The More They Change, The More They Stay Insane


Mar 12, 2004
Chapel Hill, NC
McCarthy was a rabid & reckless bully, who ruined innocent people's lives.

The executed Rosenbergs were innocent.

Alger Hiss was only an "alleged" Soviet spy.

McCarthyism is a form of tyranny, employed in the past & present by the Right.

McCarthy never found a single Soviet spy.

Jane Fonda never committed treason.

Michael Moore makes provocative documentaries.

John Kerry would make a great president.

"Thoughtful" entertainers are censored for their anti-Bush/American comments.

Liberals love America.


All of these assertions are complete and total lies, promulgated by communists & liberals to obfuscate their own involvement in treason & attempts to undermine, even overthrow, America.

Even though I have been a Republican for 12 years, I STILL believed some of these lies about Senator Joe McCarthy, even believing that McCarthyism actually existed; this is how far the LMM's brainwashing goes, how effective it has been, how sinister & subconscious its effect is. Today, we hear about "the Republican attack machine." Well, it is obvious that the Democratic Party & the LMM are adding on to their deceitful strategy of "McCarthyism."

"McCarthyism" just rolls off the lips of liberals, members of the LMM, intellectually-challenged actors & musicians, and America-hating professors so often that we as Americans just accept it as truth, as gospel. Just ask yourselves this one question: What specifically did Senator Joseph McCarthy do to have such a tyrannical doctrine of destruction named after him. (Gives readers a few minutes to squirm) Yep! My point EXACTLY!

You have heard that many innocent people's lives were ruined. You have heard that it was a "communist witch-hunt." You have been taught that McCarthy never found any spies, just ghosts of his fevered imagination. That actors, producers, politicians, civil servants, & your everyday Democrat were unfairly maligned & smeared as Soviet agents. Basically, McCarthy was going door to door at night, waking up people and having his band of lunatics tearing up their houses and dragging them away by cover of darkness. Whether these images are taken literally or figuratively, the sticking image that the LMM & others have placed into the American psyche is that McCarthy was an evil, EVIL monster.

Well, you are now going to get the real story, the one the LMM & other shady players have fought tooth & nail to keep you from knowing.

I know now-a-days the terms "communism" & "communist" elicit little more than rolling eyes and hysterical laughing, but this is now, not then. Back in the 40's & 50's, we had moved into an era where the sinister tyranny of communism was sweeping the world, mostly because of The Evil Empire, The Soviet Union. As Winston Churchill warned, to the great disgust of Truman, an iron curtain was descending across Eastern Europe. Stalin had already imprisoned and/or killed millions of his own people, and the Soviets, with great thanks to FDR & his Soviet spy advisor Alger Hiss, had gained a great deal of Eastern Europe at the Yalta Conference.

Though some liberals would feel suspicious believing the PROOF handed to the masses by such truthtellers as Ann Coulter, M. Stanton, Whittaker Chambers, Allan H. Ryskind, Jim Jerome, *Nikita Khrushchev, or Tom Winter, how about the recently declassified Venona Project cables, a project where top secret Soviet messages were decoded & proved beyond a doubt that McCarthy's "victims" were indeed Soviet spies- keep in mind that not even a fraction have been, to this point, decoded.

* Though not a truthteller, Khrushchev lauded the Rosenbergs in his autobiography as two of the most crucial Soviet spies.

So, how about some names of PROVEN Soviet spies high up in the Roosevelt & Truman administrations, closely associated with said administrations, or close fellow travelers?

Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

Alger Hiss

Henry Wallace

Judith Coplon

Harry Dexter White

Laurence Duggan

Owen Lattimore

Lauchlin Currie

.....just to name a few

It's funny, though many have claimed to have had their lives ruined by McCarthyism, none can give details, only wealth, career promotions, and public lauding by the liberal & Hollywood establishment for "having lived through the horror." Strange, I would think that having Soviet spies infesting the upper reaches of our government to be a horror. Then again, I'M NOT A COMMUNIST!

Countless frauds of pro-communist/anti-McCarthy books have been written. Countless people, no doubt guilty of treason, have been exonerated in books by fellow travelers. Countless movies have either dealt with or been the subject of the "red scare." Still, none of them offers one shred of proof to discredit McCarthy, yet still the lie of McCarthyism persists. It's amazing how effective a film of powerful putrid propaganda can be on a nation of ignorant sheep. Gee, that reminds me of a very fat piece of garbage from Flint, ya know?

