The Montana body slam, what's more alarming???

A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


He wasn't told to leave and even if he was - that is absolutely no excuse. None.

Greg Gianforte: Fox News team witnesses GOP House candidate 'body slam' reporter

From you link: My B/U

During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — walked into the room with a voice recorder, put it up to Gianforte's face and began asking if he had a response to the newly released Congressional Budget Office report on the American Health Care Act. Gianforte told him he would get to him later. Jacobs persisted with his question. Gianforte told him to talk to his press guy, Shane Scanlon.

The reporter came into the room uninvited, shoved a recorder in the candidates face and started asking questions, interrupting the preparation for the Fox interview. He was then told they would talk about it later. This guy, according to another account I read said there wasn't time to talk about it later, I guess he had a deadline. A normal person would have gone and spoke to the candidates press guy like he was told to do. I guess the reporter thought he was in Queens, not Montana, they get a lot of snowflakes in Montana, not too many actually live there.

If you aggressively get in my fact, you'll likely wind up on your back too.

Gianforte was fortunate, indeed. Gianforte has been charged as the aggressor, therefore, the reporter had every right to use lethal force to defend himself and kill his attacker. This is in accordance with Montana law as of 2009.

In 2009 Montana rewrote its "Stand Your Ground Law". It "was changed to state that a person who is threatened with physical harm has no duty to retreat or summon law enforcement assistance prior to using force."

As stated, Gianforte was fortunate, the person asking him the question was not a typically uncivilized conservative making one of their usual unreasonable requests. No, Gianforte attacked a rational individual doing nothing more than asking a man prone to violent outbursts a question, as people from the press often ask politicians.

It is apparent, the uncivilized behavior by, and encouraged by the Big Orange Head during his campaign, has given conservatives the mistaken belief that violent, lawless acts are now permitted.

It surprises no one that conservatives now criticize anyone who maintains dignity and sound reason, as did the reporter who was assaulted by Gianforte.

I am not applauding an assault, I said clearly that the assault was inappropriate

But that I understand the sentiment

The leftwing violence that I have denounced has been different & more brutal - no bike locks used here; it was a man that got fed up because he was being unduly harassed & over-reacted

Again, I do not approve of the physical altercation, but I do not feel sorry for the reporter

he was asked twice to back off, plus, my understanding is that there was history here between these two

when he was told to take it to the press secretary, after the 2nd time, it is OK to report that the question was asked & that he refused to answer

sticking a microphone in his face was absolutely inappropriate & could be viewed as assault in and of itself - being a reporter does not give one the right to be rude or to violate personal space

I have not lied about anything

the words "crying" and "whining" are interchangeable here and that is my opinion

is that the hill you want to die on? semantics?

from what I have heard on the tape, the reporter was out of line, at some point, you have to back off

and again, I have said numerous times that Gianforte was n the wrong to assault the guy

free speech means you can say or write what you want without fear of reprisal from the government, not that you can hound someone to the end of the earth

lastly, when leftists thugs coordinate an attack on a peaceful rally with the intent of shutting it down, that is a whole different ballgame than seeing a guy snap because he's had enough

It's no different when leftists protest - in fact, you can say it's "understandable" - but when they cross the line into violent behavior - assaulting people it is NOT undertandable. It is NOT excusable with a "but"...if the journalist had assaulted him first, I'd totally be on his side but he did not and it's a stretch to make it the journalist's fault which is what you are doing.
Yes, I am saying that the reporter was misbehaving & has some culpability here

But not once did I say that I approved of the physical violence

You don't seem to think the reporter did anything wrong

I disagree

That's OK.

I can live with that, but your calling ng me a liar was way off base

You wholeheartedly approved of violence. Now you're trying to weasel out of it? That makes you the coward.
Stick a microphone in my face a 3rd time after I have asked you nicely on 2 occasions to back off and I may well do the same thing

Yet thousands of politicians don't.
Just another reason I will never run for office....
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.
Simple assault does not draw prison time idiot.
Yet another example of the Tramp's infamous comment that he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave and still not lose any followers.

He knew who he could con and he played you stiffs like a Stradivarius. .

Trump doesn't have a damn thing to do with this topic, stop trying to deflect.


No deflection at all. The Big Orange Head did encourage violent attacks during his campaign. Now the stupid conservatives believe it is their right. Gianforte is a perfect example.

