The miseducation of Black conservatives

I defined "commie" for you.

Define "conservative"

And one guy killed King.

In 1998, Dexter Scott King told the NYT that's James earl Ray did not kill his dad and that LBJ and Hoover were behind it.

So,yes, indeed, Biden's racist hero LBJ did off MLK, and IM2 still votes for Biden....
The OP could be translated this way.

I am a taxpayer funded black bigot who got everything in life because of preferntial treatment via skin color. I never worked a real job. I am an Uncle Tom sellout who denies my people the right to FREEDOM OF THOUGHT. I attack any black who dares to oppose

The preferential treatment I got

The taxpayer funded handouts I still get
But, IM2 doesn't believe black people can think for themselves. He must tell them how to think or white people will.

And IM2 knows because he supports the best friend, Biden, of former Dem senate leader Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd, who was an

Enchanted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan

If you do not support Cyclops Byrd, you ain't black????

92 percent of all blacks are democrats. It's been that way for years. A black person is not enlightened when they cast their vote for a party that wants to return to the confederacy. Right wing whites have been mad for years about how they can't get enough blacks to win elections.
/----/ democRATs enslaved Blacks, and Republicans freed them. No Republican wants to return to the democRAT Confederacy. All of the First Blacks in Congress Were Republicans - Word Foundations
Who will never get that boulder off his shoulder -
No matter how easy it would be and how much help is offered.

People like that don't want to give it up. They need that victimhood to exist and justify their own failures. IM2 is that victim liberal who would have been with that group of thugs who tore down the frederick douglas statue.
Speaking of morons, the "congressional black caucus" is supporting a white democrat in Indiana running against a black female. The only miseducation examples are the democrat morons who try to destroy any conservative black candidate who strays off the democrat plantation.
Right wing blacks are really an oxymoron. To support policies and initiatives made to expressly negate your rights is stupid. Yet we see blacks gleefully doing these things in order to show white right wing extremists that they are for "unifying" the races. But unification based on the idea of what unity should be from one group which has had at least 246 years to unify everybody but didn't, is only the maintenance of the status quo.

The miseducation of Black conservatives​

An infamous one-liner from 1970s-era sitcoms goes like this: “Some of my best friends are Black.”

It’s also a classic comeback for White racists when the racist is caught being, well, racist.

When that happens, racists mysteriously pull out a Black buddy (such as the Clayton Bigsby character from the old “Dave Chappelle Show”) to secure a hood pass for the misdeed. White actors and politicians are especially adept at this magic trick.

Who are these Bigsby characters right-wingers are apparently inviting to their summer cookouts? Are they what some Blacks call sellouts?

For hundreds of years, Blacks have deemed some brothers and sisters sellouts because they are willing to betray their community for the favors of whites.

In his 2008 book titled “Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal,” Dr. Randall Kennedy, a Harvard Law School professor, describes “sellout” as a word Blacks use to stigmatize and marginalize other Blacks considered disloyal to the race.

The playbook for modern Black right-wing politics can be traced to the 1980 Black Alternatives Conference held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. The conference was organized by the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a California-based public policy institution, to counter the Black leftist movement. According to James B. Lowe’s book, “The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms,” the Reagan-inspired Institute of Contemporary Studies, attracted about 125 black lawyers, physicians, dentists, Ivy League professors and commentators.”

This formula to rally Black conservatives has been duplicated over the decades. Right-wing think tanks heavily support Black conservatives who agree to do their bidding.

You should really send this to Thomas Sowell.......he would likely have a few things to say to you.........

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