Carrying on this subliminal heritage of lies & deceit, we now find ourselves in the year 2004, hip-deep in a new "McCarthyism." So, whenever a rapper gets criticized for his language (especially two-brain-celled morons who say Bush knocked down the Towers) or Howard Stern gets fined or people decide to not go see a movie starring pro-terrorist traitors or fans decide to voice THEIR FREE SPEECH by not buying a country/pop record made by stupid, America-hating "Chicks," they ALL scream McCarthyism. Unfortunately, liberals are both hysterical AND ignorant. They scream "censorship," yet make fools of themselves every time they make such an erroneous charge.

Censorship can ONLY be enforced by the federal government, this when a piece of literature, art, or music is banned. When it is banned, the piece in question is not to be produced, copied, or distributed.....PERIOD; a banned piece of art either goes to the blackmarket or it dies a quiet, unceremonious death. Conversely, when liberal morons in the entertainment field make anti-Bush/American statements and their fans decide to abstain from purchasing whatever product they're whoring, this is NOT censorship, this is a free market decision. If these entertainment zeros would spend a little more time reading, getting informed, and less time stabbing the back of the country which has afforded them such lives of luxury, perhaps they might see that their former fans are simply voicing THEIR point of view with the purse. At the very least, they need to know that one is allowed to issue ANY vile proclamation, but there will be consequences to their words. Apparently, entertainment liberals, like ALL liberals, believe only THEY have the right to voice an opinion, this even though theirs is usually the most uninformed of ALL opinions.

Next time a liberal starts spewing on about McCarthyism, ask them to detail what they mean, with SPECIFICS. I would say that once they stammer, stutter, and fail to make a coherent response that you should move in for the kill, but you won't get that far. The reason is because the second you counter liberals' vicious, ad hominem attacks by asking them for proof- or listing the Senate votes in Kerry's case- they will feign shock, become apoplectic, and start screaming at you, accusing you of questioning their patriotism. Well, if you can muster one-tenth the courage of Joe McCarthy, you will do just that and expose them & their vicious, baseless, empty lies, making them aware that THEY are, in fact, traitors to America.

"Jane Fonda was guilty of treason."

This statement canNOT be denied. Forget the stories about her blatantly anti-American protests. Forget her love of communists and her assistance to commie organizations. Even forget about her famous anti-aircraft photo shoot. Here's one that has been around, but you might or might not have heard.

During her visit to Hanio, she visited a POW camp, one which held many American soldiers. Before her arrival, they cleaned everyone up, fed them something better than rotting cabbage & bug soup, and gave them life & death orders to be on good behavior, all directed at winning her over to their side and to send her back here with their evil communist agenda. As she went down the line of U.S. soldiers, some stealthily handed her notes, many containing only their respective names & short messages to loved ones. Seeing as how she took the notes without batting an eye, they assumed that this American icon truly cared about them and would deliver their messages. Well, like all liberals, evil is evil for a reason.........

Once she shook the hand of the last soldier, she went directly over to the warden & director of the POW camp and HANDED HIM EVERY SINGLE NOTE! By all accounts from the surviving POW's, this act killed several of the offenders and brought a FUCK of a lot more than women's panties to their heads.

If that doesn't qualify as giving aid & comfort to the enemy, I guess we should redefine what color the sky is on a clear day. She should have been tried, found guilty, and executed. If you disagree with me, then I am sure, had you been in her place, you would have handed the notes over, as well, you pinko commie lib rat bastards.....and you should DIE! Why death? BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ENEMY!

OOPS! I'm sorry, was that not politically correct enough? My bad!

{Side Note: I'm sure you are the same disgusting people who compare President Bush, the leader who has freed over 50 million people from tyranny, to Adolf Hitler, the man who, among countless other millions of deaths, exterminated over 6 million Jews- I find it very telling that you pukes never compare President Bush to your commie boy Stalin, this even though Stalin made Hitler look like an genocidal amateur. Then again, what else would you expect from a party which compares our soldiers to Saddam's former thugs & killers, Republicans to the Brown Shirts, and calls Condi Rice a "house n_____?" One thing is for certain: Liberals are the true racists, fear mongers, and soldiers of hate.}

