The most damaging Tweet ever by our Trump

Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Yet he said he fired Flynn because he lied to the FBI. Read the tweet.
He's mistaken.

Ya think? I someone is wrong occasionally they might be mistaken. If he is wrong in so many things, he's either lying or stupid. Which do you think it is?
at the time, trump was suddenly all atwittah, more concerned with crying about those pesky 'leaks' from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which he publicly attacked and undermined! your president was less concerned with truth and justice and more concerned with covering up and getting his guys off the hook for colluding with russia.

The 10 Events You Need To Know To Understand The Michael Flynn Story

So on Jan. 15, then-Vice President-elect Mike Pence makes a case to CBS's Face the Nation.

"What I can confirm, having spoken to him about it, is that those conversations that happened to occur around the time that the United States took action to expel diplomats had nothing whatsoever to do with those sanctions," Pence said.


But the FBI, which was monitoring Kislyak's communications, knew that wasn't so.

4. FBI investigators interview Flynn

On Jan. 24, Flynn gives a voluntary interview to FBI investigators looking at Russian interference.

In this interview, according to the charging documents, Flynn makes false statements about whether he asked Kislyak to refrain from "escalating the situation." He also says that he doesn't remember the follow-up conversation in which Kislyak confirms Russia's decision regarding a sanctions escalation.

Mueller's team also now says Flynn gave false statements in the interview about calls he made regarding a United Nations Security Council resolution.

5. Sally Yates warns the White House about Flynn

On Jan. 26, acting Attorney General Sally Yates meets with White House counsel Don McGahn to warn him the Justice Department has evidence, via the FBI surveillance, that what Pence was saying publicly was inaccurate.

"We told him we felt like the vice president and others were entitled to know that the information that they were conveying to the American people wasn't true," Yates said in testimony to a Senate Judiciary panel in May.

She adds that because Russian diplomatic and intelligence officials also knew about the content of the conversations — and probably had their own proof of them — Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail.

"We believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised with respect to the Russians," she said. "To state the obvious, you don't want your national security adviser compromised by the Russians."

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You're delusional, turd. Trump didn't know Flynn lied to the FBI until he was charged with lying to the FBI. That lie didn't occur until after Flynn was fired.

Speaking of turds.......

.........The White House's chief lawyer told President Donald Trump in January he believed then-national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled the FBI and lied to Vice President Mike Pence and should be fired.

White House counsel Donald McGahn told Trump that based on his conversation with then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates, he believed Flynn had not told the truth in his interview with the FBI or to Pence.......

WH lawyer told Trump that Flynn misled FBI and Pence - CNNPolitics
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Yet he said he fired Flynn because he lied to the FBI. Read the tweet.
He's mistaken.

Ya think? I someone is wrong occasionally they might be mistaken. If he is wrong in so many things, he's either lying or stupid. Which do you think it is?
He isn't wrong on "so many things." The fake media is wrong far more often that Trump.
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Yet he said he fired Flynn because he lied to the FBI. Read the tweet.
He's mistaken.

Ya think? I someone is wrong occasionally they might be mistaken. If he is wrong in so many things, he's either lying or stupid. Which do you think it is?
He isn't wrong on "so many things." The fake media is wrong far more often that Trump.

Yes. It's obvious that Trump had more people at his inauguration. HaHaHa
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.
Of course you can. Flynn had already been fired. Many people might say, "let it go at that".

Yeah, its not like he bleached 30,000 emails or lied about breaking the law handling classified intel or destroyed electronic devices or had her husband collude with the attorney general in what was supposed to be a secret meeting on a tarmac or had the FBI freak out when that secret meeting became public.

There he is again --- same poster derailing another thread via Pogo's Law.

This guy makes me a lot of nickels. It's like clockwork.

Defending Trump by blaming Hillary SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE SECOND POST on this thread.......You Trump cultists are slacking off.....

Yeah I notice he's slow on the trigger today. Took him over an hour on the last thread I saw.
Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.

