The Media is desperate to push racial division


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

It's almost amazing that no matter how many times Kaley had to repeat the same thing, in simple English and a bed wetting apparatchik of the media totally refused to acknowledge what she said. I don't know how much more she could have said. How do you communicate with these sniveling pieces of shit when they refuse to hear what is being said? They're clinging to the narrative like a coddled three year old to a woobie. They remind me of the Linus character of The Peanuts.


The only difference is now they're "adults" and they don't publicly suck their thumbs or cuddle with ragged scraps of yarn. Now they cling to marxist dogma, bullshit narratives, cults of personality and globalism.

Lets face it, they've attempted to call everyone who opposes Queen Antifa's minion, and the mostly white hordes of BLM agitators and rioters as "racists", while ignoring the obvious racial rhetoric of the leftists. They actually pretend these aren't even groups, just everyday working class Baristas with 4 hair colors righteously indignant because of how tyrannical and oppressive their city governments are.


Never mind their "oppressive" governments are almost exclusively democrook. Never mind when their newest cult leader Biden pisses and moans about "Millionaires and Billionaires" that actually fund his campaign, or the fact Biden is a millionaire thanks to being a corrupt political whore and has enriched himself and his spoiled drug addict children at the expense of American interests. All of those points Trump wanted to make in the debates was not going to be tolerated. The fact Trump was impeached for not even actually doing what Biden DID will not be examined or discussed in the media.

Marx, father of communism as we know it today, was a champion of using class war to divide the peoples of a given nation or civilization. Today's communistic class war has been rebranded as race war. The more unrest and pandemonium the radical left sows in the hearts and streets of our America, the more effective their efforts to end America as we know it and transition our great nation to Green Communism and Satanic Hell on Earth.

It's almost amazing that no matter how many times Kaley had to repeat the same thing, in simple English and a bed wetting apparatchik of the media totally refused to acknowledge what she said. I don't know how much more she could have said. How do you communicate with these sniveling pieces of shit when they refuse to hear what is being said? They're clinging to the narrative like a coddled three year old to a woobie. They remind me of the Linus character of The Peanuts.

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The only difference is now they're "adults" and they don't publicly suck their thumbs or cuddle with ragged scraps of yarn. Now they cling to marxist dogma, bullshit narratives, cults of personality and globalism.

Lets face it, they've attempted to call everyone who opposes Queen Antifa's minion, and the mostly white hordes of BLM agitators and rioters as "racists", while ignoring the obvious racial rhetoric of the leftists. They actually pretend these aren't even groups, just everyday working class Baristas with 4 hair colors righteously indignant because of how tyrannical and oppressive their city governments are.

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Never mind their "oppressive" governments are almost exclusively democrook. Never mind when their newest cult leader Biden pisses and moans about "Millionaires and Billionaires" that actually fund his campaign, or the fact Biden is a millionaire thanks to being a corrupt political whore and has enriched himself and his spoiled drug addict children at the expense of American interests. All of those points Trump wanted to make in the debates was not going to be tolerated. The fact Trump was impeached for not even actually doing what Biden DID will not be examined or discussed in the media.


Maybe everybody had already heard what the president had said, so his fluff mouthpiece was not able to convince them what he really meant or reframe his position for him in a better light. He had the perfect opportunity to speak out against white supremacy, but blew it on stage while freaking out. Maybe he should keep is mouth shut and let her answer all his questions in the first place, if she knows him better than he knows himself. Nobody would miss him speaking in public. He is easily rattled appearing desperate and scared he is losing and not even understanding why, turning inward to the committed 35% against the United States.
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The person MOST responsible for racial division in the country today is President Donald J. Trump.

He's flaming the fires hourly, not even daily.

I look forward to that bastard going down in his flames come November.
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It is exactly the same thing the leftist hordes did in the early 1900's. They started civil wars in Russia, Spain, Italy, Germany ETC. Specifically in Russia, thanks to gross government incompetence riots became frequent. A power vacuum was created in Moscow and a violent armed mob took over various sectors of the city. Before long the Bolsheviks had established "order" and the capital fell.

The one good aspect of the American left is that they promoted hoplophobia and most of their sheep are sniveling bed wetting soy bois and freakishly stupid dykes. They're a disorganized gaggle of the biggest retards on earth who believed their little "CHAZ" community was going to be the capital of some new utopian soviet state. Whoever is funding these assholes gravely miscalculated the response from the rest of the country because this isn't Czarist Russia. Our people are mostly literate and eat well. They're not forced to work at all, let alone day and night in steel mills and mines for slave wages.


It's almost amazing that no matter how many times Kaley had to repeat the same thing, in simple English and a bed wetting apparatchik of the media totally refused to acknowledge what she said. I don't know how much more she could have said. How do you communicate with these sniveling pieces of shit when they refuse to hear what is being said? They're clinging to the narrative like a coddled three year old to a woobie. They remind me of the Linus character of The Peanuts.

View attachment 395515

The only difference is now they're "adults" and they don't publicly suck their thumbs or cuddle with ragged scraps of yarn. Now they cling to marxist dogma, bullshit narratives, cults of personality and globalism.

