The Mistake Is Where You Get Your Information

That would take too much effort. Better to just dismiss educated people and obey the cult.


Let's check:

“Describing Trump supporters as a cult has become a trope among his Democratic critics. Which seems ironic, considering how the very same crowd in the past four years tended to invest emotionally in whoever they hoped would end Trump's presidency. Special Counsel Robert Muller probably received the lion's share of the prayers, though figures like ex-FBI director James Comey or even Trump's fixer-turned-critic Michael Cohen basked in some limelight.

The Biden hagiography reached an ear-piercing pitch during the inauguration week. A CNN host saw a vision of the president-elect's arms embracing America in the lighting of the Lincoln memorial, while a New York Times editor confessed to experiencing chills upon Biden landing at Joint Base Andrews. One could be excused for seeing such accounts as quasi-religious.” 'Government becomes God': Jacobin's satirical cover literally idolizing Biden strikes nerve


Those aren't questions.

They are propaganda vomit.

Not biting troll.

Anybody can be anything they say they are online.

But you are not educated.

Trump University does not count.

So there are no "long ago debunked Info Wars and Brietbart propaganda!"

I caught you lying?????

So Democrats do lie about everything. can sing along with my alma mater's fight song, best in the nation:

So there are no "long ago debunked Info Wars and Brietbart propaganda!"

I caught you lying?????

So Democrats do lie about everything. can sing along with my alma mater's fight song, best in the nation:

Did you atend Columbia before or after you sold the airline and had the new research facility named after you?

8. One of our pals on the board regularly defends another Liberal/Progressive/Democrat by whining how "America's most noted historians have rated FDR as one of the best three presidents, since they began rating presidents some seventy years ago. In the last survey rated they rated FDR as America's greatest president."
Why Conservative Is Simply Better.... | Page 74 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I bet Michael Besschloss rates FDR right up there!

In the face of numerous revelations about Roosevelt's mistakes, gaffes, bias toward minorities, fiscal misadventures such as Social Security, extending both the Depression and WWII, and love affair with the homicidal killer, Joseph Stalin....

...we still hear that 'historians' "rated FDR as America's greatest president."

How much faith should one put into the scribblings of an amanuensis, one who simply takes dictation from a superior, who is neither objective, nor factual, in that said 'historian' can choose what to put in and what to leave out?

If historians depend on the folks in charge for both income and status, how much faith should be put in the truth of their conclusions?

And, btw....who owns academia and almost every avenue of the dissemination of information? Yup....Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

No wonder so many undeserving individuals, read 'FDR' and Obama, or even Biden, get praises heaped upon them.

The answer as to how much to accept the view of said 'historians' is, or course, "trust, but verify."

And Democrats lie about everything.
Only one of my degrees.

When you finished Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, did they give you a diploma or just that big red nose?????

Keep posing troll.

Maybe there's a new Info-Wars unhinged conspiracy theory or accusation out there you can find and share.

I'll be breathlessly waiting.

Or do you only dig from the Brietbart dumpster?
You know that Breitbarts reputation is below the national enquirer.

Speaking of 'below'.....

After I was forced to expose you as the lying scum you are, when you were caught altering my posts to claim that they said other than what I wrote, I asked you not to address me again.

Please honor that request.....

“I cut it down” January 6th Is But A Detail… post 31
No wonder so many undeserving individuals, read 'FDR' and Obama, or even Biden, get praises heaped upon them.
It's a matter of lasting influence. At first Truman was ranked low. But as time went on, they realized what a good job he did.

You may hate FDR's mistakes, but his impact upon the country was huge, and of permanent importance.

And BTW, the ratings go Washington, Lincoln, FDR. And for the reason I just outlined.

Keep posing troll.

Maybe there's a new Info-Wars unhinged conspiracy theory or accusation out there you can find and share.

I'll be breathlessly waiting.

Or do you only dig from the Brietbart dumpster?

You're really afraid to confront your masters' lies, aren't you.

I can see why.

Speaking of 'below'.....

After I was forced to expose you as the lying scum you are, when you were caught altering my posts to claim that they said other than what I wrote, I asked you not to address me again.

Please honor that request.....

“I cut it down” January 6th Is But A Detail… post 31
You've been using that "excuse" to avoid getting your ass handed to you time after time.

Put on your big girl panties, and actually debate.
I won't vote Democrat and the gop hasn't provided a good alternative. Those are the facts.
Better yet....
get as much EDUCATION as you can so you're not likely to fall for a two-bit swindler like Donald Trump and become one of his mindless MAGAts who are trying to bring down our republic!

It must suck to be stuck in a 2016 time loop. :(

Next you'll be telling us he's a Russian spy.

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