When a thread simply cites what the idiot-in-chief writes (or says) and there is NO way to spin it, a Trump cultist should just avoid that thread rather than blaming Hillary or making asses of themselves from their lame defenses.
Of course you can. Flynn had already been fired. Many people might say, "let it go at that".

Yeah, its not like he bleached 30,000 emails or lied about breaking the law handling classified intel or destroyed electronic devices or had her husband collude with the attorney general in what was supposed to be a secret meeting on a tarmac or had the FBI freak out when that secret meeting became public.

You can keep using the "But Hillary...." excuse as a standard rebuttal to everything if you want to, but you gotta start realizing it just gets you laughed at.
Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.

When a thread simply cites what the idiot-in-chief writes (or says) and there is NO way to spin it, a Trump cultist should just avoid that thread rather than blaming Hillary or making asses of themselves from their lame defenses.

No No No!! Why do you want to do away with so much entertainment? I enjoy watching RWNJs make fools of themselves.
I'd really like for middlefingerbaby to address post #23......but
No No No!! Why do you want to do away with so much entertainment? I enjoy watching RWNJs make fools of themselves.

You're correct......But since when I respond to such right wing posters some of the mods. ban me for a while for "trolling,".....I though.....,(well, never mind.)
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”

You never get smarter do you?
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.
Save the lecture....because you can't seem to understand the cause of his tweet and how it effected it.
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.
Save the lecture....because you can't seem to understand the cause of his tweet and how it effected it.

Most really can't understand his tweets......covfefe?
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.
Save the lecture....because you can't seem to understand the cause of his tweet and how it effected it.

Most really can't understand his tweets......covfefe?
Most liberals. I understand exactly what he's saying.
Sometimes I wish he wouldn't say it because of the irrational reaction it usually gets from you folks.
Most liberals. I understand exactly what he's saying.
Sometimes I wish he wouldn't say it because of the irrational reaction it usually gets from you folks.

I WANT for Trump to keep on tweeting......WHY???

Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Yet he said he fired Flynn because he lied to the FBI. Read the tweet.
He's mistaken.

Ya think? I someone is wrong occasionally they might be mistaken. If he is wrong in so many things, he's either lying or stupid. Which do you think it is?
He isn't wrong on "so many things." The fake media is wrong far more often that Trump.

Yes. It's obvious that Trump had more people at his inauguration. HaHaHa
That's debatable.....but the fucking baby that left this January set everything up so you Snowflakes could crow about something.
God knows you want to ignore the way the economy took off the minute that prick climbed into the Chopper for the last time.
Of course this is a week “old news” and something that Trump backers do NOT want to hear of again.…..but rest assured that much more will be heard about this infamous tweet, and no wonder one of Trump’s attorney chose to fall on his own sword (for a price, I’m sure) in claiming that the tweet below was not “really” Trump’s…..

Donald J. Trump

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
10:14 AM - Dec 2, 2017

Basically, Trump admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is Mueller’s case. You CANNOT admit to knowing that Flynn lied to the FBI, while pressuring Comey to drop the case by giving Flynn a “break.”
Actually this is a recent tweet taking into account Flynn's guilty plea. Trump didn't know that Flynn lied to the FBI when he fired him. He just knew he lied to the VP and was too much of a liability. When Trump posted this tweet it was basically an agreement that Flynn was a liar.

The change that Trump brought to the White House is that Trump fires his bad-apples. Obama simply stonewalled and kept his around to the end....even made up excuses for them. One of them was the lie about a video being the cause of Benghazi. That was a real whopper.

But of course you know this.

Look up what the word because means. Hint -- it's got something to do with cause and effect.
Save the lecture....because you can't seem to understand the cause of his tweet and how it effected it.

Most really can't understand his tweets......covfefe?
Most liberals. I understand exactly what he's saying.
Sometimes I wish he wouldn't say it because of the irrational reaction it usually gets from you folks.

Great. Will you translate covfefe for us? We usually understand his words,but have trouble with his pig headed logic, but that particular one has lots of us stumped.

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