Lets face it, they've attempted to call everyone who opposes Queen Antifa's minion, and the mostly white hordes of BLM agitators and rioters as "racists", while ignoring the obvious racial rhetoric of the leftists. They actually pretend these aren't even groups, just everyday working class Baristas with 4 hair colors righteously indignant because of how tyrannical and oppressive their city governments are.

View attachment 395518

Never mind their "oppressive" governments are almost exclusively democrook. Never mind when their newest cult leader Biden pisses and moans about "Millionaires and Billionaires" that actually fund his campaign, or the fact Biden is a millionaire thanks to being a corrupt political whore and has enriched himself and his spoiled drug addict children at the expense of American interests. All of those points Trump wanted to make in the debates was not going to be tolerated. The fact Trump was impeached for not even actually doing what Biden DID will not be examined or discussed in the media.


The right wing media is desperate to push racial division...agree.
A caller into Rush nailed it!

Ya know what this garbage is all about?

1. Biden has lost the black vote.
2. Since the searches on "Hunter Biden" are up 10 fold (1,000 percent).

The democrats & media have nothing but to play the race card, so they have quadrupled their efforts to do so.

The media at the press conference today were insane with PANIC...and that's what it's all about...PANIC!

Even the head honcho at BET (black entertainment television) said he would vote for Trump.
A caller into Rush nailed it!

Ya know what this garbage is all about?

1. Biden has lost the black vote.
2. Since the searches on "Hunter Biden" are up 10 fold (1,000 percent).

The democrats & media have nothing but to play the race card, so they have quadrupled their efforts to do so.

The media at the press conference today were insane with PANIC...and that's what it's all about...PANIC!

Even the head honcho at BET (black entertainment television) said he would vote for Trump.
Not to mention the loss of Latinos as well.
The dems are losing the black and hispanic vote...frankly they are bored with the race cards the dems use over and over and over again...they want to know what Biden will do....but Biden doesn't know they use the old worn out and tattered race card.....
The dems are losing the black and hispanic vote...frankly they are bored with the race cards the dems use over and over and over again...they want to know what Biden will do....but Biden doesn't know they use the old worn out and tattered race card.....
Say bub, would you happen to know why the Republican party is in the high 90 percentile white?
The dems are losing the black and hispanic vote...frankly they are bored with the race cards the dems use over and over and over again...they want to know what Biden will do....but Biden doesn't know they use the old worn out and tattered race card.....
Say bub, would you happen to know why the Republican party is in the high 90 percentile white?
No bub I don't...but I disagree with your premise to begin with.....if you want to see real dyversity look at Trumps cabinet compared to every other...even Barry's....
No bub I don't...but I disagree with your premise to begin with.....if you want to see real dyversity look at Trumps cabinet compared to every other...even Barry's....
I love how you spelled diversity. Seems like you really need a good dose of "Hooked on Phonics"

That said, what percentile would you wager that whites are in the Republican today?
Having the President embrace a violent White supremacists hate group didn't help racial tensions.

For the umpteenth all of your instances of the Proud Boys being violent, and advocating for white supremacy..or STFU.
How about:
Proud Boys members get prison for brawl with Antifa protesters
Proud Boy Arrested On Six Felony Charges In Portland
Proud Boys are a dangerous 'white supremacist' group say US agencies
Proud Boys
“I am not afraid to speak out about the atrocities that whites and people of European descent face not only here in this country but in Western nations across the world. The war against whites, and Europeans and Western society is very real and it’s time we all started talking about it and stopped worrying about political correctness and optics.”
—Kyle Chapman, who formed the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, a wing of the Proud Boys, Unite America First Peace Rally, Sacramento, California, July 8, 2017
Actually, the most outrageous thing about the media is something that even the media admit:

The American liberal media rants & raves about how "racist" this country is, but guess what the least diverse profession is in this country. Right! The media itself.

Hopefully, under the brilliant leadership of the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., at least 50% of Euro American journalists will take early retirement and let people of color take their place.
No bub I don't...but I disagree with your premise to begin with.....if you want to see real dyversity look at Trumps cabinet compared to every other...even Barry's....
I love how you spelled diversity. Seems like you really need a good dose of "Hooked on Phonics"

That said, what percentile would you wager that whites are in the Republican today?
I don't color is not an issue with mentally and emotionally sound people....go and see a shrink.....
How about:
Proud Boys members get prison for brawl with Antifa protesters

Proud Boy Arrested On Six Felony Charges In Portland

Standing up to your radical, extremist domestic terrorist friends in Antifa/BLM is patriotic, and isn't even comparable to the rioting, burning, looting, murder in cities being committed daily by your terrorist allies.. Your allies that have the expressed goal of tearing down American government and law & order.

Proud Boys are a dangerous 'white supremacist' group say US agencies

The Guardian? :rolleyes: But I read it..and surprise! It's total bullshit.

