We are stuck with two choices this November..
1. A qualified but less-than-trustworthy choice with lukewarm popularity and
2. The unthinkable abomination, bigot hairpiece... TRUMP.
When Trump loses (because American despite all her flaws is not going to commit suicide in 2016) will those of us who held our nose and punted be able to forgive the frightened bigots and xenophobes who went for Trump. It's hard to say which few states will suck the dick of failure and vote Trump, but in the interest of reunification, I say we forgive them and move on...
1. A qualified but less-than-trustworthy choice with lukewarm popularity and
2. The unthinkable abomination, bigot hairpiece... TRUMP.
When Trump loses (because American despite all her flaws is not going to commit suicide in 2016) will those of us who held our nose and punted be able to forgive the frightened bigots and xenophobes who went for Trump. It's hard to say which few states will suck the dick of failure and vote Trump, but in the interest of reunification, I say we forgive them and move on...