The Media is desperate to push racial division

Donnie won't condemn white supremacy movements and told the PBs to stand back and stand by.

Starting at 2:30 of this video there is a super cut of Donald Trump denouncing the KKK, David Duke, white supremacists, white nationalists, etc, etc..

Some of this was even before he was President..Trump was condemning the actions of these people. So you can't say he was only doing it because he was coerced politically.

Trump has always denounced and condemned these groups.. the media knows this, the media has the records of it occurring. Yet.. they still constantly ask him the question, and to do so.. again, and again. Hmmm, wonder why that is?

It's quite simply a smear tactic.. You just keep saying the man is a racist. Until without even any evidence..people believe he is. You just keep calling him Hitler.. until people start making comparisons and believing it. No matter how stupid the reality of that comparison is.

The liberal media, and Dems just keep asking Trump to condemn white supremacy, and ignore all the times he previously has.. because they want to use whatever answer he gives against him. Also, constantly repeating the question keeps the false racism narrative fresh in the libtard voter hivemind.

The man has condemned white supremacy, and all that racist garbage a thousand times before and you crybabies on the left.. JUST WON"T ACCEPT IT.

At this point now, Trump should be upset with the liberal media, and Dems constantly asking him the same question, he has (for years) already provided them an answer to.
Thanks for the vid, Juice, showing "Donald Trump denouncing the KKK, David Duke, white supremacists, white nationalists, etc, etc.."
He did not denounce them when he spoke immediately after Charlotte. Nor did he clearly denounce them during the debate. Video aside, it is like a stinking dead chicken, hung around his neck, that he would rather not issue a flat denouncement. I do not know if it is because he looks at them as his base or if he is just angry it is brought up and determined he will not be maneuvered into saying he denounces, as if it will make him look week. He lost more by not saying "Of Course I am against all white supremacy groups or movements in this country, as it is against the founding father's premise that all men are created equal that we all strive to make a reality." You did not hear him say it to the American people during the debate and it was obvious he avoided it on purpose, so he is stuck with it. Five words could have avoided this thread, "I totally denounce white supremacist organizations", but no. So he gets to be the presidential candidate that does not believe all men are created equal and the divider n chief. Good luck trying to sell it different, until he makes the declarative statement.
Marx, father of communism as we know it today, was a champion of using class war to divide the peoples of a given nation or civilization. Today's communistic class war has been rebranded as race war. The more unrest and pandemonium the radical left sows in the hearts and streets of our America, the more effective their efforts to end America as we know it and transition our great nation to Green Communism and Satanic Hell on Earth.

Yep, it is absolutely by design. The sad part to me is that so many people are taking the bait.
Thanks for the vid, Juice, showing "Donald Trump denouncing the KKK, David Duke, white supremacists, white nationalists, etc, etc.."
He did not denounce them when he spoke immediately after Charlotte. Nor did he clearly denounce them during the debate. Video aside, it is like a stinking dead chicken, hung around his neck, that he would rather not issue a flat denouncement. I do not know if it is because he looks at them as his base or if he is just angry it is brought up and determined he will not be maneuvered into saying he denounces, as if it will make him look week. He lost more by not saying "Of Course I am against all white supremacy groups or movements in this country, as it is against the founding father's premise that all men are created equal that we all strive to make a reality." You did not hear him say it to the American people during the debate and it was obvious he avoided it on purpose, so he is stuck with it. Five words could have avoided this thread, "I totally denounce white supremacist organizations", but no. So he gets to be the presidential candidate that does not believe all men are created equal and the divider n chief. Good luck trying to sell it different, until he makes the declarative statement.

Trump has made a declarative statement a thousand fucking times. He did so after Charlottesville.. it's been posted a thousand fucking times.

Like I said, you fucking crybaby moonbats have gotten your fucking denouncement and condemnations a thousand times over..

It's totally 100% on you, if you keep refusing to take the man at his word, and not accept it.

That's how this works. You ask Trump to denouce..He does it..if you don't accept it, then that is fucking on you.

At this point it's obvious you are only being a disingenuous hypocrite fraud, and simply not wanting to accept the answer the man has given you multiple fucking times over the years..

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