So.. the "US agencies" (CIAC/NCRIC) that the Guardian link cites as claiming that "Proud Boys are white supremacist extremists" are 2 counter terrorism fusion centers(what?) in Colorado and California. These agencies supposedly collect, and analyze data on suspected terrorist threats.

However, no where in the link does it provide any actual evidence of the Proud Boys being the violent white supremacist group that the agencies are trying to claim they are.

In fact the only thing it appears to do is lump them in with other known white supremacist groups (guilt by association), simply because these "agencies" don't like what they think MIGHT BE Proud Boys' members talking with other radicals online.

Very little direct evidence presented in that Guardian link to substantiate the claim of Proud Boys being "a violent white supremacist terrorist group". In other's fake news.

Proud Boys
“I am not afraid to speak out about the atrocities that whites and people of European descent face not only here in this country but in Western nations across the world. The war against whites, and Europeans and Western society is very real and it’s time we all started talking about it and stopped worrying about political correctness and optics.”
—Kyle Chapman, who formed the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, a wing of the Proud Boys, Unite America First Peace Rally, Sacramento, California, July 8, 2017

Absolutely nothing wrong with that statement. 100% factual. That is exactly what is occurring, and is the expressed goal of your Anti American, anti white domestic terrorist friends in Antifa and BLM. Also, that statement isn't advocacy for white supremacy..

The Southern Poverty Law Center now? :auiqs.jpg:They are no longer a trusted, and respected organization guided by facts. They have been shown to be criminally corrupt, and bias.

We are talking about the same SPLC that was claiming..frogs and the okay hand sign are racist hate symbols? Nope. Try again.

So yeah,..all debunked. And even IF the Proud Boys were the white supremacist hate group you crybaby moonbat retards want them to be...the violence committed by them would still be infinitesimal in comparison to what we have been seeing for YEARS out of your Democrat supported anti American, communist/anarchist domestic terrorist allies in BLM/Antifa.
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How about:
Proud Boys members get prison for brawl with Antifa protesters

Proud Boy Arrested On Six Felony Charges In Portland

Standing up to your radical, extremist domestic terrorist friends in Antifa/BLM is patriotic, and isn't even comparable to the rioting, burning, looting, murder in cities being committed daily by your terrorist allies.. Your allies that have the expressed goal of tearing down American government and law & order.

Proud Boys are a dangerous 'white supremacist' group say US agencies

The Guardian? :rolleyes: But I read it..and surprise! It's total bullshit.

So.. the "US agencies" (CIAC/NCRIC) that the Guardian link cites as claiming that "Proud Boys are white supremacist extremists" are 2 counter terrorism fusion centers(what?) in Colorado and California. These agencies supposedly collect, and analyze data on suspected terrorist threats.

However, no where in the link does it provide any actual evidence of the Proud Boys being the violent white supremacist group that the agencies are trying to claim they are.

In fact the only thing it appears to do is lump them in with other known white supremacist groups (guilt by association), simply because these "agencies" don't like what they think MIGHT BE Proud Boys' members talking with other radicals online.

Very little direct evidence presented in that Guardian link to substantiate the claim of Proud Boys being "a violent white supremacist terrorist group". In other's fake news.

Proud Boys
“I am not afraid to speak out about the atrocities that whites and people of European descent face not only here in this country but in Western nations across the world. The war against whites, and Europeans and Western society is very real and it’s time we all started talking about it and stopped worrying about political correctness and optics.”
—Kyle Chapman, who formed the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, a wing of the Proud Boys, Unite America First Peace Rally, Sacramento, California, July 8, 2017

Absolutely nothing wrong with that statement. 100% factual. That is exactly what is occurring, and is the expressed goal of your Anti American, anti white domestic terrorist friends in Antifa and BLM. Also, that statement isn't advocacy for white supremacy..

The Southern Poverty Law Center now? :auiqs.jpg:They are no longer a trusted, and respected organization guided by facts. They have been shown to be criminally corrupt, and bias.

We are talking about the same SPLC that was claiming..frogs and the okay hand sign are racist hate symbols? Nope. Try again.

So yeah,..all debunked. And even IF the Proud Boys were the white supremacist hate group you crybaby moonbat retards want them to be...the violence committed by them would still be infinitesimal in comparison to what we have been seeing for YEARS out of your Democrat supported anti American, communist/anarchist domestic terrorist allies in BLM/Antifa.
I have no allies out there and there are no radical left wingers rioting in Jackson, TN. Donnie won't condemn white supremacy movements and told the PBs to stand back and stand by. Before the night was over I saw a PB logo with the phase. Today Amazon had to block all sales of the new motto/log merchandise on their site. I will say I saw a report, where the local PBs and local BLM in Salt Lake city made a joint statement, where the PBs categorically denounced racism (even though trump would not) and made it clear from his standpoint that Gavin McInnes and his racial views are no longer a part of PBs. I will cut slack based on the fact that Salt Lake City chapter may not be racist, but will withhold judgement overall until I see the PBs across country no longer being arrested and convicted in racist-like situations. Maybe supporting the march in Charlotte changed some of their minds when the murder occurred. I don't know. How's that. Fairly stated?

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