helped lead to the rise of the U. S. as a major economic power. By 1910, the U. S. dominated the world in oil, steel, and railroads led by Rockefeller, Schwab (and Carnegie), and Hill. The political entrepreneurs, by contrast, were a drain on the taxpayers and a thorn in the side of the market entrepreneurs. Interestingly, the political entrepreneurs often failed without help from government they could not produce competitive products. The author describes this clash of the market entrepreneurs and the political entrepreneurs.

In the Mellon chapter, the author describes how Andrew Mellon an entrepreneur in oil and aluminum became Secretary of Treasury under Coolidge. In office, Mellon was the first American to practice supply-side economics. He supported cuts on income tax rates for all groups. The rate cut on the wealthiest Americans, from 73 percent to 25 percent, freed up investment capital and led to American economic growth during the 1920s. Also, the amount of revenue into the federal treasury increased sharply after tax rates were cut. The Myth of the Robber Barons has separate chapters on Vanderbilt, Hill, Schwab, Mellon, and the Scrantons. The author also has a conclusion, in which he looks at the textbook bias on the subject of Robber Barons and the rise of the U. S. in the late 1800s. This chapter explores three leading college texts in U. S. history and shows how they misread American history and disparage market entrepreneurs instead of the political entrepreneurs. This book is in its fifth edition, and is widely adopted in college and high school classrooms across the U. S.​
What libturds fail to recognize, because they're stupid, is that no major Country on Earth has any appreciable living standard without Big Business.

Take a look at the poorest Countries on Earth. How many Big Businesses exist there? How many Big Businesses call them home?

Conversely, look at the wealthiest Countries on Earth and how many HUGE, gigantic, international Big Businesses call them home.

dimocraps, because they're stupid, think that their job skills are worth what they're paid. But, like I said, they're stupid.

Even the people with the highest skill levels are paid next to nothing in the World's Poorest Countries. If they can even find a job there.

And while I pay my House Cleaner $30 an hour (don't get excited, it's for 3 hours a week), how much do you think she's worth in her home Country of Nicaragua? I'd guess somewhere around $30 a WEEK. Just looked; Average income in Nicaragua is $22 a week. And cleaning houses is usually at the bottom of the pay scale in poor Countries. While here, finding anyone with the willingness to even work is worth a lot of money.

And socialism has done wonders for Nicaragua, too. Their unemployment rate is around 50%

What makes EVERYBODY'S standard of living better is simple -- Big Business drives up the pay scale and with it, our standard of living.

But dimocraps are too stupid to see that.

dimocraps really are some stupid fucks.
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." .......................

In the Mellon chapter, the author describes how Andrew Mellon an entrepreneur in oil and aluminum became Secretary of Treasury under Coolidge. In office, Mellon was the first American to practice supply-side economics. He supported cuts on income tax rates for all groups. The rate cut on the wealthiest Americans, from 73 percent to 25 percent, freed up investment capital and led to American economic growth during the 1920s.

Then WTF happened in 1929? Ooops! There goes THAT theory.

Do Folsom and McDonald explain how what the "barons" built went to hell just a few years later? Or did they make out like "bandits" and survive the worst economic disaster this country has ever seen?

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Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." Most of what they believe is pure horseshit. The fact is that many of the men maligned with this label made this country great. They grew the industries that produce the wealth we enjoy today. They became rich because they provided consumers with abundance, not because they "robbed" anyone. You can read the truth in the following book.

The Myth of the Robber Barons: A New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America: Burton W. Folsom, Forrest McDonald: 9780963020314: Books

The Myth of the Robber Barons describes the role of key entrepreneurs in the economic growth of the United States from 1850 to 1910. The entrepreneurs studied are Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, James J. Hill, Andrew Mellon, Charles Schwab, and the Scranton family. Most historians argue that these men, and others like them, were Robber Barons. The story, however, is more complicated.

