The most interesting pc game ive played in years

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

It's like DayZ & Minecraft had a baby but all the crap was left out of the DNA mix.

It's a first person mmo with up to 250 players per server (some are smaller). You can choose pvp or non pvp. The map seems huge.

Death is somewhat perma. You can create a place to store your loot and sleep so if you are killed you respawn minus whatever you were carrying at the time. Finding your home is very hard as there is no map or compass.

You spawn completely naked with only a rock and torch to aid you as well as 2 med packs. DONT use the torch as it just makes you an easy mark for the griefers. From there it is all up to you. I've seen some pretty massive fortresses that players have built.
The game is a kickstarter and is not complete. Currently there are wild animals, zombies & planes that drop supplies but I hear the zombies are only temporary and will be removed.

The wild life will kill you very quickly. Building a shelter, food & clothing sould be your top priorities. Shelter for at night & storage. Food for the obvious. And clothing for both armor value as well as protection from the cold.

20 bucks on Steam

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