You could understand this were you not a typically uncivilized conservative.

A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


He wasn't told to leave and even if he was - that is absolutely no excuse. None.

Greg Gianforte: Fox News team witnesses GOP House candidate 'body slam' reporter

From you link: My B/U

During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — walked into the room with a voice recorder, put it up to Gianforte's face and began asking if he had a response to the newly released Congressional Budget Office report on the American Health Care Act. Gianforte told him he would get to him later. Jacobs persisted with his question. Gianforte told him to talk to his press guy, Shane Scanlon.

The reporter came into the room uninvited, shoved a recorder in the candidates face and started asking questions, interrupting the preparation for the Fox interview. He was then told they would talk about it later. This guy, according to another account I read said there wasn't time to talk about it later, I guess he had a deadline. A normal person would have gone and spoke to the candidates press guy like he was told to do. I guess the reporter thought he was in Queens, not Montana, they get a lot of snowflakes in Montana, not too many actually live there.

If you aggressively get in my fact, you'll likely wind up on your back too.


Most reporters will press a question - look at press events.

That is not aggressive. That is not assaulting someone.

That is not an excuse.
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


A Birther brings us the facts! lol


Seems that in 2011 the Guardian was allowed to establish itself in the US.

The US needs to get rid of them. Harass the fuck out of them. Kill some of their reporters if that's what it takes to send a message to Putin.
Last edited:
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


He wasn't told to leave and even if he was - that is absolutely no excuse. None.

Greg Gianforte: Fox News team witnesses GOP House candidate 'body slam' reporter

From you link: My B/U

During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — walked into the room with a voice recorder, put it up to Gianforte's face and began asking if he had a response to the newly released Congressional Budget Office report on the American Health Care Act. Gianforte told him he would get to him later. Jacobs persisted with his question. Gianforte told him to talk to his press guy, Shane Scanlon.

The reporter came into the room uninvited, shoved a recorder in the candidates face and started asking questions, interrupting the preparation for the Fox interview. He was then told they would talk about it later. This guy, according to another account I read said there wasn't time to talk about it later, I guess he had a deadline. A normal person would have gone and spoke to the candidates press guy like he was told to do. I guess the reporter thought he was in Queens, not Montana, they get a lot of snowflakes in Montana, not too many actually live there.

If you aggressively get in my fact, you'll likely wind up on your back too.


Most reporters will press a question - look at press events.

That is not aggressive. That is not assaulting someone.

That is not an excuse.
Once they shove something in your face and refuse to remove it then it is.
Applying the OP's standard, if it's okay for a politician to beat up a reporter, then it should be okay for a reporter to beat up a politician...

...Trump? Politician?
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


A Birther brings us the facts! lol



Deny it.
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


He wasn't told to leave and even if he was - that is absolutely no excuse. None.

Greg Gianforte: Fox News team witnesses GOP House candidate 'body slam' reporter

From you link: My B/U

During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — walked into the room with a voice recorder, put it up to Gianforte's face and began asking if he had a response to the newly released Congressional Budget Office report on the American Health Care Act. Gianforte told him he would get to him later. Jacobs persisted with his question. Gianforte told him to talk to his press guy, Shane Scanlon.

The reporter came into the room uninvited, shoved a recorder in the candidates face and started asking questions, interrupting the preparation for the Fox interview. He was then told they would talk about it later. This guy, according to another account I read said there wasn't time to talk about it later, I guess he had a deadline. A normal person would have gone and spoke to the candidates press guy like he was told to do. I guess the reporter thought he was in Queens, not Montana, they get a lot of snowflakes in Montana, not too many actually live there.

If you aggressively get in my fact, you'll likely wind up on your back too.


Most reporters will press a question - look at press events.

That is not aggressive. That is not assaulting someone.

That is not an excuse.
He accosted the gentleman and was wielding a potential weapon near his head. He got owned. Fuck him.
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.
A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the
A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

The audio is clear, the reporter was asked twice to back off

His behavior was rude and inappropriate, I heard that for myself

Post the audio, if you do not you are a damn liar!
A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.

The reporter became a trespasser when the candidate told him they would talk about it later and didn't leave. From what I understand the candidate was preparing for an on camera interview when the reporter entered uninvited and started asking questions and didn't leave when asked.


