The most trusted news ...CNN: "network engaged in 'propaganda" to remove Trump!"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
And only those that hate Trump won't admit this!

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After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.

The more progressives like you try to trash him, the better he must be doing.

So you are saying that CNN wasn't biased against Trump, or biased in favor of Biden?
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
Feeling cleansed after getting all that shit out?
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
Feeling cleansed after getting all that shit out?

Nothing to get out. Trump lost. He ain't coming back. His memory fades more and more with each passing day.
Oh, he may try to run again in 2024. But the only thing he'll do is kneecap the Republican party.
Right now, Republicans only salvation is the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is old, feeble, and feckless.
They have no clue of how to run a counter campaign of information.
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
Feeling cleansed after getting all that shit out?

Nothing to get out. Trump lost. He ain't coming back. His memory fades more and more with each passing day.
Oh, he may try to run again in 2024. But the only thing he'll do is kneecap the Republican party.
Right now, Republicans only salvation is the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is old, feeble, and feckless.
They have no clue of how to run a counter campaign of information.
Wishful yet futile thinking. The Trumpster shall return.
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
Hmmm, let's see. The thread starts off about CNN, and the fourth post veers WAY off the path onto TRUMP!. And then people wonder why they're accused of letting TRUMP! live rent free in their heads and being obsessed with him. Still haven't taken down the poster?
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
Feeling cleansed after getting all that shit out?

Nothing to get out. Trump lost. He ain't coming back. His memory fades more and more with each passing day.
Oh, he may try to run again in 2024. But the only thing he'll do is kneecap the Republican party.
Right now, Republicans only salvation is the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is old, feeble, and feckless.
They have no clue of how to run a counter campaign of information.

The answer to everything.
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.

You poor terrified little man. Take your shot and get under your bed.
Nothing to get out. Trump lost. He ain't coming back. His memory fades more and more with each passing day.
No it doesn't! Clowns like you can't go five minutes without yelling about Trump!
It's like a leftist version of Tourette's Syndrome and he will live rent free in your skull as long as you and
your kind exist.

Oh, he may try to run again in 2024. But the only thing he'll do is kneecap the Republican party.
Right now, Republicans only salvation is the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is old, feeble, and feckless.
They have no clue of how to run a counter campaign of information.
You're right on about the democrats. People are sick of the senile old fool Joe Biden after only four months. But as CNN has already admitted, bragged actually, the Pravda style media will always be there
to hypnotize the know nothing people who seem totally oblivious to what goes on all around them.
Counting down the days until the mid term elections.
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.

Why not address what CNN’s goal was? Thats what the thread is about.

Did you forget to take your pills today?
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
enjoy your-TRUMP-orgasm
After as many times as this little piece of human excrement has gotten squashed, there are still those of you out there who open their mouths wide and beg for his compost like Trump after a Quarter Pounder with Cheese. :)
If only Trump had given just a tiny bit of a shit about the virus and the havoc it wreaked on lives or the economy without worrying about his next tweet, his next golf outing, or his next pep rally, who knows? He might have
pulled it out.
now we got old stumbling Obiden crawling up steps...the world is fearful of this strong man
Nothing to get out. Trump lost. He ain't coming back. His memory fades more and more with each passing day.
No it doesn't! Clowns like you can't go five minutes without yelling about Trump!
It's like a leftist version of Tourette's Syndrome and he will live rent free in your skull as long as you and
your kind exist.

Oh, he may try to run again in 2024. But the only thing he'll do is kneecap the Republican party.
Right now, Republicans only salvation is the fact that the leadership of the Democratic party is old, feeble, and feckless.
They have no clue of how to run a counter campaign of information.
You're right on about the democrats. People are sick of the senile old fool Joe Biden after only four months. But as CNN has already admitted, bragged actually, the Pravda style media will always be there
to hypnotize the know nothing people who seem totally oblivious to what goes on all around them.
Counting down the days until the mid term elections.
It will be TRUMP! all day every day until the next Republican is sworn in, then it will be his/her fault.

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