Just as there are millions of Iraqi patriots, people who show their patriotism by raising families, going to work, and praying for peace & security, there are evil Iraqis who bring death & destruction to their fellow Iraqis, all the while claiming that THEY are the true patriots & committing these evil acts out of their demented idea of love of country. In America, just as in Iraq, there are good people who go about their lives, regardless of certain political differences with each party, and they just want what's best for America. However, there are evil people who are hellbent on destroying this country through their propaganda & anti-American rhetoric. Luckily, they usually don't resort to violence......YET! That said, with reports coming out about anarchists [aka. pieces of useless garbage, worthy of death] attempting to bring chaos & violence to the Republican convention, it seems that, along with groups like ELF & ALF, the far, far Left is increasingly turning to terrorist tactics. Unfortunately, to these twisted sick fu*ks, the only way one can be patriotic is to work for the virtual destruction of America.

This all brings us to the Hamburgler....

Moore's new crockumentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11," is a smear of vile propaganda not seen since the dark days of the Nazi Michael Moore, Joseph Goebbles. Just like in Nazi Germany, the bigger the lie, the more likely that hapless & brainless people are willing to believe it. Though the comparison between liberalism to fascism & communism are not perfect, they all have one thing in common: A devout & rabid hatred of freedom, humanity, & America. They, liberals, shroud their sinister anti-Bush/American agenda as freedom of speech and love of country, going so far as to say that THEY, in fact, are the true patriots. Well, if attempting to destroy your country is patriotic, then perhaps we need to redefine most of the words in Webster's dictionary.

For those of you mindless sheep out there who actually believe in the film's veracity, I commend you. That said, your mission is not yet complete:

Now, you must go dig up the secret decoder ring buried at Fort Marcy Park; find O.J. and help him search all golf courses for the real killer; find Elvis & Jim Morrison, head out to Area 51's secret alien room, and find the papers which prove the Holocaust never happened. Well, just don't stare at me, freaks.....GET MOVIN'!!!! Or should I say MoveOn.?

From the Rosenbergs to Jane Fonda to The Hamburgler, the one constant in this cadre's rule book is hatred of America. When liberals like Moore & Kerry talk about how they love America, what they really mean is that they love the America they wish to bring to fruition: A third-rate power which begs the corrupt U.N. for love, respect, & approval. In other words......Amerifrance.

I separate well-meaning- if misguided- Democrats from Michael Moore liberals. That said................

A lot has been made by the Left about "collateral damage," but they tend to play down both the American AND Iraqi civilian deaths at the hands of terrorists like Zarqawi. So, just for a moment, just a second, try to picture dead young American soldiers and dead innocent Iraqis, including the children on the school bus bombed by Zarqawi. Now, picture the families of these fallen people looking at this fat piece of human debris, Moore, proclaiming that these terrorists are "the Minutemen, the true freedom fighters, their numbers are growing........... and they will win." All this said with a sadistic grin upon his disgusting face. If you stand up and applaud this piece of garbage, you are an enemy to the truth, freedom, humanity, and America.........and I hope you die!

It is one thing to disagree with President Bush over certain pieces of legislation or percentage of growth of certain social programs (though he has yet to veto anything), but when you take joy in America getting hit and you pull for the enemy, you have crossed the line and need to get the fuc& out of OUR country or die. I'm sorry, but is it too much for Americans to expect other Americans, regardless of political party, to love their country & show some small amount of loyalty to it? If so, we are lost, perhaps forever.

head out to Area 51's secret alien room

Hey, that thing is quite possibly actually there. Considering the BS and coverup surrounding the Roswell incident, it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out we had a functional alien spaceship in Nevada.

Anyway, great article. I remember when I first heard that thing about Hanoi Jane and the POW's. I wanted to shoot her myself, and I still wonder why they didn't give her a cyanide sauna. She was a discredit to the American people, and her incident got a lot more attention than the heroes of those P.O.W. camps. I can't remember the names right off, but here are the stories.

One U.S. Admiral was forced under threat of torture to make a video telling the American people that they were being treated well in the P.O.W. camps, but during the video, he blinked his eyes in morse code, and spelled one word, "torture." This gave America conclusive evidence that torture was being practiced there and the Admiral was tortured within an inch of his life as soon as the story hit the news.

Another Admiral was told under threat of torture to make a similar video, but he beat the crap out of himself in order to make sure he looked to bad to appear on the video.