A Birther brings us the facts! lol



Deny it.
That's not how this works

You made an accusation, ergo, it is incumbent upon you to offer proof of your assertion
What's alarming is the lying and excusing. What's wrong with you people? Fuck. You went on and on about leftwing violent demonstrations and here you are applauding an assault?

I am not applauding an assault, I said clearly that the assault was inappropriate

But that I understand the sentiment

The leftwing violence that I have denounced has been different & more brutal - no bike locks used here; it was a man that got fed up because he was being unduly harassed & over-reacted

Again, I do not approve of the physical altercation, but I do not feel sorry for the reporter

I listened to the tape. The reporter asked a perfectly reasonable question in a friendly tone of voice - he wasn't yelling, being overly aggressive or anything and then WAM - he gets assaulted He certainly didn't seem to be crying - seemed about taken aback.

he was asked twice to back off, plus, my understanding is that there was history here between these two

when he was told to take it to the press secretary, after the 2nd time, it is OK to report that the question was asked & that he refused to answer

sticking a microphone in his face was absolutely inappropriate & could be viewed as assault in and of itself - being a reporter does not give one the right to be rude or to violate personal space

But hey - keep on lying. And excusing an assault you should be condemning. As you say that certainly seems to be the way society is going when we condone, support and applaud that shit.

I have not lied about anything

the words "crying" and "whining" are interchangeable here and that is my opinion

is that the hill you want to die on? semantics?

from what I have heard on the tape, the reporter was out of line, at some point, you have to back off

and again, I have said numerous times that Gianforte was n the wrong to assault the guy

free speech means you can say or write what you want without fear of reprisal from the government, not that you can hound someone to the end of the earth

lastly, when leftists thugs coordinate an attack on a peaceful rally with the intent of shutting it down, that is a whole different ballgame than seeing a guy snap because he's had enough

It's no different when leftists protest - in fact, you can say it's "understandable" - but when they cross the line into violent behavior - assaulting people it is NOT undertandable. It is NOT excusable with a "but"...if the journalist had assaulted him first, I'd totally be on his side but he did not and it's a stretch to make it the journalist's fault which is what you are doing.
Yes, I am saying that the reporter was misbehaving & has some culpability here

But not once did I say that I approved of the physical violence

You don't seem to think the reporter did anything wrong

I disagree

That's OK.

I can live with that, but your calling me a liar was way off base

You know what - you're right. I apologize for that, it was uncalled for. Don't know why but I'm in short temper tonight.

My view is this - reporters are pushy. They have to be to do their job. If you're a political figure you have to be able deal with them - it's part of the job. The reporter was doing nothing wrong beyond being pushy - he was trying to get an answer to his question. That in no way opens him up for assault.

To me it's ironic that people will condemn leftwingers for demonstrations that break out into violence (over policies they object to) but offer an excuse for this guy. IMO - there is no excuse for violence, property destruction or assault unless you are threatened and defending yourself or someone.

What I find ironic is your false equivalences. A mobs destruction of private property isn't the same as an asshole getting his kicked.

A) an American politician getting physical with an overly aggressive reporter

B) seeing a grown man get battered and crying about it instead of defending himself?

For rational people, the answer is "B" and it's not even close

Unfortunately, the way society is going, this may well become the norm in my lifetime


A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

B. The Reporter was battered, and that is a crime. He was sucker punched by a coward, the sucker punch is the way of a cowardly thug.

This may become the new normal, as the DA / Prosecutor did not do his job and allege the conduct was an aggravated assault i.e. a felony. As it stands the complaint is a low grade misdemeanor. The thug could spend up to 6 months in the County Jail.

I bet he won't serve a day - imagine if the roles were reversed and the Reporter sucker punched the thug - the reporter would probably go to prison. The bright side of this event is the civil judgment may be a larger penalty than the slap on the wrist for the criminal act - of course the thug will probably have a civil judgment against him, but that will be paid for by another neo fascist.
A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the
A. What evidence is there that the reporter was "overly aggressive", the statement by the Fox Reporter says differently. You were not there, she was!

The audio is clear, the reporter was asked twice to back off

His behavior was rude and inappropriate, I heard that for myself

Post the audio, if you do not you are a damn liar!
Snowflake please!
It's over and there will be no prison time! The majority of the American public was glad to see it happen! A man who had been leading by 5 points in the polls won by 7 so the public awarded him two bonus points!

Thats life snowflake. Real life.

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