The Mysterious Disappearing Thanks Button


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Once before I couldn't see a thanks button on anybody's posts so I couldn't thank them. That time the problem was short lived and probably was corected when I rebooted.

Got a PM from another member last night who was having the same problem and wondered what to do about it. Advised her to just wait it out a bit or reboot and problem should be solved.

Got up this morning and no thanks button so I can't thank anybody's posts. Anybody else having this problem? Any advice on how to fix it? Or is a board glitch? (Rebooting didn't help.)
Board glitch, go out of USMB and back in and it should reapear.

Sometimes just going to a different thread makes it come back.
Mine comes and goes.

I thought it was just a way of controlling how many times you could "thank" another poster.
The telepathy mods know you would regret thanking the post later, so they just saved you some time and aggrevation...
Once before I couldn't see a thanks button on anybody's posts so I couldn't thank them. That time the problem was short lived and probably was corected when I rebooted.

Got a PM from another member last night who was having the same problem and wondered what to do about it. Advised her to just wait it out a bit or reboot and problem should be solved.

Got up this morning and no thanks button so I can't thank anybody's posts. Anybody else having this problem? Any advice on how to fix it? Or is a board glitch? (Rebooting didn't help.)
Foxfyre, if there are a lot of graphics or youtubes like in the Music boards sometimes I have to hit restart 3 or 4 times. It's a loading issue, and with a lot of information on one area of the thread, it takes a lot longer. I love music, especially the stuff I heard from the time I was about 4 years old on, I'm at the Music boards a lot.

I have a fairly recent computer that is under 2 years old, but with keeping Firefox as a helper, it's better than it used to be because it gets rid of useless stuff you never use in your history every time you go offline, coming back online brings a brighter picture.

My record is rebooting about 4 times without restarting the computer. Sometimes, you just have to let Firefox do its thing when you go offline or turn off and restart your computer. It's worse at the end of day than beginning, it seems.
Here you go... just put this in your sig line and you'll never be without. :D

The telepathy mods know you would regret thanking the post later, so they just saved you some time and aggrevation...

Shhhhh!!!...... Sometimes after I Rep Someone, I notice the Thanks Button will disappear on their posts, until they can be Repped again.

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