The author, Burton Folsom, divides the entrepreneurs into two groups market entrepreneurs and political entrepreneurs. The market entrepreneurs, such as Hill, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller, succeeded by producing a quality product at a competitive price. The political entrepreneurs such as Edward Collins in steamships and in railroads the leaders of the Union Pacific Railroad were men who used the power of government to succeed. They tried to gain subsidies, or in some way use government to stop competitors. The market entrepreneurs helped lead to the rise of the U. S. as a major economic power. By 1910, the U. S. dominated the world in oil, steel, and railroads led by Rockefeller, Schwab (and Carnegie), and Hill. The political entrepreneurs, by contrast, were a drain on the taxpayers and a thorn in the side of the market entrepreneurs. Interestingly, the political entrepreneurs often failed without help from government they could not produce competitive products. The author describes this clash of the market entrepreneurs and the political entrepreneurs.

In the Mellon chapter, the author describes how Andrew Mellon an entrepreneur in oil and aluminum became Secretary of Treasury under Coolidge. In office, Mellon was the first American to practice supply-side economics. He supported cuts on income tax rates for all groups. The rate cut on the wealthiest Americans, from 73 percent to 25 percent, freed up investment capital and led to American economic growth during the 1920s.

Then WTF happened in 1929? Ooops! There goes THAT theory.

Do Folsom and McDonald explain how what the "barons" built went to hell just a few years later? Or did they make out like "bandits" and survive the worst economic disaster this country has ever seen?

War Debts. That's what killed the Global Economy.

A VERY activist Herbert Hoover didn't help matters with Smoot-Hawley. Even though it was a response to other Countries' protectionism, it pushed us over the cliff.

FDR kept us in the Depression for about 5 years longer than necessary. While most of the rest of the world recovered, or was recovering, by around 1936, we still had unemployment over 14% at one point in 1941.​
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Yes liberals hate business' that is why no liberal owns a business and the stock market had its worst year in forever.
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." .......................

In the Mellon chapter, the author describes how Andrew Mellon an entrepreneur in oil and aluminum became Secretary of Treasury under Coolidge. In office, Mellon was the first American to practice supply-side economics. He supported cuts on income tax rates for all groups. The rate cut on the wealthiest Americans, from 73 percent to 25 percent, freed up investment capital and led to American economic growth during the 1920s.

Then WTF happened in 1929? Ooops! There goes THAT theory.

Do Folsom and McDonald explain how what the "barons" built went to hell just a few years later? Or did they make out like "bandits" and survive the worst economic disaster this country has ever seen?

The Coolidge Administration ended several months before the crash. A liberal Republican then became president. And even then, the economy began to recover, but democrats quickly put an end to that.
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." .......................

In the Mellon chapter, the author describes how Andrew Mellon an entrepreneur in oil and aluminum became Secretary of Treasury under Coolidge. In office, Mellon was the first American to practice supply-side economics. He supported cuts on income tax rates for all groups. The rate cut on the wealthiest Americans, from 73 percent to 25 percent, freed up investment capital and led to American economic growth during the 1920s.

Then WTF happened in 1929? Ooops! There goes THAT theory.

Do Folsom and McDonald explain how what the "barons" built went to hell just a few years later? Or did they make out like "bandits" and survive the worst economic disaster this country has ever seen?

The financial panic in 1929 was the result of credit inflation by the FED. Credit inflation has been the cause of many recessions/depressions, and it's always caused by the government. The recession of 2008 was also the result of credit inflation. Easy money from the FED is a big part of what caused the housing bubble.
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Latest stats show that business' in 2013 are 100% owned by Conservative Republicans
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." .......................

In the Mellon chapter, the author describes how Andrew Mellon an entrepreneur in oil and aluminum became Secretary of Treasury under Coolidge. In office, Mellon was the first American to practice supply-side economics. He supported cuts on income tax rates for all groups. The rate cut on the wealthiest Americans, from 73 percent to 25 percent, freed up investment capital and led to American economic growth during the 1920s.

