The media reaches peak Orwell


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Reminds me of Christians calling Jesus the prince of peace thousands of wars and over 50 million killed in his name later.
Or when they call him a good shepherd for scattering his sheep and causing them to be slayed.
And it reminds me of how they call him a
redeemer when they write this:

Matthew 10: 34-40.)“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword [an Aramaic idiom meaning division]. For I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me [worship death as he did] is not worthy of me. He who is concerned about his life shall lose it; and he who loses his life for my sake shall find it. Whoever receives you, receives me; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me."
Thomas Verse 16 "Perhaps people think that I have come to bring peace to theworld. They do not know that I have come to bring conflict to the earth: fire, sword, war. For five people will be in a house: It will be three against two, and two against three, father against son, and son against father, and they will stand
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.Does this sound like a savior to save the world or the Abbadon= (destroyer) to destroy the world?

In Boston, the progressive fascists protested freedom of speach that allows me to be bluntly honest.
The Romans and the church would never dare let anyone have such
"unpopular truths" spoken against the Baal harvest scam.
When the left refuses free speach at campuses and elsewhere, they are trying to enslave people to their system while claiming superiority, like Rome did to all cultures it swallowed and ruled over. And yet it's a system of socialism and control we already knows is a failed one, miserably failed one.
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Bothersiderism is like saying the Jews were just as bad as the Nazis. It's a form of Nazi support.
I can see where people equate the 2 if they are in denial to who these resist & antifas are , because their news sources hides it from them. BUT reality is it's a bad correlation of incidents.
The good people protesting the Nazis would make that point, but you don't have that, you are told that narrative but it's not factual or honest, you ACTUALLY have many bad antifas who start riots globally, sometimes staged fighting and claiming all ralliests as Nazis when there were normal people protesting the removal of the statue as one of many mixed in with the many groups.
In other words Non Supremacists and cops were attacked by Paid rioters who have intollerant violent behavior as bad and as fascist as Nazis. So the MSM distortion and lack of real news confuses everyone into poor analogies like you tried pulling in your post. That's where propaganda fails you, plays you, uses you as their tool, like a nazis would use a nazis youth.
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poor litte alt right ..paniced now that the left is fighting back?

Lemme tell you somethin' Bonesey, I've about had it with these leftist whiny fucks trying to destroy American History.

I hear them bitches coming down my street, I'm locking, loading, and getting in position.

Motherfuckers ain't never worked a day in their life.
The goal has always been the destruction of America. For decades now. In their desperation the mask slips in these late days. They've lost the government and people are finally standing up to them. Their media no longer controls the flow of information. And their desperation shows.
Patience is a virtue here. It will take a strong stomach in the end and there can be no room for doubt. So they have to be exposed clearly so that even the naive and kindhearted will have no reason to doubt what will have to be done.
BTW, speaking of media, that is where they feel the most vulnerable. Our ability to communicate to masses outside the elite media scares them most. The digital executions gained force these last two days ...Ars Technica is crowing that the left will have no opposition whatsoever online within two weeks as the more outspoken citizens are digitally executed. Paypal has cut transactions to right wing sites. Patreon has banned donations. None of this is new...gofundme banned non-marxists just before the last election and Visa/MasterCard cut off wikileaks...Twitter banned Milo...but note the sudden acceleration. A dozen geeks with signs in Cville scared the shit out of the Silicon Valley billionaires.
The banned sites are moving to the dark web in an orderly fashion. Onion Routing was created originally for the likes of Iraqis inside Saddam Husseins Iraq and dissidents inside communist china. Now Americans are in the same shape. Download a TOR browser. You will need it.
poor litte alt right ..paniced now that the left is fighting back?

poor litte alt right ..paniced now that the left is fighting back?
Turning yourself into a hood ornament is fighting back?! Ummm... Bring it on. I'll fire up the cement truck.

That fat woman who got run over was "fighting back". Looks like this will be a short war :)
That she was. Just like the tens of thousands of good Americans did in Boston today. And the cowardly cocksuckers like you failed to show up at all.
poor litte alt right ..paniced now that the left is fighting back?

Lemme tell you somethin' Bonesey, I've about had it with these leftist whiny fucks trying to destroy American History.

I hear them bitches coming down my street, I'm locking, loading, and getting in position.

Motherfuckers ain't never worked a day in their life.
What a filthy lying little bastard you are. I'll bet that most of the people in Boston today are more productive citizens than you are. You rightwingnuts are always accusing others of being lazy. Yet it is the red states that are the welfare states. So get your lazy ass off the couch, clean the beer cans out of the front yard, and start looking for a job.
poor litte alt right ..paniced now that the left is fighting back?

Lemme tell you somethin' Bonesey, I've about had it with these leftist whiny fucks trying to destroy American History.

I hear them bitches coming down my street, I'm locking, loading, and getting in position.

Motherfuckers ain't never worked a day in their life.

Fred Gavin, Internet tough guy. You derps love the 'locking and loading' circle jerk is seems. Oh how you're itching to shoot someone. Your fists are too weak these days eh? Or maybe you could use your car, that seems to be a favored weapon by the alt-right and Isis. We hear incessantly how Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House and all those state seats, but somehow you still have someone else to blame?

Da fuq?

Just how weak are you and the people you elect that Democrats can just 'sit at home and not work' and they still ruin your life and defeat you at every turn? Does that shit even make sense to you. Perhaps a look in a mirror is due for conservatives. Trump can't see his reflection in a mirror but maybe some of the rest of you can.
poor litte alt right ..paniced now that the left is fighting back?

Lemme tell you somethin' Bonesey, I've about had it with these leftist whiny fucks trying to destroy American History.

I hear them bitches coming down my street, I'm locking, loading, and getting in position.

Motherfuckers ain't never worked a day in their life.
What a filthy lying little bastard you are. I'll bet that most of the people in Boston today are more productive citizens than you are. You rightwingnuts are always accusing others of being lazy. Yet it is the red states that are the welfare states. So get your lazy ass off the couch, clean the beer cans out of the front yard, and start looking for a job.

You have never been been capable of doing what I do for money ary a day in your life, you fucking pussy.

Your blood would boil just standing in the heat I endure, let alone working.

You'd get heat rash without even moving where I'm from, Yankee.

You can't hang with me or do physically what i do.
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Peace through Violence.....


Saving through spending!!
Fitness through sloth!!
Wellness from disease!!

This shit is awesome!!


It is indeed. It almost looks like satire. ...but it isn't.
I was actually asked "How is this Orwellian"! The obvious answer would be "read Orwell and see". But every civilized person should have already read Orwell.
Do you see why the "dead white males" of literature and culture are such a threat?

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