One American seaman of below average intelligence was washed overboard while swabbing the deck of his ship and was made "roomies" with a Naval commander, who didn't think much of the guy when his first words were to tell the commander that he could recite the Gettysburg Address backwards. He was only tortured for half an hour before the NVA realized he didn't know anything of value, so they put him to work sweeping the prison. When nobody was looking, he'd pour dirt into their vehicle's gas tanks, giving shot down pilots plenty of time to escape before the soldiers got there. He expressed interest in reading the communist pamphlets, but claimed he needed glasses, so they got him glasses and he came up with a code to communicate with the glasses, and became the prison messenger. The NVA attempted to hand him over in a prisoner exchange program twice, but he refused. The third time, they handed him over anyway, and he appeared on the House floor and recited the names, ranks, and serial numbers of over 400 U.S. prisoners...after reciting the Gettysburg Address backwards.

This guy was practically retarded and had a very hard life, yet he became a hero, while Jane Fonda remains an unprosecuted traitor.
Spikes, damn it you need to try and get these published. I don't care if a paper is liberal or not just send this stuff into as many news places for an editorial spot as you can. You have too much talent to wasting your time posting on a message board when you could be reaching millions.
insein said:
Spikes, damn it you need to try and get these published. I don't care if a paper is liberal or not just send this stuff into as many news places for an editorial spot as you can. You have too much talent to wasting your time posting on a message board when you could be reaching millions.

I've told him the same! Do it Spike. Your writings remind me of Den Beste or Bill Whittle, both of whom have been published I believe.
Kathianne said:
I've told him the same! Do it Spike. Your writings remind me of Den Beste or Bill Whittle, both of whom have been published I believe.

he should make his own blog. if he doesn't have the time, perhaps we could join forces and each could contribute. kinda like USMB but without the liberals!
freeandfun1 said:
he should make his own blog. if he doesn't have the time, perhaps we could join forces and each could contribute. kinda like USMB but without the liberals!

Yeah, god knows whittle could use some help. He hasn't posted in I don't know how long...but each is worth the wait. :dance:
Kathianne said:
Yeah, god knows whittle could use some help. He hasn't posted in I don't know how long...but each is worth the wait. :dance:

Be still my heart.............. What a mind :cheers2:
Bonnie said:
Be still my heart.............. What a mind :cheers2:

Yeah and great body to match, if the pic is him! Not to mention, cute! :cheers2:

Oh, my Joss! Are you married? J/K

If you ever wish to discuss William the Bloody, the greatest example of the complex human condition, I will be more than happy to do so. I will ping [pm] you with my Spike thesis.

Kathianne, NightTrain, Insein, FreeandFun1, Dilloduck, and anyone else ........thanks.

Though I would love to have my columns published and affect the masses, I am really only looking for a record contract from Interscope. That said, if anyone wishes to mass e-mail any of my columns to others, feel free.

Remember, just as I inspire you guys, you guys inspire me to keep on fighting the good fight, as well. Thanks!

Keep up the great work and keep fighting the good fight.

Your words make a grown man want to cry! (or maybe that's the weed, not sure :dunno: )

good luck in your search for a record contract. If you sing/play as good as you write, you must be damn good. I will assume that you write songs too?!

Thanks for letting us pass on your good words. We are more than eager "to keep on fighting the good fight" with you, any way possible. It has to be done!

You are more than inspiring yourself. So again, thanks! :cheers2:
Spikes! I hear ya! But even musicians have to eat! (I'm assuming that is the contract you are speaking of? I'm deaf and not into such). Do you write music too?

Oh, my Joss! Are you married? J/K

If you ever wish to discuss William the Bloody, the greatest example of the complex human condition, I will be more than happy to do so. I will ping [pm] you with my Spike thesis.

Well anytime you want to talk about William the Bloody thats great with me. He was such a well developed character on that show. Definately loved to hear his witty dialog......... :cool: ..........

Kathianne, NightTrain, Insein, FreeandFun1, Dilloduck, and anyone else ........thanks.

Though I would love to have my columns published and affect the masses, I am really only looking for a record contract from Interscope. That said, if anyone wishes to mass e-mail any of my columns to others, feel free.

Remember, just as I inspire you guys, you guys inspire me to keep on fighting the good fight, as well. Thanks!

Keep up the great work and keep fighting the good fight.


Well anytime you want to discuss William the Bloody im all for that! He was such a well developed character.

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