Then WTF happened in 1929? Ooops! There goes THAT theory.

Do Folsom and McDonald explain how what the "barons" built went to hell just a few years later? Or did they make out like "bandits" and survive the worst economic disaster this country has ever seen?

This thread was supposed to be about the myth of the Robber Barons. If you want to talk about what caused the depression, go start another thread.

It's impossible to have a discussion in this forum without some libturd moron derailing it.
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." Most of what they believe is pure horseshit. The fact is that many of the men maligned with this label made this country great. They grew the industries that produce the wealth we enjoy today. They became rich because they provided consumers with abundance, not because they "robbed" anyone.

They also took all the good land, and their heirs still control it. Or which one might call the "best spots" around. Do you know what a monopoly is? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." Most of what they believe is pure horseshit. The fact is that many of the men maligned with this label made this country great. They grew the industries that produce the wealth we enjoy today. They became rich because they provided consumers with abundance, not because they "robbed" anyone.

They also took all the good land, and their heirs still control it. Or which one might call the "best spots" around.

You mean they bought the best land. that's one of the advantages of wealth. However, Ted Turner owns half of all the best land in Montana. Is he a robber baron?

Do you know what a monopoly is? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Natural monopolies are a myth. None have every existed. The other kind of monopoly is government enforced. Those are the only kind that are real.
You mean they bought the best land. that's one of the advantages of wealth. However, Ted Turner owns half of all the best land in Montana. Is he a robber baron?


No, he is a media mogul and part of the power elite in a class of their own.

Natural monopolies are a myth. None have every existed. The other kind of monopoly is government enforced. Those are the only kind that are real.

Is PG&E a monopoly? Is the sky a monopoly? WTF
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You mean they bought the best land. that's one of the advantages of wealth. However, Ted Turner owns half of all the best land in Montana. Is he a robber baron?


No, he is a media mogul and part of the power elite in a class of their own.

Natural monopolies are a myth. None have every existed. The other kind of monopoly is government enforced. Those are the only kind that are real.

Is PG&E a monopoly? Is the sky a monopoly? WTF

If it's a monopoly, it's a government enforced monopoly of the later kind, just like most utility companies.
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." Most of what they believe is pure horseshit. The fact is that many of the men maligned with this label made this country great. They grew the industries that produce the wealth we enjoy today. They became rich because they provided consumers with abundance, not because they "robbed" anyone.

They also took all the good land, and their heirs still control it. Or which one might call the "best spots" around. Do you know what a monopoly is? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Stop whinging and

[ame=]The Four Seasons - Walk Like a Man (1963) - YouTube[/ame]
Whenever libturds talk about the "evils of capitalism," they never fail to bring up the so-called "robber barons." Most of what they believe is pure horseshit. The fact is that many of the men maligned with this label made this country great. They grew the industries that produce the wealth we enjoy today. They became rich because they provided consumers with abundance, not because they "robbed" anyone.

They also took all the good land, and their heirs still control it. Or which one might call the "best spots" around. Do you know what a monopoly is? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Stop whinging and

[ame=]The Four Seasons - Walk Like a Man (1963) - YouTube[/ame]

Colonel Sanders???
You mean they bought the best land. that's one of the advantages of wealth. However, Ted Turner owns half of all the best land in Montana. Is he a robber baron?


No, he is a media mogul and part of the power elite in a class of their own.

Natural monopolies are a myth. None have every existed. The other kind of monopoly is government enforced. Those are the only kind that are real.

Is PG&E a monopoly? Is the sky a monopoly? WTF

If it's a monopoly, it's a government enforced monopoly of the later kind, just like most utility companies.

What does that have to do with Robber Barons, the subject of your thread? :lol:

The railroads snapped up the land during the time the two rails met east and west. Try to keep up. :lol:

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