The most inept leader in world history

Wow no wonder the liberals are in so much trouble. You are incapable of focusing on an issue long enough to form a point. So you insult Reagan of all things.

Just because he said he didn't know the 'precise' number doesn't mean he didn't know the general one. Like it would have made any difference. If he'd said 16 trillion the wingnuts would have screamed see he doesn't know what he's talking about. It's 16.235!

Sorry, we would have accepted 16 trillion, I just think he didnt want to say it and who knows, with the ignorance of his voting bloc they may not even know that number, so better to keep it quiet.
Wow no wonder the liberals are in so much trouble. You are incapable of focusing on an issue long enough to form a point. So you insult Reagan of all things.

Just because he said he didn't know the 'precise' number doesn't mean he didn't know the general one. Like it would have made any difference. If he'd said 16 trillion the wingnuts would have screamed see he doesn't know what he's talking about. It's 16.235!

Sorry, we would have accepted 16 trillion, I just think he didnt want to say it and who knows, with the ignorance of his voting bloc they may not even know that number, so better to keep it quiet.


The last thing OBama could handle was informed voters!! It would be all over for him!
Yet republicans still believe in trickle down.

Well salt trickle up is even worse.....I havent received a job from a poor person, but when they're hiring you let me know.

Ah, so all business owners are rich? Good thing businesses never go bankrupt.

Did I say rich? I said not poor, my brother owns a liquor store and he's not rich and he's a republican, geee I wonder why?
But you keep believing that jobs are created from a magic tree and that rich people dont want to give them away.....
Pub dupes are hilarious. BTW, amnesty is the only thing that works. It's Pubs blocking a real work SS ID card that doesn't work- as they well know, they love cheap labor, dupes.

Wow Franco comes in and make a completely stupid claim, amnesty works....LOLOLOLOL
So Franco, should we just give everyone citizenship? I cant wait to hear this one
This is just the very definition of inept. How the President of the United States cannot tell you what the current national debt is, is just humiliating. And David Letterman is damn near as bad. $10 trillion David?!?! Yeah, 4 years ago. Both of these men are an embarassment to America. No wonder the debt is skyrocketing, Obama isn't paying any attention to it...’t-know-debt-clock-numbers/


"Barack Obama the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
#25-The non criminals, yes. And have a good work SS id card. Or you can wait forever for Pubs. It's called the Schumer/Graham Bill. But they forced Lindsay to back out- made too much sense.
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Obama is the most inept leader in world history?

Ok, the guy is on the clueless side of utopian addiction syndrome ...

...but 'world history' includes alot of people. At least 6 million years worth.

Statisticly speaking, some leader some when some where must have been more inept.

We might need carbon dating to determine who...
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 30 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
This is just the very definition of inept. How the President of the United States cannot tell you what the current national debt is, is just humiliating. And David Letterman is damn near as bad. $10 trillion David?!?! Yeah, 4 years ago. Both of these men are an embarassment to America. No wonder the debt is skyrocketing, Obama isn't paying any attention to it...’t-know-debt-clock-numbers/


"Barack Obama the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood

No, that would be Every Which Way but Loose.
This is just the very definition of inept. How the President of the United States cannot tell you what the current national debt is, is just humiliating. And David Letterman is damn near as bad. $10 trillion David?!?! Yeah, 4 years ago. Both of these men are an embarassment to America. No wonder the debt is skyrocketing, Obama isn't paying any attention to it...’t-know-debt-clock-numbers/


"Barack Obama the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood

No, that would be Every Which Way but Loose.

Clint Eastwood couldn't have said it better.

"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.

And after being lied to by this administration over the last two weeks regarding the terrorist--(cough-cough) I mean man made disaster that killed two seals and our ambassador and one other American--Clint Eastwood's comment hits it right on the nail.

[ame=]Middle East : Planned Riots Burnings and Murder to bring forth the New World Order (Sept 14, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]
Obama has defeated America's greatest enemies....

Bin Laden and the Republican Party.
Yeah, the illegal aliens think so.

yep he made mistakes, and I can admit that, Im not a robot like you, but atleast we know amnesty doesnt work, Conservatives learned this lesson. So why do liberals want to do it again? . you cant fix stupid

Yet republicans still believe in trickle down.

Three and a half years, and what do we have to show for that trickle up? An economy that is bouncing along the bottom, and 23 million people out of work.
yep he made mistakes, and I can admit that, Im not a robot like you, but atleast we know amnesty doesnt work, Conservatives learned this lesson. So why do liberals want to do it again? . you cant fix stupid

Yet republicans still believe in trickle down.

Three and a half years, and what do we have to show for that trickle up? An economy that is bouncing along the bottom, and 23 million people out of work.

Well, that's not fair --- we just need to do a better job with the "Robinhood Act" formerly the "Marxist Plan" - Obama was afraid that the old title might be a turn-off for to many people!
Yet republicans still believe in trickle down.

Three and a half years, and what do we have to show for that trickle up? An economy that is bouncing along the bottom, and 23 million people out of work.

Well, that's not fair --- we just need to do a better job with the "Robinhood Act" formerly the "Marxist Plan" - Obama was afraid that the old title might be a turn-off for to many people!

You are confused.

It's Robin Hood in reverse.....


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